Chapter 8: To Tell or Not To Tell

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It's been a ween since the new semester started. I tried to change to a new professor, but they told me Aaron, was the only one available for that subject.

I entered the classroom and decided to rest a bit, there was still 10 minutes left before classes started.

"I heard you wanted to change to a new professor." A sexy raspy voice said.

I look up and our faces were just inches apart. "I tried, but no luck."

He leaned impossible closer, that his lips brush mine. My stomach started to flip.

"I want to repeat what we did, but on that desk, make you scream my name like you did three years ago." He whispered.

"In your dreams. That was a very drunken night." I replied, as my eyes never left his.

"I promise you, I'll have you again." He gave me a light peck on my neck. "And FYI, I remembered everything of that night."

That made me shiver in a good way, this man is going to kill me.

"Shouldn't you be like, forget what happened, I'm your teacher or whatever crap you men always say."

He chuckled. "I never forget a good fuck. And you Violet, were the best." He lifted my chin, to meet his gaze once more. "And I want to repeat it."

With that said, he went to his desk, I was left breathless and I'm pretty sure, my cheeks were red. Minutes later, everyone started to arrived. How am I supposed to focus now, with everything that just happened.


I went to the park to clear up my head. Should I tell him, or not? What if I tell him and he rejects her. Ughhh so many thoughts. After spending a lot of time at the Park, I went to Fernando's place. After a few knocks, a cute little girl opened it. She appears to be, Liv's age.

"Hi." She said shyly.

I smiled, "Hi."

"Georgia, what have I told you about-" He stopped when he saw me.

"Sorry daddy." She hugged his leg and then left.

Daddy? He has a daughter? So that means he has someone. Or married.

"What are you doing here?" Aaron asked me.

"I came to see Cindy. What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit Fernando. He helped me today with Georgia. The nanny was sick today." He replied as we walked to the living-room and took a seat on the couch.

"So, you're a dad. She's a cute toddler." I said.

"Thanks, Fernando is her Godfather." He smiled while looking at her playing with her dolls. "She's my world."

Telling him about Liv, would only bring him problems with his partner or wife. I guess I'm not telling him.

Georgia came running towards me and said hi again. I chuckled. "Anyone ever told you, you're sweet?"

"Sweet cookie!"

We chuckled.

"I can't give you a cookie, without your daddy's permission." I lightly pinched her cheeks.

She giggled.

"That's a first, Georgia, is usually shy around new people, even the women I dated, she disliked them."

So he isn't married or is cheating on his girlfriend, or single.

"Hey. Violet." Fernando, greeted me with a hug.

"Came to visit Cindy." I replied.

"She went to the bakery, she's in those days where chocolate and other sweet treat makes her happy." He said as I laughed.

"Yeah, chocolate makes us happy on those days, not a man." I grinned.

They both chuckled.

"She told me the same and then she told me to get bent, when I wanted to kiss her." He rolled his eyes.

We laughed. Cindy returned with huge bags of pastries and placed some for us to eat. We stayed for two hours just talking, and then Aaron and I left at the same time.

"It was a nice evening." He said as Georgia lightly snored.

"It really was." I smiled.

"Mr King and Miss Carter. What are you two doing together?" We turned to see, professor, Miller with another professor.

"You can get fired, you can't date a student-" The other professor told him.

"We're not together." I interrupted. "We have friends in common. Plus, he's my best friend, we met way before college, and he happens to be a good friend of my family."

"And before you jump, this little girl belongs to me and my wife. I have a wife waiting for us. You both are keeping us away." Aaron added. He was getting angry.

"Alright then, let's go." He told the other professor and they entered the building .

We walked to the Parking lot and it was a little cold. Next time, bring a sweater. He placed, Georgia in her seat car and then closed the door.

"Bye bestie." I waved at him.

He chuckled as he walked towards me, but kept a distance just in case those nosy assholes appeared.

"You're very interesting Violet. And screw the rules. I want to get to know you."

"I don't think your wife would appreciate you cheating on her."

He laughed. "I don't have a wife nor girlfriend. I thought it was pretty obvious back at Fernando's place. Why would I bring women home, if Georgia was there? That little munchkin would've rat me out, had I been married."

I laughed.

"What about her mom, I don't want problems with her."

"Tell you what, we can talk all about these stuff at your place. It's safer that way than at mine. They could pop at any minute, those assholes." He rolled his eyes.

"How about a neutral ground. Let's talk at my cousins place, he lives next to mine, but at least if the other professor spies on us, we can say we have friends in common." I suggested.

If he goes to my place, he will know. And I'm not ready to tell him about Liv. I want to make sure he is nice and not trying to get to know me, so he can have his fun with me again.

"Deal." We shook hands, and then he placed a kiss on my hand. I blushed.

"See you soon." With that said, he left.

I Got in my car and drove home. Today has been eventful. But I still have a few questions.

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