Chapter 6: We're Having A..

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November arrived and I was now, 5 months old. We're finding out the sex of the baby today.

"Don't you just love, Autumn?" I asked as I sat on his lap.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. "I love that we get to find out the sex of the baby today."

I smiled, "me too."

He rubbed my belly and smiled. "I still have to tell, Jax."

"I'm sure he will be happy."



I grabbed his hand and placed it on my belly. "The baby is kicking."

Matt just smiled and rested his hand on my belly.


"A girl!" Matt and I, screamed.

"Congratulations." The doctor told us and left to give us some privacy.

"A little princess." Matt smiled so wide.

"I know." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "I'm so happy."

"Jaxson will be over the moon with a little sister."


We left the doctor's and went to Savannah's place. Luke opened the door and told us Jaxson was playing with Violet in the backyard.

"Daddy!" Jax came running and hugged his leg, then he kissed my belly and gave me a hug.

"So, brother or sister!"

Everyone gathered around. We placed a mini cake that we bought on our way back. Since we knew, we told Savannah to cut the cake.

"Alright here we go, "she cut and then said excited "it's a girl!"

Everyone congratulated us, Jax was over the moon.

"Alright you two, what's your gender?"

Grace and Savannah also brought cakes. Grace is expecting a girl and Savannah a boy. Luke and Owen screamed in excitement. I smiled at everyone's happiness.


Later that day, Jaxson went to take a nap in his room and we went to our room.

"You're so beautiful, I cant wait to make you mine officially." He pecked my lips.

I blew air past my lips "That's going to be hard, your wife will never give you, the divorce."

"She will, everyone has a price. I just want to be married to you. I regret letting you go the first time." He caressed my face.

"Life gave us a second chance." I pecked his lips. "Do you think, we would be together if it wasn't for our little princess?"

"Yes, because no one has ever made me feel the way you do. You have my heart, Val." He smiled.

"And you mine. I regret saying that what we had was meaningless. Is far from it, I love you so much." I smiled back.

He kissed my belly and then pulled me to him. "And I love you both."

"You do know there's going to be drama, I just hope Jax doesn't get dragged in the middle of that crazy, he has for a mother."

"He won't. I'll send him away with my dad and Jake to our lake cabin. Claire doesn't know the existence."

"I was the only one you took there?"

"Yes, it's my favorite place and peaceful one too, so only reserve for close family and friends." He kissed me.

"We should go there with Jax and our princess and stay for a weekend or a month."

"That actually sounds really good. A vacation from all this chaos."

"It will all be okay, I know."

There was a little knock on the door, we got dressed immediately and Matt went to open the door.

"Hey buddy." Matt picked him up and Jax snuggled to him.

Such an adorable sight. He placed him in the middle of the Bed.

"I had a bad dream." He cried. "Mommy was screaming and hurting me and she said I would never see daddy."

Matt pulled Jax to him. "No one will ever take you away from me."

He quivered his lips. "Promise?"

"I promise." He hugged his son with every fiber in his body.

"I want to stay here with you, my sissy and Val." He kissed my belly.

"And we all love you, Jax. You're stuck with us forever." I smiled at him.

He kissed my cheek and then he snuggled to me and fell asleep.

"No kid should have to worry about this, I cant wait for that bitch to be away from his life. She doesn't deserve Jax." I said, it irks me how bad she has treated him.

Matt kissed me. "And she will pay, she doesn't get to harm my son and then act like nothing has happened."

I just nodded. "Let's go to the park tomorrow."

"Sounds good, a picnic with my family. I can't wait for this little one to be born and giving us a run for our money." He chuckled as I did too.

"Soon." I smiled.

I can't wait for all of this drama to be over with. I just want for Jax to be happy and worry free.

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