Chapter 2: I Need You

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A week went by, Matt and I, haven't seen since that day at his office. I want him, I need him.

Val, what's wrong?

"I need you."

It's 2 am, is it urgent?

"Yes, I also want some chocolate cake."

At this hour? Can't it wait?

I sighed. "Sorry, silly cravings. I'll see you tomorrow, bye."

My stomach growled.

"Now, what?" I groaned. "I'm hungry, but for chocolate cake."

I went to the kitchen to see, if I have something with chocolate. Which I highly doubt, because, before I got pregnant, I was your typical girl wanting to always be in shape and never touch anything with sugar. But screw that, I'm going to gain weight, anyway, so I might as well take advantage of that.

After thirty minutes I gave up. I suppose I'll need to start buying chocolates. As I'm about to go upstairs, the doorbell rang. I looked through the peephole and opened the door.

"I'm sorry." I said sheepishly at the sight of Matt, carrying a chocolate cake.

"I'm sorry, for being a little grumpy over the phone." He said as he entered the living room. "By the way, my shirt looks amazing on you." My cheeks got red.

He laughed as we went to the kitchen and he cut me a big piece of chocolate.

"You don't want?" I asked in between bites.

"I'm good. It's late for me to be eating."

"Yeah, for me too, but this little one, made me crave chocolate cake." I chuckled. "I don't even care if I gain weight anymore."

"Ah yes, I do remember that you don't like anything with sugar in it." He leaned in and pecked my lips. "Chocolate will always be my favorite." He licked the chocolate from his lips.

"My body shape is something I care a lot. I figure if I stay in shape, you'll never leave me. Or you won't be disgusted by me."

He furrowed his brows as he cupped my face and made me face him. "I don't care about that. I'm not shallow, all I care about is, if they're good."

"That's always been my insecurity number one." I took another bite of the cake.

"I like every shape of your body, whether you're curvy, fat, skinny. I like everything about it." He kissed me. "You're mine."

"And you're mine." I caressed his face.

"I've always been yours." He said against my neck.

He picked me up and took me to my bedroom and then laid me on my bed. He removed my oversized shirt. His mouth lowered to my breast and started to suck one and with his freehand, he teased the other one. Once he was done with my breast, He entered me and thrusted me slowly.

"Matt," I kissed him, "you can go fast."

"Right now, I want to make love to you." He kissed me. "After that, I'll go to pound town hard with you."

I smirked. "I'm counting on that."

My hormones are out of control, we went for three rounds. I think I drained him. Matt, was snoring. I chuckled.

"Night, Matt." I pecked his lips, I turned off the lights and snuggled to him.


I woke up alone and sighed. I want Matt to live with me. I don't like living alone, waking up to an empty bed. I put on his shirt and made my way to the kitchen.

"Good morning." He smiled brightly.

I went to hug him. "Thank you for not leaving."

"I won't, I'll stay the weekend here. Claire, is spending the weekend at her parents and is taking, Jaxson." He caressed my face.

"I'm so happy!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "A weekend just us."

"Just us, the couch, the bed, and many more." That made me laugh.

"Matthew, are you saying this weekend will be only sex?"

"Sex, watching movies, eating junk food and my favorite part, sleeping next to you, I can hold you and never let go."

"That's my favorite part too." I smiled as I hugged him. "I want you to stay forever here, I want to wake up and see you first thing in the morning, come home knowing I have someone waiting for me." Tears fell down my cheeks

He lifted my chin and made me face him. "Me too, and one day, you and I will live together, with our daughter or son." He kissed me.

"I would say, Jaxson can come live with us too, but I doubt, Claire will allow it."

"She might, she loves Jaxson, but sometimes she's extremely happy when she doesn't see him, for a week. She goes to visit her parents and leave him here, he had to take him now, cause his grandparents wanted to see him."

"That's just wrong. I feel like-" I pressed my lips to stop me from saying something stupid that might ruin our weekend.

"Don't be shy, the Valerie, I know, always speaks her mind." He said as he grabbed his cup of coffee and then drank it.

"Okay, I feel like she got pregnant to trap you. She doesn't love you nor care about you. And from what I just heard, she doesn't care about Jaxson either."

"Maybe." He wrapped his arms around my waist and then kissed my neck. "What about you, Valerie, do you love or care about me?"

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