Chapter 14: Jealousy Is Bad For The Soul

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After my horrible date, I returned home. I don't remember leaving my lights on. I entered my house, and Aaron was there with Liv and Georgia.

"How did you enter my house?" I asked as the girls came running towards me and hugged me. I chuckled as I hugged them back.

"Well, Liv was a little homesick, so I called your dad, Luke and he said he wasn't in the house, so I called Owen and he let me in. Just like you told me, in case of emergency to call them." He replied.

"Ah, that's better than me thinking you broke in." I said sheepishly.

He chuckled. He told Liv and Georgia to go to Liv's room to play and they both made a run.

"So, how was your date?"

"Horrible, the guy started to send dick pics." He gave me a weird look. "I went to pee and when I returned I saw from behind that his gallery was filled with dicks pictures and was sending them to a lot of girls." I shook my head, he laughed hysterically.

"Shut up." I groaned.

He walked closer to me, and grabbed the hem of my hoodie and pulled me to him. "I'm glad it went horrible, because I don't want anyone to date you."


He crashed his lips against mine, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepen the kiss. He slid his tongue and played with mine, I moaned. I could kiss him all day. We ended up on the couch with me on his lap and still making out. His lips left mine and went to my neck.

"You know, Jealousy is bad for the soul." I said as his lips kept kissing my neck.

He pulled away and kissed me one more time. "Well, that's because I want to be the only one to take you on dates and kiss you, feel your body against mine."

I got goosebumps when he said that. I was smiling like crazy. "Please don't cheat on me."

"This time is different, I feel strong about you. Something I've never experienced in my life." He pecked my lips.

"Okay, I trust you, Aaron." I rested my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Want to help out at the bakery?"

"Sure." He pecked my lips.

We grabbed the girls and went back to the bakery. Liv and Georgia plastered their faces on the display and were admiring all kinds of cakes and cookies. Dad asked which one was Georgia's, favorite and went to grab it. We sat them at a table booth and dad brought their orders.

"One birthday cake for Liv and one blueberry muffin for Georgia." Dad said as he placed them in front of them.

"Thank you!" They both squealed. We chuckled.

"Alright, let's lock the door and continue baking." Mom said as she locked the doors and also the windows.

We placed a mini table with chairs, for Georgia and Liv, so we could watch them and bake without worrying.

"Where's, Christy?" I asked Lucia.

"My best friend is upstairs, she's watching Christy. She helps me a lot." She smiled.

"Friends like that, are rare nowadays." I smiled back. She just nodded.

"This cookie is really good." Aaron said.

"No eating cookies. We have like 300 to bake plus more sweets." Mom told him.

"Your daughter fed it to me, she's the guilty one." He smirked at me.

"Way to throw me under the bus." I rolled my eyes, he laughed.

"I'm still watching you, behave." Dad told him.

"Haven't done anything, aside from kissing, Violet." He said as he was adding chocolate chips to the cookie dough.

"I did not sign up for this." Dad huffed as he went to the grab flour.

"It's kinda fun to mess with your dad." He chuckled. I shook my head as mom laughed.

After two hours, the girls fell asleep on the table. Lucia asked her friend if she could watch them and she was more than happy to watch them. Reminder to give her a chocolate cake with cookies.

After 7 hours of baking, we grabbed the girls and gave, Lucia's friend, a box of chocolate cake and a box of cookies, she was a happy camper. We decided to stay at my place cause it was closer and I was too tired. We put Liv and Georgia in her bedroom and then he followed me to my room.

"I need some serious sleeping." He yawned.

"Same, so tired." I plopped on the bed. "Get in, you're not sleeping on the couch."

He plopped on the bed and pulled me to him.

"Goodnight, Violet." He kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight." I smiled.


Not sure what time it was, but we were woken up, by two little people shaking us.

"Breakfast!" They both yelled.

I checked the clock and it was 10 am. I need more sleep.

"Daddy needs one more hour." He yawned.

"Daddy." Liv, squished his cheeks.

"Pancakes." Georgia told me.

"Alright, pancakes for everyone." Aaron announced.

They exit the room and Aaron pulled me into a very passionate kiss.

"Good morning "

"Indeed it is." I pecked his lips.

We left the bedroom and went to make pancakes. This was an incredible day. And Cindy confessed that she told, Leo, to asked me out, so Aaron would get jealous. At least her plan worked. Overall, it was an excellent weekend with Aaron and the little cookie monsters.

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