Chapter 10: Truth is Out

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One of them punched me hard, and the other one slapped Liv. I have to save my daughter, tears fell down my cheek.

"I'm going to have fun with you."

"Please let us go, I'll give you all my money."


"Liv, stranger danger!"

She bit him and the asshole let her go and then pushed her harder making her cry.

"I will kill this brat!"

Before he could point the gun, the man fell down and started to get beaten, by none other than, Aaron. My arm that was being held, was now free. I turned to see, Fernando. Liv, ran towards me and cried in my arms.

"It's alright baby, momma is here." I hugged her so tight. She buried her little face in the crook of my neck.

"Call Grace." I told Fernando.

He nodded and left for a few minutes. Aaron, approached me and stared at Liv.

"are you guys okay?"

I couldn't talk, so I just nodded. His gaze went from mine, to Liv's, again. "So, you also have a daughter."

I nodded.

"Is the dad in the picture?" He asked as he tried to get a good look at Liv's, face.

"Momma." Liv, looked at me and then at Aaron. "Hi."

Aaron's eyes widened when he saw her. "Is Liv, my daughter?"

Silence. Nothing was coming out of my mouth.

"Alright, Grace and her cousin will be here in 2 minutes, they will take care of everything." He told us. "I guess there's no more hanging out at Jaxson's."

"Oh no. We're still going. Someone owes me a big explanation." Aaron said furiously.


We arrived At Jaxson's place and Fernando helped me carry the pastries inside, while Aaron carried Liv. I was surprised that she was so calmed with him.


"Hey, princess." Aaron picked her up.

In both arms were his daughters. It was the cutest sight ever. Georgia had blonde hair and blue-eyes. While Liv had, my brown hair and Aaron's amber eyes.

"The nanny had an emergency, so she dropped Georgia here." Raysa told him.

"Thanks for watching her." He said to her and she nodded.

"Mine." Georgia, hugged Aaron pushing Liv, aside.

Liv, just quivered her lips. "Momma."

"Come here, sweetie." I said as I grabbed, Liv.

"Georgia, that wasn't very nice. You're a sweet girl. And when daddy comes back from talking with, Violet, you and I will talk. Now apologize to them."

Georgia just nodded. "Sorry." She looked at us.

"It's alright. Liv, show Georgia your doll house and play with her." I said as I placed her down.

Jaxson, told us we could use his office. We entered it and that's when all hell broke loose.

"She's mine, am I right?"

I nodded as tears fell down my cheeks.

"Fernando was always in contact with me, why didn't he say anything!"

"I asked him to not tell you. And let's be honest Aaron, you would've never acknowledged her as your daughter."

"Yes I would've. And I would've come back if I had known I was going to be a father!"

"You were in London, you probably had your life there, everything. And had you come back, three years ago, you probably would've regret it, or blame me for ruining your life."

"I would've managed, but you took that option away from me. I lost two years of Liv's life!"

"I'm sorry."

"Well, sorry isn't going to bring back the two years I missed out. Maybe I should fight you in court for Liv."

"Liv, is my world, please don't do that." I cried uncontrollably.

He sighed. "I won't, I'm not heartless. But I want to see her everyday and on the weekends, she can sleep over at my house."

"As long as your wife doesn't treat her bad, I'm fine with it."

"I already told you, I don't have a wife, nor a girlfriend. And as for Georgia's mom don't worry about it."

"Okay, well, I'll have her ready tomorrow."

He just nodded. I supposed the whole getting to know each other is over. We left Jaxon's office and as soon as we entered the living-room, I was pulled into a hug. My three parents attacked me.

"I'm okay, Aaron and Fernando helped us."

Both my dads started to question Aaron. What are your intentions bla bla.

"Your daughter and I will remain civil for the sake of our daughter."

"No romantic involvement?" Mom asked him.

"Not right now, I don't want to be involve with someone who hid a daughter from me." He answered her in a very polite way.

They all just nodded. I don't blame him. He went over to Liv and Georgia and talked to them. I sighed, and joined them.

"Liv, honey. This is Aaron. And he is your dad. And Georgia, is your sister."

"Daddy!" She hugged Aaron so tight.

"Well. Since we're all here, let's have dinner and dessert." Grace said. "Did someone robbed your bakery?"

Mom laughed. "She wanted options."

That night, Aaron met my whole family, my siblings asked him all types of questions, Elle and Nina found Aaron cute. And then they forgot about him when they saw Georgia and Liv. I just hope one day, Aaron can give us a chance. One that I screwed.

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