Chapter 3: I Need A Favor

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I just looked at him and smile. I promised myself he would never hear it, but things have changed.

I pulled him into a very sweet and tender kiss. "I do, I wanted to hate you and stop caring about you. I wanted to stop loving you, but I couldn't. Because no matter what, you were always in my mind. And I love you, Matt."

"Val, I've loved you since we started our no strings attached relationship, months ago. You're the only one in my mind. I fucking love you, Val." He placed a soft kiss on my lips.


We pulled away to see, Luke, carrying Violet and Savannah.

"You're a married man, Matt. I don't appreciate that you're using my sister to satisfy your needs and then leave." Luke, was angry.

"It's not like that," I sighed. "I'm pregnant and yes the baby belongs to Matt."

"What!?" He yelled.

"Daddy, no yelling." Violet, said with crossed arms.

I giggled. "You tell him, my little Pokémon lover." I tickled her, she laughed.

"Luke, things are complicated, but know that, Valerie, is the love of my life, and one day, I will make her my wife." Matt, said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Luke and I just came to invite you to dinner at our house. Grace is finally cooking, and I'll be doing dessert." Savannah told us.

"Chocolate cake, mommy?"

"Maybe." She kissed her cheek.

"Ohh, I can go for some chocolate cake." I said as I rubbed my belly.

"I agree." Luke, added.

"Fine, chocolate cake it is. I'll go to the bakery and start working on it." She replied.

They left and it was just us again.

"So where were we?" He said as he started to remove my shirt.

"About to go to pound town." I grinned.

And that was pretty much our morning. Amazing sex and then breakfast. Our weekend together was so perfect.


Monday morning arrived and I went to do my morning routine. I got ready to start my day. Okay that's a lie, I'm going to call the restaurant and tell them I'm not going. I'm too lazy today. My phone lit up and it was Matt.

Hey, beautiful. How are you and our baby?

I smiled. "Hey. We're doing fine. I'm just lazy today."

He chuckled. Are you busy? I need a favor.

"I'm not busy, I'm calling the restaurant later and tell them I'm not feeling well."

He chuckled. Good thing you're the owner. Now, I need you to watch Jaxson today. His babysitter is sick and can't come.

"I'll be happy to watch him over. He's not a picky eater is he?"

No, you should be fine.


I love you, Val.

"I love you, Matt."

We hung up and the smile on my face couldn't be erased if I tried. Grace and Savannah entered my bedroom and plopped on my bed.

"Key is for emergencies."

"It is, we have great news." Savannah said excitedly.

"I'm a month pregnant and so is Savannah. When we told Owen and Luke, they screamed in excitement." Grace, said.

"Well, pregnant buddies. At least I will not suffer alone through morning sickness and everything pregnancy related." I said as they both laughed.

They stayed for a bit and then left. I was preparing mentally and physically for Jaxson's, arrival, that little dude, is a mini Tasmania. At least he is when he stays at Savannah's, since he is besties with Violet.

An hour later, Matt, arrived with Jaxson. He hugged my leg and I smiled at him.

"Looks like my son likes you." He chuckled.

"I'm a fun person to be around." I grinned. At him.

He smirked. "Oh yes you are."

Jaxson, went to the living room. And I went with Matt to his car. We got inside and he kissed me.

"Hopefully when I return, he's sleeping and I can take you to pound town." He said against my lips.

"Let's hope he's sleeping then." I kissed him.

I got out of his car and he left. I entered the house and I figured it would be on fire already, but he was just watching cartoons all snuggled up to a pillow.

"Hey Jax, having fun?" I said as I sat next to him.

He laid his head on my lap and continued watching cartoons. "I like your house, you're fun."

I giggled. "That's good, no one likes a boring person."

He smiled. He turned to face me and said, "Mommy never likes to watch cartoons with me. She's always angry at me. She doesn't love me, she sometimes pinches me hard and tells me she will leave if I say something to daddy. "

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Jax, you need to tell your dad."

He quivered his lips and cried. I placed him on my lap and hugged him. "Mommy will be mad.".

"If you tell, Matt, he will protect you."

He didn't say anything. He just cried in my arms. My heart ache for Jaxson. I supposed I'm going to have a long talk with Matt, if this doesn't stop, it will escalate. And maybe next time won't be a pinch, I can't let that happen.

"Would you like to bake cookies?"

"Yes." He wiped his tears. "I want to stay here forever."

"Maybe one day you will." I smiled

How can a mother treat their three year old child so bad? If I see her I'll send her to hell.

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