With the Sun

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{Anthony narrating}

This is the story of how I died. But don't worry, it's a very fun story- truth is ,it isn't even mine. This is the story of a guy named Alastor, and it starts with the sun.

Once apon a time a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens, and from this drop of sunlight grew a magical titan colored flower, that had the ability to heal the sick and injured. You may be wondering about the guy on the cover, remember him,he's kind of important. Well, centuries passed and a hop ,skip, and a boat ride away a kingdom grew. The kingdom was ruled by a beloved king and queen, and the queen was about to have a baby, and the queen got really, really sick,and she was running out of time, and thats usually when people start to look for a miracle; or in this case a magical titan flower.

Micheal (Alastor's "Father") enters the scene

Ah, see- I told you he'd be important.
You see , instead of sharing the sun's gift, this guy (Micheal Leblanc) horded the sun's gift for himself so he would stay young for hundreds and hundreds of years.
All he had to do was sing a special song

"Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse ,bring back what once was mine. What once was mine.."

Alright, you get the gist. He sings to a flower, he turns young- creepy, right?

{End of narrative, Guard Captain Husk and Guards enter scene finding the flower unhidden ,like Micheal tried to do previously as he storms into the shadows. Husk's eye light up.}

“WE FOUND IT!” He shouts ,the others shouting in excitement after him.

{Anthony narrating again}

Magic of the titan flower healed the Queen, allowing her to give birth to a baby prince with short beautiful Auburn hair. I'll give ya a hint, that's Alastor. To celebrate the prince's birth the king & queen launched a lantern into the sky. For that one moment, everything was perfect.. and then that moment ended.

{Micheal, looking a bit old again sneaks into Alastor's room while he's asleep in his crib.}

Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse...”

{Micheal draws a pair of scissors and cuts a peice of his hair. The cut peice turns dark brown and falls to the mattress, powerless.}

Micheal broke into the castle and kidnapped the prince ,just like that. Gone. The kingdom searched and searched but they could never find the prince. Deep within the forest, locked away in a tower he kept the child and raised it as his own.

{The scene transitions to Micheal Leblanc brushing Alastor's now long hair while Alastor sings for him.}

“..Save what has been lost; bring back what once was mine.. what once was mine.”

Micheal had found his new magic flower, only this time he was determined to keep it hidden.

“Father ,why can't I go outside?..”

“The outside world is a horrible , dangerous place filled with selfish people. You will stay here where it's safe, understand Allie?..” Micheal says ominously.

“Yes father.”

But the walls of that tower couldn't hide everything. Each year on his birthday the king and queen continued to light lanterns, releasing them far into the sky. Hell ,even the whole kingdom joined in, hoping that one day their missing prince would return.

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