The best part: Revenge

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{No time skip between this chapter and last one. Also I picked this art cus this is where we get some sassy Alastor and I needed a picture of Alastor that was relatively angry for the cover}

Anthony goes to speak with Harry and Thomas, the satchel with him.
"Everything is gonna be fine, Egg.." Alastor mumbles to the chameleon.

"Ahh, there you are! I've been searching for you guys everywhere since we got separated; hey the sideburns are comin' in nice, hah? Must be excited about that- well, I just wanna say I shouldn't 've split-" He tossed the satchel to them. "And I think it's for" He bumped into Thomas who stood in the way where he would've gone back by now. Anthony stared at him anxiously. Harry sharpens his knife. "Holding out on us again, ay Tony?" He stands up, kicking the crown to the side.
"What..?" Anthony says, looking at his father (Harry). "We heard you found something much more valuable than the crown.. we want him instead." Harry says in a sinister tone. Thomas knocks him out and Harry takes him to their own boat and tied his hands with the crib to the steering wheel. Harry & Thomas then shoved their boat as forcefully as they could into the water, then they headed to Alastor. Alastor looked at the silhouette in the fog, thinking it was Anthony. Alastor sighed in relief "I was starting to think you ran off and left me." He said with a half smile. The silhouette broke into two , leaving Alastor now confused and unsettled. Harry approached Alastor. "He did." He laughed darkly. "What? No!.. he wouldn't.." Alastor says to them. Harry smiled "See for yourself." The fog made it hard to tell what exactly happened to Anthony but from their point of veiw ,it definitely would've just looked like Anthony took their boat to leave Alastor. Alastor looked at the other boat. "Anthony?..Anthony!" He yelled for him, of course not getting a response.
"Fair trade. A crown.. for the boy with magic hair; how much do ya think someone will pay to stay young and healthy forever?" Harry says to him as Thomas hands him a bag. Harry opens the bag starts going after Alastor, Alastor starts to run. "No please! No, No!" He out runs them for a split second but then his hair gets caught on a twig. "Ahg!" He yelps, trying to pull his hair out of the twig. Alastor hears Harry and Thomas yell in pain, as if they'd been beaten up by someone else.
"Alastor!" The voice is Micheal, but why was he here? Alastor wondered the same thing. "Father?.." He mumbled to himself, not sure to be happy for frightened.
He walks over to him, his hair gets uncaught as he moves forward. He saw Michael standing there with a wooden log in his hands ,while Harry and Thomas lay unconscious on the ground.
"Oh Allie, I was so worried!" he put on his usual act so Alastor would stay with him again. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Micheal asked him, pulling him into a hug.
"Father h-how did you.." Alastor was cut off. "I was so worried.. then I followed you ,and I saw them attack you!- Let's go, let's go; before they come too!" He said , referring to the guards. He started to walk away but waited as Alastor stood frozen, staring off into the fog at Anthony. His eyes filled with tears. He turned around to see Micheal waiting there with the green lantern. Alastor looked at him hesitantly before running to hug him.
"You were right, Father.. about everything." Alastor said , starting to sob.
"I know ,Allie.." Micheal replied. Micheal took him back to the tower.
Sooner or later the boat Anthony was in bumped into one of the kingdom's guard towers near shore. Two guards heard the sound and looked down at Anthony.
"Look! The crown!" On of them says, pointing their spear towards him.
Anthony starts to wake up. "Uhg.. Alastor.." He mumbled groggily, then it dawned on him that Alastor might still be alone with Harry and Thomas- but it was too late ,the guards were already pulling him out of the boat at this point. "Alastor! Wait! Wait! Guys ,guys, he's in trouble!!" Anthony pleaded, but of course the guards wouldn't listen and they took him away, Max still stays at the dock from earlier but watches all this happen, a bit confused and worried.

{Back at the tower}

Micheal is taking the last few flowers out of Alastor's hair, discarding them into a basket he plans to throw away. Alastor looks at the floor, tweedling his thumbs anxiously. "There, it never happened!" Micheal says to him with a wicked smile.
"Now ,get ready for dinner." Micheal goes to leave but then stops and looks at Alastor.
"I could make you something new I suppose." Alastor didn't even respond. Micheal rolls his eyes. "I warned you what was out there ,Allie. Out there if anyone finds the slightest ray of sunshine, they'll destroy it." He snickered and walked away.
Alastor opened his hands , looking at the cloth he got from the sun festival. It didn't make sense that Anthony would just leave.
Egg tried to comfort him. Alastor laid down and looked at the paintings on his ceiling, it started to look familiar. He looked back at the cloth for a second, then the ceiling again. He sat up so he could see it better. It looked like.. the sun festival logo.. hidden in his paintings. But that's not possible, he had only JUST seen the sun festival for the first time, seen that logo for the first time.. right?
He stood up and looked at the other paintings. They looked like it too.. then it hit him, a hazy memory for what seems like years ago, where he's seen that sun logo hanging over him before. It started to make sense now, the sun,the crown, the mural, Edith- the woman with that kid in the mural beside the king. That was his real family. All this left him uneasy for a second, he backed away into the vanity, accidentally knocking over the chair and tilting the mirror by mistake.

{Back at the prison}

Guard captain Husk walked up to Anthony's cell and unlocked it.
"Let's get this over with, Ca-"
In his state of anxiousness Anthony completely interrupted him
"Where are we going?!" He said, almost yelling. Husk was a bit surprised. Anthony took a few breaths "I mean.. where are we going?" He said to him again.
Husk didn't respond.
The world's rung around in Anthony's head
"Let's get this over with."
He put it together.
"Oh.." Anthony muttered, starting to regret ever working with his father.
Two guards accompanied Anthony, taking him through the prison off to his death. Anthony noticed by one of the cells some familiar faces. Harry and Thomas. He shoved the guards away from him and jumped over the chain in his cuffs, pulling Thomas practically into the bars.
"How did you know about him?! Tell me! Tell me now!" He yelled.
"I-It wasn't us! It was the old man!" Thomas yelled anxiously while Harry glared at him for fessing up.
"Old man?" He responded, confused for a second but the guards grabbed him right as he figured it out.
"No! Wait! Wait! No, no- you don't understand, he's in trouble WAIT!" He yelled, fighting back the guards but not able to win of course.

{At the tower}

"Alastor? Alastor what's going on up there?" Micheal said from the bottom of the stairs, starting to head up. "Are you alright?" Micheal says, again with no response; And then Alastor came out of his room, standing by the door way near the top of the stairs.
"I'm the lost prince.." He said to himself.
Micheal scoffed "Speak up Allie, you know how I hate the mumbling." He said angrily.
"I am the lost prince! Aren't I?" He said more clearly to Micheal. Micheal stared ,not sure how to argue with him anymore: because Alastor finally got it.. there's no way around it anymore.
"Did I mumble, Father? Or should I even call you that.." Alastor said to him, now completely agitated. Michael finally snapped out of it with a response.
He laughed "Oh Allie, do you even hear yourself?! Why would you ask such a rediculous question?" He replied, getting closer to Alastor. Alastor back away from him "It was you, it was all you!" Micheal looks at him ,shocked at first but then more angry. "Everything I did, was to protect you." He tells Alastor. Alastor is PISSED at this point and shoved Micheal to the side, then walking down the stairs.
"Alastor Michelle Leblanc!" Micheal yelled at him.
"I've spend my ENTIRE LIFE hiding from people who would use me for my power-" Micheal followed behind Alastor.
"Alastor!" He yelled.
"-When I should've been hiding from you!"
Alastor snapped at him. Micheal started to smile sadistically "Where will you go? Tony won't be there for you." He ask Alastor. Alastor feels uncomfortable about how much Micheal suddenly knows about Anthony. "What did you do to him?.." Alastor asked. Micheal goes beside Alastor.
"That criminal is to hanged for his crimes." Micheal tells him. The color fades from Alastor's face "No.." he wanted to cry.
"Now ,now- it's alright.. all of this is as it SHOULD be.." Micheal says ,he goes to give Alastor a pat on the head out Alastor quickly grabbed Micheal's wrist.
"No! You were wrong about the world! And you were wrong about me! And I will never let you use my hair AGAIN!" Alastor yells at him, as Micheal finally breaks him hand free he accidentally smacks the mirror, causing it to fall over and shatter.
Micheal grumbles at him, but still having a plan up his sleeve like always.

{Small A/N}
I mean hopefully you were a little surprised, I tried my best to make it kind of in the dark about how Anthony and Harry were related but anyway ✨

Watching from the window || A Tangled x Hazbin Hotel (Pastlives) storyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu