Beyond the walls (pt 2)

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{3rd person POV}

Alastor and Vaggie split up to help see if anyone knows who took Anthony. Hours passed and Alastor started losing it ,he even shook down a kid for answers. When he heard horn/trumpet music playing from the town square he followed it. Alastor made eye contact with Travis. He began to talk about celebration.


Cherri wasn't looking so good, she was covered in spots, passed out, and breathing heavy. Anthony's eyes were teary. "Hand in there Cherri, I'm gonna get you out of this, I promise" He rubbed his eyes. His best friend could die, and to save him he'd have to shatter his boyfriend's heart, all at the same time. It was filling Anthony with anxiety. "Wow, look at all the people out there!" Velvet chirped. "Come on Vel, this is stupid" Anthony tried to reason. "Yeah I know, I told my father the spider was unnecessary but you know he has that flare for drama" She brushed him off. "That's not what I meant" Anthony grumbled. "I know" She brushed him off again. "Velvet, I can't do this, I'm in love with someone else!" He tried to reason. "Everyone knows. 'The dashing their who saved the lost prince', but do you really think it's fair for someone who's spent the last eighteen years of their life in prison to give it up for a life long relationship with someone like you?" Velvet's words stung and sank into Anthony like poison. He didn't have an answer.
Travis was finishing up "I'm pleased to announce the re engagement of my daughter Velvet" He finished and crowd claps. "That's his daughter?" Alastor seemed a little in disbelief. "And her fiance, Carlo Cattaneo" Anthony stepped out with a melancholy look about him, he didn't say anything. Alastor was more than shocked. Vaggie sort of felt like there was no point in interfering with it though, Alastor thought different. Alastor went to confront Anthony. "Antonio, I don't understand. What's going on?" He asked. "Alastor—" he wanted to explain but with Travis and Velvet, he couldn't. "He's with us now" Velvet smiles. "This is a joke, right?" Alastor felt sick in his stomach. Someone tried to turn Anthony's attention to Cherri as to guilt him out of talking. "I'm so sorry Alastor.. but I.. made my choice" he mumbled out, his heart ached. "Anthony" Alastor words faded to a whisper. Vaggie comforted Alastor as Travis and Velvet took Anthony away.


Cherri had awoken but she was getting worse. Her throat was sore so her vocals sounded weird, and she was starting to feel hallucinogenic. "Cherri, just hang on, I'll get you that antidote, whatever it takes, okay?" He held her hand (platonic). "It's the right thing to do, love" Velvet smiles. "Velvet, call this off, just get the antidote, now, please" Anthony begged. "Come on Carlo, I know what's best for you, I've known it since we robbed that jeweler and made a fortune and I know it now, you belong here. I know what's best for you" Her voice was like honey but her words were the venom. "Well, I should go, it's bad luck to see the groom before the wedding" She winked at Cherri, "right, Carlo?" She adds, teasing anything by twirling the prison keys in her fingers. "It's just Anthony now" he corrected. "No it's not, see you out there" she finally gave him the keys and left.


Alastor was looking in his journal. "If I had just said yes this wouldn't have happened" he started to cry. He tried to go on a walk to calm himself but it didn't help much. Vaggie soon joined him "Alastor. You know how Anthony and I don't always s agree on anything, but over the last year I've noticed something in him. He loves you Alastor, more than anyone who's ever loved anybody" Vaggie explains. "And I as well, but if I had just known before all of this.." Alastor trails off. "I know what we both saw, but you and I both know this isn't something he'd ever do" Vaggie sits beside him. "I know" Alastor avoids eye contact. "And something I know Alastor would never do is give up. He's pick himself up, stop feeling sorry for himself, and fight back with everything he has" Vaggie smiles.  "So what do you say we get out there" Vaggie wasn't suggesting, she was asking. Alastor smiled and agreed.

Turns out the wedding didn't even have that many guest. Vaggie decided they'd probably have a chance to fight there way in. "What if we just crash the wedding?" Alastor smiled. "That's your plan?" Vaggie looked at him. "Follow my lead" Alastor smiled. The rude girl from the village wheeled in soen flowers with Vaggie hiding underneath the table and Alastor just worse a disguise. They got in.


Anthony couldn't figure out which key did what. "Look, Cherri I'm so sorry I got you into this ,no matter what, I love you" (platonic). "Cherri being so delirious just replied "I've always wanted a cat named Shlumbis" Anthony  held in his laughter. "Wow that's uh. Has a fun ring to it, glad we could share this moment" Anthony half smiled. "Wait here guys. I should do this alone" he unlocked the cage and stepped out.


Alastor was pretty jealous of how nice the wedding was. "Let's get on with it, shall we?" Travis smiled hut I faltered when he noticed Alastor (out of disguise), Vaggie, and Anthony's friend. "I was actually thinking the same thing" Alastor smiled. A few voodoo symbols flickered magically into the air. "Smiles!" Anthony lighted up at seeing him. "Uhg, move along, 'Smiles'!" Velvet demanded. "No! Anthony, I love you, and I don't know what my future holds but I know I want you in it" He states. The guest are starting to get hostile. "Awww" Anthony blushed a little. Vaggie and Alastor drew their weapons. One of Travis' minions tied Anthony up so he couldn't get away. "We had a deal, Carlo" Travis grumbled. Cherri stumbled out to see Anthony. "Guys! They poisoned Cherri!" Anthony finally explained. "Well Alastor, if you have a better plan, now would be a great time to execute it!" Vaggie demanded. Alastor signaled max. "I need that antidote!" Anthony begged Travis. "Never going to happen!" He snapped. Max came to rescue and knocked out the violent crowd. Travis' other minions soon tied him up. While they were busy fighting Cherri started passing out again. "Cherri, hey, stay with me!" Anthony kneeled to her side. "Did you grow more teeth?" She said deliriously as she passed out. "Shit , shit, we're running out of time!" Anthony started getting more nervous. Velvet grabbed Anthony from the floor. "Uhg this party turned out to be lame, let's go Carlos" Velvet grumbled. Alastor grabbed him. "His name is Anthony" Alastor and Velvet began to argue. Anthony was getting dizzy between their tugging back and forth. Alastor and Anthony's dog pounced on Velvet when she least expected and he showered her in kisses. Velvet squealed and let go. "Ew,ew! Get it off!" She yelled! More of Travis' workers showed up. "Alastor, a plan C would be great now!" Vaggie demanded. "The rocks weren't responding to me like they did in Corona!" He explained. "That's because they would the sundrop, your majesty" Nifty smiled. "Oh great, weird roach lady" Vaggie grumbled. "I'm not that weird" she helped free Anthony. "Wow! Thank you, uh.. you!" Anthony started to knock out Travis's guards, then steal one of their swords. Nifty freed Max as well. "You've got something I want, Travis" Anthony directed his eyes to him. "Come and get it, Carlo!" They began to sword fight. Egg tried to help but was thrown. "I should've done this from the beginning" Travis released his spider but with the town drunk grabbing crabs off the floor he knocked Travis off balance and the spider retreated to the inside of his shirt. He began to panic. The spider bit him and he searched frantically for the anti venom. Egg had stole it when given the chance. He gave all the antidote to Cherri. "Shlumbis, you're such a good kitty" Cherri said still deliriously as she swallowed the antidote. "If I'm going down, then I'm taking you with me!" Travis glared at Anthony. "Hmm, I don't think so" Alastor knocked out Travis with a frying pan. Anthony ran to Alastor aid and hugged him. Velvet began to help Travis. "We'll find the antidote, then settle things with Carlo" She told him. "The names Anthony " he corrected her. She just walked away. Nifty stole a piece of the wedding cake.
"Antonio I'm so sorry I've never accepted you marriage proposal. But. I know what to say now. I—" Anthony cut him off. "Oh no, it's not necessary. I understand that it's not the right time, I mean for someone who's free for the first time in their life, that's probably the furthest thing in your mind, right?" Anthony smiled, trying to understand. Alastor was a little nervous "uhm, yeah. You're right, not the right time. I'm really glad you feel the same" Alastor lied. Now he was the one who wanted to marry Anthony. "But if the time does come, we need a serious talk about the ceremony decor, I mean did you see that stupid swan Statue?" He joked. Alastor smiled and kissed him. Cherri turned to Vaggie. "Is it the fever or was there a short woman with a huge sword here a second ago?" She asked. "Yeah actually, where did roach queen go?" Vaggie looked around.


Alastor was still confused why the magic stones wouldn't react to him. Where were the rocks going to taking them? "Looks like you have a magical destiny" Nifty added. "Nifty!" Alastor smiled. "Hello sir!  I brought you something to help with your journey" she gave him the missing piece of the sun scroll. "I think it's taking you to the dark kingdom!" Nifty adds. "Well, at least we're together, right?" Anthony joined them. "Next stop is anywhere" He continued. He gave Alastor a kiss on the cheek.

Watching from the window || A Tangled x Hazbin Hotel (Pastlives) storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora