The Secret of the Sundrop

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{3rd person POV}:

It's Alastor's birthday. Arackniss  sent an Atomaton to him that Alastor, Anthony, and Vaggie had to push out the window. The king has been on edge for days and this attack isn't helping.
The king placed Alastor in the safest room in the kingdom, an isolated tower. Anthony argued it's no different from the first 18 years of his life but the king wouldn't budge. He wanted to protect Alastor from the threat of Arackniss. How did the king even find out Alastor snuck out, accidentally committed treason, stole, and lied to him? He read Alastor's journal, shattering his trust.
Vaggetha was punished too. She's no longer even allowed in the castle, she has to help stack hay for sometime until she leaves for a convent tomorrow. Anthony wanted to joke about it but even he was a little anxious of everything happening.
Edith tried to get the king not to lock Alastor away but he didn't listen. Edith went to Alastor's aid. "Why is he doing this to me? What is he so afraid of?" Alastor questioned. "Your father didn't sleep the two decades you were gone, he was haunted. He just wants to make sure no one will do anything like that again. I know it doesn't make it fair but please don't be upset with him" Edith hugged Alastor.
"He loves you. I know it's not right either though" she sighs.


Meanwhile the rocks are spreading and the townsfolk are freaking out. Husk is trying to comfort Vaggie as she packs for the convent. "This decision brings me no pleasure I hope you know. I hope when this is over we can overlook this. Please don't be upset with me over it. I promise to visit when I can" he spoke softly. He was a man of few words and usually stern but when it came to Vaggie he wanted to keep her safe. He respected her and was prouder of her than she would ever know.
Vaggie was quiet. She looked at a photo of her, Alastor, and Anthony sort of ripped in half in the corner. "Dad all I ever wanted was to make you proud, I used to do ANYTHING to keep from disappointing you. I wanted to be a royal guard like you and serve my kingdom.
The last thing I ever expected was for you to be the one to disappoint
Me" she finally said. She had grabbed her bag of things and walked past him. Husk just felt ashamed. He let out a sigh as she left.


Alastor debated running away as he reminded everything that led up to this. He knew he had to stay positive between all this so he painted while he thought of what to do. He took his dog Egg after the painting was done and left. He left a note of his escape plan.

Vaggie found it and took the opportunity to grab Anthony to go find him. Meanwhile she tossed Anthony in a catapult. He looked over Alastor's note meanwhile, confused.
Alastor had one of Anthony's friends distract while he prepared to sneak out. Vaggie launched Anthony to a rooftop. They began setting up a rope. They swung it around the tower to get to the balcony then put the remaining rope down to vaggie as he held the top. Anthony and one of his criminal friends ripped the metal bars off the window and Anthony stepped inside.
When Alastor saw him his heart fluttered. "Mom ange!" He went over and hugged him. "Hey smiles, I've come to rescue you from a tower- again" He shortly was dragged away by Alastor. He used his hair to scale the building with Anthony and the dog. They made it out.
"Okay everything, we have no clue what Arackniss is planning but" he trailed off, squinting into the distance. Smoke flooded over the town including them.
"What in the heavens was that?" Alastor questioned. Anthony coughed.
A firmilair squeaky, slightly annoying voice shallowed by the sounds of something potentially protective over him
"Hello Corona"
"It's Arackniss" Vaggie looked around for where it was coming from.
"Where is it coming from?" Anthony asked.
"Something dark is coming for you. Our king has refused to acknowledge it. In the hopes to keep his secret, he has LIED to you and Villified me"

The king steps outside to investigate the announcement. "Captain Husker, get more men at once!"
"On it sir, three groups from the west wing are on the way"

"In a matter of days ,Corona, this island and the castle itself will be overcome by this growth. It has already overtaken the outskirts of the kingdom.
The key
To stopping this destruction
Is Prince Alastor himself. I have ASKED for help and I have been IGNORED"
Egg (the dog) began to shake with anxiety. Alastor and Anthony comfort it and each other. The voice continued

"I will NOT  be ignored any longer; and to make sure I have your attention, I've developed a new serum and created something SPECIAL for you all!"

A rattling growl could be heard in the distance. "Theirs something in the fog" Alastor murmered.
Vaggie and the castle guards had their weapons drawn.
The king and his personal guards walked further out but one of his guards was taken. The creature growled. Max was even on edge. The animalistic growling continued as the creature prowled in the fog, taking out another guard, this time a guard bystander caught a slight glimpse. Guards soon started screaming and the ruffian/criminal friends of Anthony's were even afraid. "What the hell is that?!" The ruffian asked. "Whatever it is, it's fast!" Anthony turned to the side as the creature began to rise behind him. "Anthony, look out!" Alastor yelled. The king noticed Alastor. "Alastor? What are you-" he trails off.
Alastor used his hair as a lasso to grab Anthony, saving him from the beast.
"Find the prince, get him to safety!" The king tells his body guards. "You heard him men, get the-" Husk was then snatched by the beats. It tossed the guard captain to the ground, he slammed right into Vaggie's line of vision. "Dad!"
Anthony's other ruffian friend watched the beast "I liked it better when it was invisible!" He said stupidly. Vaggie hugged Husk. Husk was in pain but still conscious. "Listen Vaggetha, about earlier, I'm—" Vaggie stopped him. "Dad, I want you to know i've never been disappointed in you, I'm sorry" she hugged him. Husk began to smile. She then grabbed his battle-axe "Sit tight soldier, I got this" she went for the beast. She began to command the other guards "we need four men covering the south gate, four north, nothing in, nothing out, CONTAINMENT people" she commanded and the guards began to move. Husk looked at her with a hint of proudness in his eyes again.
"Christ, it's like he's playin' hide n' seek" Anthony sighs. "Then he just picked the wrong game. Max, I need your help. I have an idea" Alastor schemed.
Edith watched what was happening from a window in the castle. She was anxious, for she loved her son. She listened to the king yell for more men but her thought was interrupted by another voice.
"Hello, your majesty" Arackniss finally revealed himself in some dark steampunk-like outfit with glowing green eyes. Edith looked at Arackniss in fear. "Sleep" he blew some green mist into her face.


The guards and Max distracted the beast.
It looked like a giant raccoon monster. "Now!" Alastor yelled.  The guards used a trampoline to fling the creature into a trap and Alastor tied it up with his hair.
"Why would Arackniss do this?" Anthony and Alastor thought. They looked into the racoons monster's eye and light started to shine from it. It shrunk down. "What the hell" Anthony muttered. "That's Ruddiger" Alastor noted. "Arackniss' racoon" Vaggie added. The racoons scampered off. "You did it!" The guards celebrated. Another guard ran out. "Prince Alastor, King Frederick! The queen, she's gone"
Everyone had a pit form in their stomach after that.
"Arackniss.." Alastor mumbled out. His hand began to shake.


I really don't remember if I changed the name of the racoon or not and I don't wanna check so uhh sorry if that's different from when I first started this, I first made this in like summer 2022/2023.

Oh also congrats to AuthorChan1235for getting me into Tangled the Series, go check out some of their work! Their content is amazing<3

Warning the next chapter will be really long I'm sorry it just has a LOT going on

Watching from the window || A Tangled x Hazbin Hotel (Pastlives) storyWhere stories live. Discover now