Brake his trust, Crush his soul.

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{This only takes place a few minutes after the last chapter, Carlo is using the arrows to climb down the tower.}

"You coming, Alastor?" He says , looking back at the window.
Alastor stood in the window cill ,with Egg on his shoulder.

Look at the world so close ,and I'm halfway to it..
Look at it all ,so big- do I even dare?
Look at me ,there at last, I just have to do it! Should I?.. No.
Here I go!

Alastor throws his hair down. He used it to go outside for the first time ever, he started to smile at his surroundings. Carlo pinned himself to the tower, almost getting hit by Alastor but watching him go to the ground.
Alastor stops nearly a foot about the ground ,he stares at it before deciding to actually step foot on the grass for the first time as well. He starts to smile and laugh

Smell the grass ,the dirt. Just like I dreamed they'd be.
Just feel that summer breeze, the way it's calling me.
For like the first time ever ,I'm completely free!
I could go running ,
and racing, and dancing,
and chasing ,and leaping,
And bounding,
Hair flying,
heart pounding,
and splashing ,and reeling, and finally feeling! That's when my life begins!

Alastor finds himself standing in the forest outside where the tower lies. He spends about 3 hours, taking everything in.
"I can't believe I did this! I can't believe I did this..I can't believe I did this! I can't believe I did this! Father would be so furious...
That's okay though, what he doesn't know won't kill him, right?
Oh my gosh, this will kill him..
This is so fun!
I am a horrible child.. I'm going back.
I am never going back!
I am a despicable human being..
WAHHOOOOO! Best day, ever!"
Eventually Alastor just sits down by a tree outside, sobbing unsure of what to do anymore, Carl's been fallowing him and putting up with him the whole time ,up until this point. Carlo walks up to Alastor.

"Ya know, I can't help but notice, you seem a little at war with yourself, here." He says, now leaning against a rock next to Alastor.
"Really?" Alastor says , wiping his eyes.
"Now, I'm only picking up bits and pieces. . Overprotective Father, forbidden road trip. This is serious stuff; but let me ease your conscience: This is part of growing up. A little rebellion, a little adventure. That's bene, healthy even."

{Bene is Ok in Italian (to my knowledge anyway)}

Alastor giggles a bit. " You think?"

"I know you're way over thinking this, trust me. Does your Father deserve it? I dunno. Will this break his trust and crush his soul? Of course! But ya just got to do it." Carlo smiled.
"Ruin his trust?" Alastor responds anxiously.
"Completely; Break his heart even." Carlo said, holding back a laugh, now trying to scare Alastor out of doing it so he could get his satchel back.
"Crush his soul?.." Alastor muttered ,thinking about what could happen. Carlo picks a berry, crushing it infront of Alastor just to emphasize his point. "Like a grape."
"He would be so furious and disappointed, you're right.." Alastor said , starting to give in. "I am , aren't I. Well ,I didn't wanna have to do this, but , I'm lettin' ya outta the deal." He says to Alastor, starting to get up as if he was actually expecting to take Alastor back. "What?" Alastor says, a bit surprised.
"That's right! But don't thank me. Let's just turn around,and get you home, here's your pan, here's your frog. I get back my satchel. You get back a Father-Son relationship based on mutual trust and viola! We part ways as unlikely friends." Carlo says , starting to nudge Alastor in the direction of the tower. Alastor stops him. "No! I'm seeing those lanterns." He says sternly.
"Oh come on! What's it gonna take for me to get my satchel back?!" Carlo complained.
Alastor pointed the frying pan at him.
"I will use this." he threatens.
Suddenly something started shaking from the bushes, Alastor jumps into Carlo's arms.
"AHG, WHAT IS IT? RUFFIANS? THUGS? HAVE THEM COME FOR ME?!-" A small bunny rabbit hops out.
"Stay calm, it can probably smell fear." Carlo says sarcastically.
"Oh.. sorry, I suppose I'm just a bit jumpy." he gets off Carlo.
"Prolly is best if we avoid thugs and ruffians though.." Carlo says , starting to get an idea. "Yeah, most likely." Alastor replies.
"Hey, are you hungry? I know a great place for lunch!" Carlo says with an excited tone.
"Really?" Alastor replies, starting to go with him. "Oh don't worry, you'll know it when you smell it!" Carlo starts taking Alastor to the location he was thinking of.

{Back with Maximus}

Max sniffs around the forest ,still looking for Carlo, he hears someone coming and hides by a rock and a tree expecting it to be him. Micheal walks through, heading for Corona (the kingdom). Max jumps out at Michael, then only to be disappointed by seeing it wasn't Carlo.
"Uhg! A palace horse.. where's your rider?" He started to think about why Max would be all the way out there.
"Alastor.." Micheal immediately starts going back to the tower.
After he arrived he waited outside “Alastor, your hair!” Micheal shouted. No response. “Allie?” he started to go around the tower , taking apart the stones in the wall, revealing a hidden staircase. He goes up the stairs and moves the tile that was also the trapdoor. He starts to look around. “Allie!”
He searched the entire tower, and couldn't find him, he even ripped down a curtain. The light from the now revealed window brought attention to something shiny hidden under the stairs. Micheal walked over to it and furiously ripped the stair cover plank off, seeing Carlo's satchel and searching it. He saw the crown and the missing poster. He threw the crown on the ground as if it was garbage, he looked at Carlo's wanted poster, then deciding to get a danger from his room, thinking Carlo kidnapped Alastor or something.

{Back with Carlo & Alastor}

“Now, I know it's around here somewhere..
Ah ,there it is! The Snuggly Duckling! Don't worry, very quaint place, perfect for you. Don't want you scaring, and giving up on this endeavor now do we?” Carlo says , smiling.
“Well, I do like ducklings..” Alastor says , starting to smile.
“Yay!” Carlo says excitedly.

Watching from the window || A Tangled x Hazbin Hotel (Pastlives) storyWhere stories live. Discover now