There's a PERSON in my CLOSET!

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{With Carl. Also the cover art has nothing to do with the poster ,I WAS looking for some wanted poster art of Anthony but no luck *cries*}

"Oh no, no ,no this is bad. REALLY bad!" He says to Thomas and Harry ,while looking at some wanted posters stapled to a tree.
Harry and Thomas look at him, a bit confused but mostly still agitated as ever.
"They just can't get my nose right!" He shows them the poster.
"Who cares?" Harry snaps.
"Well it's easy for you to say! You guys look amazing." He looks at their poster.
The castle guards start to show up, making Carl forget about it, shoving it in his bag and running away with Harry and Thomas. Harry & Thomas make it to a cliff side where Carl quickly comes up with a plan.
"All right, okay. Give me a boost, and I'll pull you up. Deal?-" Carl gets cut off by Harry. "Give us the satchel first.."
"What..? I just... I can't believe, that after all we've been together, you don't trust me? Ouch." He says to them, they still have the same resting bitch expressions as always.
He hesitantly gives it to them and climbs up. Harry reaches his hand up ,being partially lifted up by Thomas.
"Now help us up, pretty boy." He said, referring to how Carl was a pretty well liked person until he started thieving.
Carl starts to smile "Sorry, my hands are full." he shows that he stole the satchel back from them and runs off . "WHAT?!- CARLO CATTANEO, YOU BASTARD!" Harry shouts.
"Retrieve that satchel at any force! We got him now, Maximus." Guard Captain Husk says to his horse ,Max.
Carl, now alone fends off the guards , losing most of them in the forest. They shoot their arrows as Carlo jumps through trees and around them trying to outrun them.
The others aren't as fast as Max & Husk so they chased longer after Carlo.
"We got him now ,Maximus!" He says as Max dashes after Carl. Carl grabs a vine from a tree , using it to swing around and kicks the guard captain off of Max.
Max still trotts forward, not fully getting what's happened until hearing Carl laughing.
"Hah ha! Hya!" Carlo whipped the reins to make Max faster, only for Max to surprisingly stop in general, and face him.
"Uhg! Come in flea bag, forward!" he yelled at the horse ,it stared at his satchel. Max then proceeded to try biting it and taking it from him. "No- NO! Stop it! Stop it! Give it to me! " Carlo and the horse start fighting over it ,the horse unknowingly walking closer to a cliff. "Give. Me!" The horse launches the satchel all the way into a branch coming out of the side of the cliff, it sat on the thinnest branch by nearly threads.
They look at each other and Carlo jumps off the horse, but then it tried to run ahead. Carlo grabs him and trips him, the. Continues to run after it only for Max to do the same thing to him. Carlo gets back on Max, trying to punch him in the face while Max squeals, trying to bite him and get him off. Carlo edns up almost falling off the cliff ,but by a miracle grabs the bottom of the tree. Max looks down at him, trying to step on his fingers. Carl shimmies across and grabs the bag, looking the horse in the face ,feeling cocky. "Hah!" The horse looks angered, until they bother hear a crackling sound and brake out into sudden terror as they fall of the cliff , landing into a completely different part of the forest.
As soon as Max lands he goes to rey and search for Carlo. Carlo gets up from a rock he hid behind and leans against what he thought was a wall covered in vines ,as soon as he felt nothing behind it he desided it would be a good place to hide from Max. He sees a tower and instead of questioning it he uses some arrows he stole from the guards to climb it. Once he stepped in he closed the window and took some deep breaths. He pulled out the satchel and looks at the crown. "Ah. alone at last-" then he got smacked by a frying pan and fell unconscious. "Ahhk!!" Alastor squeaks ,scared. He goes and hides ,only to see Carlo unconscious face first on the floor. He hesitantly goes over to him. He pokes him gently in the face with the frying pan only to have zero response. Alastor looked at Egg. Egg shrugged. Alastor turns Carlo's face , Carlo's hair now covering his eyes. Alastor looks for a reaction from Egg. Egg points to the drawing of pointy teeth on the floor and motions for him to check if Carl had sharp teeth or not. Alastor used the handle of the frying pan to see, Carl had straight teeth. Alastor stares at the man curiously, moving his hair out of his face. Carl opens his eyes , starting to wake, scaring Alastor "Huh?-" he says groggily. "AH!" Alastor screamed, hitting Carl again. Alastor used his hair to drag Anthony into the wardrobe. Alastor struggles for a bit , trying to figure out how to keep him in there. At some point he used a broke to shove Carl into the closet, slamming the door on his fingers. He started to feel bad so he just poked all of Carl's fingers through the crack of the doors. He then quickly got a chair to keep the closet closed. "Okay, ok.. I've got a person in my closet.. I've got a person in my closet .. I've got a PERSON in my CLOSET!" he looked over to the mirror, smiling at himself. "Too weak to handle myself out there ,huh ,father? Well- tell that to my frying pa-" He spun the pan around by the hole in the handle, accidentally hitting himself. "Ahk- " He then saw because of the reflection of the mirror what was in the satchel, he walked over to it curiously. He picked it up and looked at it.
"Huh.." he put it on his wrist, looking at Egg for an opinion. He shook his head. He then took it off, looking through it for a second, then turning to the mirror. He put it on his head. He couldn't really explain why but it just felt right. The chameleon looked at him for a second, then still shook it's head.
"Alastor!" Micheal shouted from outside.
Alastor quickly hid the crown and satchel.
"ERH! Coming!" He made his way to the window, putting his hair through the hook. Micheal makes a loose knot in Alastor's hair, stepping through the loop he created as Alastor pulled him up.
"I have a surprise." Micheal says to him.
"I do too." Alastor replies.
"I bet mine is better💅✨" Micheal says arrogantly.
"I doubt it." Alastor mumbled to himself.
Micheal steps on the window cill.
"I brought parsnips, in gonna make hazelnut soup for dinner; Surprise." He tells Alastor. "Okay, well I want to tell you something." Alastor says ,being interrupted by Micheal "Oh, Allie you know how I hate leaving you after a quarrel, especially when I've done absolutely nothing wrong."
"Okay, well I've been thinking about what you said and-" Alastor is cut off again by Micheal.
"Alastor Michelle ,I hope you're still not going on about the stars."
"Floating lights, and yes- I'm leading up to that!" ✨ cut off AGAIN by Micheal ✨
"Because I really thought we'd dropped the issue, Allie."
"No father ,I'm just saying- you think I'm not strong enough to handle myself out there-"
"Oh Allie, I KNOW you're not strong enough to handle yourself out there." Micheal says, starting to smile.
"But if you just!-"
"Alastor Michelle, we're done talking about this." Micheal says , starting to get angry.
"Trust me, I!-"
Alastor reaches for the chair on the wardrobe.
"know what I'm-"
"Alastor Michelle."
"Oh come on!"
"ENOUGH WITH THE LIGHTS, ALASTOR MICHELLE LEBLANC; YOU ARE NEVER LEAVING THIS TOWER. EVER." he shouts at him. Alastor quickly pulls his hand away from the wardrobe.
"Oh great, now I'm the bad guy." Micheal says to himself.
"All I was gonna say father.. is that I know what I want for my birthday now.." He says quietly.
"And what would that be?" Micheal says, still angered.
"New paints.. the ones made from the white shells you one brought me.." Alastor replies.
"Thats a very long trip, Alastor." Micheal responded.
"I just thought it was a better idea than.. the stars.." Alastor says, not making eye contact with Micheal anymore.
"You sure you'll be fine on your own?" Micheal says, going up to Alastor.
"I'll be safe as long as I'm here.." Alastor answered him, knowing it was just what Micheal would've wanted to hear.
"I'll be back in three days time. I love you ,Allie.." Alastor puts his hair back through the hook on the window cill.
"I love you too.." he mumbled, not even sure if he meant it anymore.
Micheal leaves.

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