I've got a dream! // They don't like me

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Carlo walks them into the Snuggly Duckling, flinging the door open. Everyone stares at him
"Garcon! Your finest table ,please!" Carlo says to the room filled with suspicious looking men, covered in weird scars across their bodies, some even having limb replacements like a hook for a hand. To anyone unfamiliar with these people, they may seem scary. Hell, they really might just be ruffians and thugs like Carlo said they 'Totally' would avoid. Carlo and Alastor walk around, Alastor starts to regret his choice. The two walk in, Alastor now holding his frying pan tightly, very tense. Carlo leads him through the entrance .
"You smell that? Take a deep breath through the nose. Really, let that seep in. What are you getting? Because to me, it's part man smell and the other part is really bad man smell. I don't know why, but overall, it smells like the color brown. Your thoughts?" He says ,now looking at a fellow customer of the bar/restaurant joint.
"That's a lot of hair." He replied, holding it as it ran through his hands ,thanks to all Alastor's squirming and running around.
"He's growing it out- is that blood on your moustache? Alastor,look at this, look at all the blood on his moustache! Good sir, that's a lot of blood!" He said ,trying to scare Alastor into going back once again. Carlo walked up to Alastor "Hey, you don't look so good, ciccio; Maybe we should get you home. Call it a day. Probably better off, this is a five star joint after all- And if you can't handle this place, well maybe you should be back in your tower." Carlo says to him, leading him back to the door only for it to be slammed in their face, someone holding a wanted poster to it, looking at Carlo.

{Ciccio: Italian for honey/sugar (usually said to a romantic partner) so long story short he's flirting with him a bit. Also this is again from my own understanding/research}

"Is this you?" The man asked , looking at Carlo. Carlo moved his finger to look at it better. "Oh now their just being mean." Carlo replied. The man with a hook for a hand went over to Carlo "Oh it's him alright! Greno, go round up some guards; That reward is gonna buy me a new hook!" The hook handed man said. They all start crowding around Carlo. "What about me? I'm broke! Get back!" another one says. They all start fighting over Carlo, litterally each holding a limb, hoisting Carlo above the ground while they argue.
"Please stop!" Alastor says, no one listened.
"Hey! We can work this out!" Carlo says, trying to reason with them. They kept fighting. "Leave him alone!!" Alastor says, starting to get worried.
"Please!-" Carlo says to them. Hook hand raises his fists, hoping he can have the chance to knock him out.
"Give my back my guide, ruffians!" Alastor shouted. Still no response. Carlo turns , trying to make sure it wouldn't hurt if they hit him anyway. "Not the nose, not the nose, not the nose!-" Alastor uses his hair to make a wall mounted deer antler hit hook hand in the back of the head, causing all the men to stare at Alastor. "PUT HIM DOWN!! look, I don't know where I am ,and I need HIM to take me to the lanterns because I've been dreaming about them my entire life! Haven't any of you ever had a dream?!" He snapped at them. Hook hand walked over to Alastor while taking out his axe. One of the pub attendants puts Carlo on a coat hanger.Alastor tries to back away, only to be leaning against a bar stool anxiously as he looked up at him. "I had a dream once.." Hook hand throws an axe at a guy with an accordion in the corner of the room. He started to play the accordion,in fear for his life.

I'm malicious, mean and scary
My sneer could curdle dairy
And violence wise, my hands are not the cleanest
But despite my evil look
And my temper, and my hook
I've always yearned to be a concert pianist
Can't ya see me on the stage performin' Mozart;
Ticklin' the ivories 'til they gleam?
Yep, I'd rather be called deadly
For my killer show tune medley
Thank you
'Cause way down deep inside
I've got a dream

He's got a dream!
He's got a dream!

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