The alchemist returns

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{Alastor POV}:

I keep having nightmares about what I did to Arackniss, to his dad too. I'm scared that it means something. Anthony says not to worry about it and that Arackniss is creepy in general but I can't just stay in the castle while he's out there in pain because of me. Vaggie, Anthony, and I went on a walk to visit the village and I saw a statue with gifts. There was a note attached to a sky lantern, the same one from my nightmares. It read that Arackniss needed help and he thinks he's discovered the cure to the rocks. We need to go to his lab and someone is watching. It didn't make sense but I had to disobey my father ,I had to save Arackniss. Egg and Vaggie's owl didn't get along on the carriage ride there. Alastor told them to stop the cart but i found a ton leading to our village. So the king lied? No my father can't lie to me. Maybe he just didn't know. There's homes are all torn up. We need to keep going.


It only got worse as we found Arackniss' village. These rocks are all my fault. I have to save Arackniss. "What's the move?" Anthony finally asked. "I'm not letting him down again, I'm sorry Anthony" I finally decided. "Well, you heard him" Anthony smiled as he looked at Vaggie. We headed to the far side of town to see Arackniss. The rocks were reacting to my hair already. Only Vaggie's owl could show us the correct way through. We finally make it through.
His house was disorganized and had magical science projects everywhere.
We eventually found it but we also found Arackniss' dad. Anthony had a glint of recognition and fear. "You okay Alastor?" He ask. "It's fine but he doesn't deserve this, this is all my fault. I should've stayed in the Castle" I fidgeted my fingers together. Whoever was after Arackniss came after us. "Hand over the gryft" he demanded. Vaggie went to fight him off for us but it wasn't really helping surprisingly. Anthony charged in to help but got launched into one of Arackniss' experiments, changing his hair multicolored as well as some of his skin. Even Vaggetha's owl got hit. Now I'm the one in trouble. Egg tried to help but it failed.We started throwing the experiments at it as a last resort. Finally we trapped him in Arackniss' racoon repellent. We ran out of the village but he was still after us. No, there's a whole group of them! Max came to protect us to ensure an escape route though. "Thank the heavens" I climbed on him and the others after me. We came to a cliff and I scaled it with my hair. We needed a place to hide. We made it and found our way back to my old tower. The rocks were now invading it. "I'm surprised you couldn't recognize this place Anthony, actually. I don't know if I recognize it"
We headed inside. Anthony reminisced our past while me and Vaggetha found a scroll that Arackniss' key unlocked. We were followed though. I had no choice but to let down my hair so the rocks could destroy them before they end us. The rocks ruined the staircase. "We have to escape through the star charting window!" I used my hair to help everyone and myself up. Egg helped Veggies owl while we made it to the roof. "We have to jump so just trust me!" I grabbed Anthony and Vaggetha. We ran off the roof and my hair protected us because of the reaction with the stones. The tower crumbles. Tears fell from my eyes as I watched the place I grew up trapped in disappear. My paintings, everything is gone. The men survived though.
It's time for answers. Husk was revealed because his mask breaking in the fall. "I'm so sorry. It was just orders" he dusted himself off. "Who orders you?!" I questioned. "Your father" Husk finally stated. Those words felt like a bomb drop.  My father HAD been lying to me, but why?!


When we went back to the castle I went straight to dad. "You lied to me" I grumbled. "Only to protect you" he mumbled.
"So you think I'm not ready? People are in danger! Our kingdom!" I yelled. "I am the king and this is my problem and I've handled it!" He yelled. "You're not the first person to lie to me but I didn't expect this from you" I went to my room. Anthony tried to comfort me with his dark humor but it really didn't help. He opened the door and all we could hear was the guards arguing. "I'll handle it, get some rest Al" Anthony reassured me. I tried to rest but I found myself having a nightmare again. In the dream Arackniss was threatening me. He said the rocks were my destiny and I needed to face it. What do I do anymore? I sat at the docks, trying to clear my head when Arackniss' racoon visited me and Egg. "Now where did you come from?" I smiled. Arackniss jumped into my boat and covered my mouth. "Shh" he lets me go. I hug him. "Oh, Arackniss I'm so glad to see you! Where have you been? I've been so worried" I stated. "Yeah funny thing, people in the Kingdom aren't too happy about someone who tried to attack their Prince" he explains. "Attack? You mean during the storm? You wanted my help"
"And you saw why. I know you had the save the kingdom but you can help me now" he wasn't asking, he was demanding, I could hear it hidden in his voice. "Do you have the scroll?" He adds. "The scroll? Well yes, but my father wasn't happy about it" I gave it to him. "It's hard to translate but it says the rocks are some kind of ancient darkness. It's destructive power can only be stopped by its counterpart, the sundrop" he explains. "We need the flower" he once again wasn't asking. "The flower that saved my mother? The one that gave me my hair? My father said it's long gone" I look at Egg as if he'd know anything, then back at Arackniss. "Would you say he's a reliable source of information? No, Alastor. It's still here, I'm sure of it. He would never discard something that powerful, all I need is a single petal" he began to smile. "But my dad would never hand it over" I frown a little. "Oh I know, that's why we're stealing it" Arackniss' expression changes. Stealing? This is cruel. Arackniss has changed. He's not who I used to know. No wonder Anthony never wants to talk about him. Well if it's to save the kingdom, my friends,  boyfriend, and my family, I'll have to. Me and Arackniss head for the castle. "Why are we here? The flower is on the other side of the castle in the royal vault, probably!" He whispered at me. "I know but if we want to get past the security we need a map of the underground tunnels" I head into the chamber and take the journal. "Come on Al, let's go" Arackniss tried to hurry me. "But Arackniss, this is all acts of treason" but he looked at me with those puppy eyes. "But it's our only hope to save my dad, to save your kingdom! The people need our help" he begs. Fine. "For Corona" we sneak out with the book. We ran into Anthony though. "Hey ciccio, what're you doing?" He smiled politely. "Doing? Well nothing really" I tried to lie. "What's that ya got there?" He questioned. I shoved the book to Arackniss since Anthony wouldn't see him from this angle of the hallway "oh nothing" I show him my empty hands. "Well okay, I'll leave you be but Vaggie and i- you okay?" I gave up. I can't lie to him he means too much to me. I sigh. "How far would you go to find the truth?" I ask. "Personally, not very far. The truth's not always cracked up to me. You sure you're okay?" He asked. "Yeah, just had a lot on my mind. Love you"
"We'll talk when you're ready" Anthony smiles and heads off.


"I found the entrance, down here!", Arackniss helps me through the tunnels. "There's tunnels have ancient technology - WOAH" we found a corpse. "These tunnels are lined with traps, we need to be careful" I tried to warn him. "Oh I know a think or two about traps" he smiled. We fell into quiet a few though. Egg managed to help but Arackniss was nearly crushed into me. He looked like a fold up chair.
"We need to be more careful, we don't wanna alarm the guards" I told Arackniss.
"Oh I'm pretty sure they have their hands full" he said bluntly. "What does that entail?" I growled. "I mean in general! You know Corona, right?" He smiled. He was acting odd. He fell through the floor but I managed to pull him up. We started to run.
I used my hair to save me and Arackniss from the fragile floor. "This better be worth it. Are you sure this will save Corona?" I questioned. "Eh, should be but I'm not worried about Corona" those words definitely stung. "You don't care about Corona?" I hissed. "Well I mean of course, but I'm just concerned about how this is gonna help my dad" he explained. He was definitely on thin ice with me though. "Corona too though" he added. We walked under the vault. "Dead end" Arackniss sighed in exhaustion. "No. See the trap door?" I pointed out. "How do we open it?" He asked. I started moving these 7 pillars that would unlock the vault. One of the old vault robots came lose in the process though. "Arackniss! Do something" I begged, this is more his thing than mine. "Fascinating! This is an Atomiton! To see one in person is amazing!" "Focus!" I yelled. He threw some compounds at it but a blast threw him against a fall. "Despite almost passing the fuck out the science in this is amazing!" He smiled. "Arackniss we need something more powerful to stop it" I helped him up. Distracting him is all I needed Arackniss to do. I'll crush him with some of the pillars! I used my hair to trip him, then the pillars came down. I used my hair to pull the ladder down. We were now in the vault. I lit a lantern to help us see and every lantern leading to the flower began to light. I observed the flower. It was dried up but still beautiful. Arackniss selfishly grabbed the whole thing. "Arackniss I thought you only needed one petal?" I questioned. "What if one isn't enough to save my dad?" He scowled. "Arackniss, come on" I tried to help. "What different does it make?! It's just sitting here rotting anyway!" he yelled. As he turns away an empty potion bottle flies from his bag. "A mood potion? What are you doing with this?!" I questioned. "I had to modify it. I had to know the flower was here" he sighs. "You truth syrumed everyone?" I felt myself getting more upset and angry. "You'd be surprised what people will tell you for a cookie. You honestly expect me to be worried about Corona right now?" He sassed. "How could you do this?"
"Alastor, I used you! I begged you for help and you left me!" He exclaims. "Give me the flower, Arackniss, we both broke the law because of you! I disobeyed direct orders for you, I promise we can fix this but not this way" I tried to sway him the right way. "Sorry Prince, I know first hand how well you keep promises" he used a smoke bomb to escape. "Alastor are you okay?!" Anthony ran to my aid. "Arackniss, wait!" I yelled.


When I was alone I staid up in my room. "Hey, Alastor, everything is gonna be okay" he tried to help. "I broke the law, stole from my own father, and committed treason. Is that really okay to you?" I grumbled. "The worst part is I let the most powerful object in the kingdom go to.. I don't even know what he is anymore. I know that this isn't the last of him though" I sighed. "I would like to be alone"


It's been a while since I worked on this fic and I have no idea what exactly the lore is anymore but I know for fact I did change the Varrian being in love with Cassandra thing and i need to figure out what exactly I was doing when this first came out but that aside sorry if there are any spelling errors, i sort of rushed the last few chapters, this one included. Hope everyone is doing well💜 sorry this fic is so long, I decided to change it only to make it the major plot of Tangled the series but it if it goes on too long I'll make a part 2 (even tho I wouldn't prefer it) anyway hope everyone's having a good day

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