The wind in my hair

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{Small A/N}

I'm probably not gonna type all the lyrics or any of them ,it depends on the visuals but like I said last chapter, I wanna give a third person veiw for the characters I haven't used in the first like 13 chapters as well but if you still wanna imagine shit in ur head ,the track should be at the top, if not tell me and I'll add it

{End A/N}

And so Alastor,the horses and Vaggie walked through this new area together, trying to get away from everything.
Alastor felt the cool wind breeze ,then got on Max and they raced off , Vaggie following closely. They walked through the shallow part of lake ,watched fish swim upstream, and walked with the horses behind a waterfall. At one point a wolf approached them ,and Vaggie Drew her sword but by the time she did she saw Alastor petting it, later the continued walking through the forest and saw a grassy field with fireflies. Their eyes lit up. The walked closer quietly trying not to scare away any of the fireflies. There was a small pond with frogs bouncing around after the fireflies. Alastor smiled. He was able to catch one of the wire flies ,holding it for a bit while Vaggie watched him, and then it flew off. Alastor started to chase it, getting back on Max during the process while Vaggie chased after him. They eventually made it to the Corona wall ,and Alastor climbed up again. The fireflies swarmed around him for a while and then flew off, it was actually really pretty. Vaggie threw a rope, holding the other end. Alastor grabbed it and looked back at Corona in the distance, then leaped over the wall. They eventually made it to a cracked stone bridge. Vaggie looked at Alastor.
"Just remember, no one can ever know I took you outside the walls of Corona." She tells him.
"Don't worry ,no one's going to find out." Alastor says ,taking Max over the stone bridge. Max walked anxiously ,hearing little crunches with every step, making him too nervous to move.
"Woah, settle down Max. Alright, this seems dangerous. You can stay here and watch Vaggie's horse ,ok?" So they agreed on that and the horses waited there, watching Alastor and Vaggie walk along the bridge.
"So, what did you want to show me?" Alastor asked.
"Believe me, it's better if you see it for yourself." Vaggie said, walking over to some sharp black rocks around a stone.
"They're.. beautiful." Alastor says, looking at them.
"What are they?" He adds.
"Don't know. They just kind of sprouted up here about a year ago; and watch this." She says, drawing her sword.
"Uh, you might want to stand back for this." Vaggie warns him, so Alastor does.
Vaggie hits the rock only for the sword to shatter.
"Wow." Alastor says , looking at the shards fall to the ground.
"They're pretty cool, wanna know the weird part?" Vaggie asked as Alastor approached the weird pedestal that was between the rocks.
"This is where they found that miracle flower that saved your mom." Vaggie tells him. Alastor wipes the dust off the pedestal ,the black rocks start to glow cyan from Alastor being near them. Alastor notices and pokes the rock as it blast him back into Vaggie, Vaggie holds him close, trying to protect him until the blast is over but were shoved apart also because of the blast. Once they got up the water beyond the cliff rippled, Alastor got up and noticed his bangs were practically glowing Titan around the tips ,then fading into Auburn closer to his scalp. Vaggie started to get up, and Alastor ran towards her as a black rock came out very close to where Alastor just was, this one was still glowing but then faded as Alastor got away from it. Another one came from the ground, then many more and much faster. Vaggie helped Alastor run from them. It's like the rocks were TRYING to kill Alastor.
"We!- what is?!-" Alastor was cut off by Vaggie.
"Get to the horses as fast as possible ,and don't look back, Alastor!"
Alastor ran ,dodging the rocks to the best his ability, nearing the edge of the forest again. Vaggie stopped running but continued to yell for him
"Don't stop , Alastor! Keep running!"
Alastor did just that. Vaggie kicked at the rock walls as hard as she could for a few seconds, causing a small avalanche. She hoped that would stall the rocks for a bit and then ran after Alastor. Alastor kept running but sooner or later all 70 feet of his long Auburn hair was back somehow.
"Uhm.. Vaggetha!" He yelled.
"Keep moving Alastor, we have to and need to get!- WOAH- WHAT?!", She looked at his hair.
"What happened?!" She yelled , confused.
"I have no idea, but we'll have to deal with it later! Let's go!" He grabbed her arm and started running. They ran across the bridge,the rocks were behind them. Max wanted to help but as soon as he took a step part of the bridge crumbled away. The bridge would start to fall apart, this made Alastor and Vaggie fall, but they got up quickly and kept running anyway. Alastor had almost made it when he got yanked back.
"Uhg! Vaggetha ,my hair-"
Vaggie stopped and looked it ,caught between a crack in the bridge. The rocks started to light up the forest on the other side of the bridge. Vaggie ran and pulled on it, the bridge lifted because of the contact with the rocks, almost looking like it could crush Alastor and Vaggie for a second before slamming back down. It was still caught. Vaggie pulled out her sword only to remember it was broken ,so she ran down the bridge to where it was caught even though it was hella dangerous. The bridge started to crumble more ,pulling Alastor near the edge. Vaggie ran back and grabbed the cloak's cake so he wouldn't fall. Max ran over the bridge, not caring anymore about the state it was in and once he got there he smashed the stones Alastor's hair was caught on, sending Alastor and Vaggie backward. The held each other close as their part of the bridge would now crumble any second. Max ran back because of the rocks. Max jumped, and Alastor jumped to grab onto Max, Vaggie hoped to do the same thing but only grabbed Alastor hair. Alastor and Max landed safely on the other cliff, bhut Vaggie was on the edge , trying not to fall.
"Vaggetha!" Alastor yelled.
She almost well when her horse ran and caught her by the collar of her shirt. Vaggie got to safety and the bridge crumbled completely.
"See? Told ya I'd get you in and out without anybody knowing." She said ,now feeling a bit cocky.
"Piece of cake." She adds.
"Peice of cake?! Do you see the 70 feet of my father's going to kill me growing from my head?!" He yells at her.
"One problem at a time ,please." Vaggie says.
They return to the castle on their horses by morning.
Vaggie and Alastor wait for the fleets of guards to go by as they hide in an alley.
"Great. Because of the coronation, they've doubled security on the main gates." Vaggie complained.
"And there's no other way in?" Alastor asked.
"Sure. If you want to walk through the door in broad daylight." Vaggie says sarcastically.
Alastor looked around and noticed a window.
"Maybe we don't need the front door..." He says to Vaggie.

So Max walks down the hall to Alastor's room ,and stares down the guards until they leave. He then walks in and helps Alastor and Vaggie climb in through the window.
"Okay. Hand me the scissors." Alastor says, pointing to some that are sticking through a yarn ball on one of his tables.
Vaggie grabs them.
"So what do we wanna do here? A bob, maybe some layers?" She jokes.
"Just cut it!" Alastor says.
Vaggie grabs a peice of his hair and snips the scissors only for the scissors to shatter. Max and Vaggie look at the broken scissors.
"Uh oh.." She says.
"Uh oh?" He turns and looks at the broken scissors. "Oh no.."
"Was your hair always this strong?" Vaggie asked him.
"What? No! Try again." Alastor says, starting to get impatient and desperate.
Vaggie grabs the hair and uses her dagger to try and cut it, only for the dagger to bend to the side. Alastor looks at the now oddly shaped dager.
"We're gonna need a plan B.." he replies.
Vaggie pulls out a whole bunch of different knifes. Alastor lays his hair on a table to make it easier.
"Cover your eyes." Vaggie says to him. Alastor does just that.
They go through lots of different weapons yet make no progress other than breaking the weapons.
"Uhg, forget it! It's just like those stupid rocks ,it's unbreakable!" She says ,getting aggravated.
"We can't forget it, today is my coronation!" Alastor says to her. Someone knocked on the door.
"Hey, sunshine, are you in there?" Anthony asked. Alastor starts for the door but Vaggie grabs his arm.
"You can't let Anthony see you!" She tells Alastor.
"What? Why?" Alastor asked her.
"He can't know anything about last night, I told you, Alastor, if it gets out I took you outside Corona I'll be done for!" Vaggie tells him.
"But I trust Anthony.." Alastor says to her.
"Well I don't! My dad will have me taken of prince detail and we'll never see each other again!" Vaggie pleas.
"Oh come on, we've been looking for ya all night." Anthony says from the other side of the door.
Alastor nods.
"Hey, are you okay in there? I can hear you ,ya know!" Anthony yells to them.
Alastor tries to walk forward but his hair gets caught on the battle axe from their attempts to cut his hair.
"AHK!" He squeals, falling backwards. Vaggie runs around the room, shoving parts of Alastor's hair on cupboards and things, Alastor shoves some of it under the bed and Max hides a pile of it under the rug.
"Alastor? Alastor!" Anthony starts to get worried and impatient.
"Stand back!" He kicks open the door and walks in "Are you oka- holy- Y-your hair-" He stammers, shocked.
Alastor laughs awkwardly,
"Uh.. surprise."
Alastor sits Anthony down, only for Anthony to stand back up again.
"Oh mama- this is.. new, I mean not new- right, 'cus we've seen this ,obviously, whole magic thing is involved again- it was magic?- actually ya know what- you don't need to know , I'm just gonna say your hair magically grew back, no one knows how; obviously ya don't wanna tell me or else you wouldn't 've tried to hide it from me. So I won't ask how it grew back ,but tell me please, how did it grow back? Don't answer that- the important thing is you're okay, you are ok ,right? Because as long as you're ok I don't care what happened- I mean I care , obviously I care but I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this, uhm..." Anything stammered more.
"Thank you for understanding." Alastor says to him.
"Oh come on! Really?! I thought we trusted each other a little." Anthony says nervously.
"We do! I do, it's just.." Anthony cuts him off.
"Fine ,fine. You know what- I can't make you tell me what happened, but obviously you're keeping something from me.. but whatever it is I-I just want you to know that you should never feel like you have anything to hide from me.. you don't hide things from the people you love, ever." They both start to smile at each other and Vaggie rolls her eyes. Edith shouts from the other side of the door "Alastor ,honey-"
"Hide your hair, Alastor! You have to hide your hair!" Anthony says to Alastor, completely retracting his earlier statement.
"Alastor?" She starts to open the door when Egg quickly closes it.
"Can I come in?" Edith asked politely.
"You can't! I'm uh.. brushing my teeth!"
"Okay.. well I can still come in, can't I?" Edith asked.
"Trust me, you wouldn't want to.. um.. I'm not decent -" he says , trying to come up with a better lie.
"Oh. Well ,dad and I want you to join us on the terrace for breakfast." She tells him.

"I don't know.. there's a lot I've got to do to get ready."

"Alastor, your father has something very important to show you... He's been waiting all night."

"Yeah..sure um.. I'll meet you there in a minute?" He says to her. Edith leaves.
"The coronation is in two hours, HOW am I supposed to cut this hair?!" Alastor says starting to panic. Vaggie looks at the hairties on Max's maine and tail.
"I have an idea.." Vaggie says.

Watching from the window || A Tangled x Hazbin Hotel (Pastlives) storyWhere stories live. Discover now