Royal Portraits & theives

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Anthony watches Vaggie judge Alastor as he tried to figure out what to do for his Royal portrait.
"Hm.. no." She says to him.
Alastor tries to think of another idea.
"Lighten up ,Vaggetha, it's just a painting." Anthony says, putting his focus into tossing an apple up and down into his hand out of boredom.
"It's not just a painting, this is the prince's royal portrait." Vaggie corrects him.
"She's right, all of these portraits have something about what made that particular king or queen unique." Alastor adds.
"It's tradition and he has to decide on his look soon, the Giovanni gets here in two days and from what I hear that guy is as familiar for his temper as he is with his art." Vaggie informs them.
"We'll look at this guy, he's not doing anything and he seems pretty happy." Anthony says, pointing at another portrait hung on the wall.
"Hey! Careful, that's the only portrait of Robin the 11th." Vaggie says to Anthony.
"The kingdom had 11 Robins?" Alastor asked.
"Nope, they called him Robin the 11th because the only thing interesting about him ways that he had-" She was cut off by Alastor counting.
"Nine- Eleven fingers." Alastor says.
"Look Alastor, if you want to find a way to represent the things you're good at don't listen to that dumbass." Vaggie tells Alastor.
"Listen here vAGgEthA, I'll have you know- Carlo Cattaneo was a legend!" Anthony says to her. She laughs; "Key word being was, aaand what do you do now?" She asked him.
Anthony stood there puzzled for a second but knew he couldn't let her see that.
"Wh!- I do lots of things! I do important things- so important ,you wouldn't even understand them, so important I don't even understand them, isn't that right ciccio?"
Alastor is distracted, reading a book.
He looks up at Anthony.
"Hm?" He says to them.
Vaggie looks back at Anthony, smiling.
Anthony glares at her.

{Some time later Anthony goes to the Snuggly Duckling}

"Can you believe Vaggie? She acts like the only things I've ever been good at are lying, cheating, and stealing- which in fairness, I am very good at." Anthony says to them, going from anger to smiling.
The men at the table look at each other and don't say anything.
"Wait you guys AGREE with Vaggie?" He says to them.
"No, no ,no,no. We don't agree with her. We've um. Simply arrived at a nearly identical assessment, is all." One of them says to him.
"Ohhh, okay. Okay I see how it is. I can be more than just a good looking their, INFACT I'm gonna prove you all wrong!" He smiled, and looked back at them only to see they don't care.
"Does no one in this damn kingdom have an attention span? C'mon."He says ,walking away. So Anthony sets out to try applying for any job in the kingdom that he can, he really doesn't want to be seen as petty theif anymore. Unfortunately though most people didn't want to hire him because of his poor math skills and previous reputation, one of them even remembered Anthony stealing a create of boots once.
Anthony gives up and decided to just go back to the castle. He went into his own corridors and sat down in chair, scaring Egg who was previously sleeping in the quiet of the room.
"Who knew having a job could be so much work? There's so many rules and responsibilities, ya shoulda seen some of the people I had to work for- 'wonder who died to land them in charge." Anthony complained to Egg.
He sighs "Maybe Vaggie was right about me- eugh, just saying that feels awful; but maybe it's true and the only thing I was meant to be was a-" He gets cut off by yelling from outside.
"THEIF!" The voice says.
He looked out the window and watched this odd figure trying to make its way out of the square.
"I know where he's headed. I know where he's headed!" Anthony gets up and goes to stop them.
The guards show up just in time and Anthony looks at them
"Guys, he's headed for the doc!" He tells them. Husk glares at him.
"We'll handle this ,Carl, and besides- he ran in the opposite direction, genius!" He yells, heading after the theif while the other guards follow.
"No one calls me 'genius' and gets away with it!" Anthony says. He heads off hoping to catch the theif before they can.
The theif makes it to the doc, running through it until Anthony trips him.
Anthony kicks a dager into his hand, using it to cut a rope. The rope lead to a full fishing net, which covered the theif in his place. Anthony smiled "Amateur." He says to him. The guards show up.
"Carlo, what are you doing here?" Husk asked.
"Well, Captain, I don't wanna say I just did your job for you, but I just did. Runnin' to catch the last farie tactic, I know because I invented it. Nice hustle though, keep your chin up." He says to them, as he goes back to the castle. Husk stares confused for a moment before turning to the same glare he always has for Anthony.
One of the other guards looks at Husk.
"I don't believe it, Carlo Cattaneo I'm the side of the law." The guard says to Husk.
This makes Anthony smile, maybe this was meant to be his role in the castle.

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