What's the password? // bull's-eye

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{No time skip from here and last chapter}

As the guards continue walking Anthony through the hallway Anthony notices a tiny ceramic unicorn by one of the cells. Husk and the guards keep moving until the door to where they WERE going is slammed in their faces. Anthony looks at the door as well as the other guards. Husk is confused and angry that he can't carry on with his day without one bad thing happening.
“Hey! What's this?! Open up!” Husk yells.
A slot in the door is moved to reveal one of the faces of the Snuggly Duckling pub regulars. “What's the password?” He says.
“What?-” Husk says to himself, confused.
“Nope.” The man tells him
“Open this door!” Husk yells
“Not even close!” The man replies. The guards beside Anthony get taken out by two other regulars from the pub.
“You have three seconds! One!.. Two!..Three..?” Husk turns around to look at Anthony, seeing the helmet of one of the other guards on the floor. Anthony waves to him.
The door behind Husk opens and he's knocked out by one of the other pub regulars with a frying pan.
“Frying pans! Who knew, right?” Anthony says to him with a smile. The other guards break down the door and everyone splits up and runs. Three guards were after Anthony but get stopped by a mime from the pub in classic cartoon like fashion, they all stare at him a bit scared, they then turn their heads to see a man running towards them and they all scream in terror.
Anthony makes it to the courtyard but stops ,seeing guards come flooding in. Hook hand grabs Anthony and puts him on a broken trailer. “Head down.” he tells him. Anthony listens, repeating it back to him
“Head down.”
“Arms in.” hook hand says to him
“Arms in.” Anthony does that ,still not knowing exactly why he's doing any of this.
“Knees apart.” Hook hand tells him.
“Knees apa- wait, knees apart? Why do I need to keep my knees aPART!” He started to yell as one of the others jumped on the other half of the broken trailer like some kind of catapult. “AAAAAHHH” Anthony screams , closing his eyes not wanting to see where he might land. Once he does land he opens his eyes to see Max, looking at him. “Max?.. you brought them here?” Anthony asked.
Max nodded. “Thank you..” He said to him.
Max shrugged. “No really, I feel like maybe this whole time we've just been..-”
Max looks at him, slightly annoyed.
“Yeah , you're right- we should go.” Anthony says to him. Max runs them along the wall of the prison, no where to go but forward. Guards are already headed their way. “Max..” Anthony says to him, hoping he wouldn't have to go flying through the air a second time today.
“Max... Max!” Anthony starts to yell as Max runs faster, through the guards, then leaps over the prison wall. “AAAAHHH” Anthony screams as the horse soars through the air for a few seconds. Max then treads across a roof top, ripping some of the tiles off then jumps into the square, Anthony is holding onto the reins for dear life at this point. Anthony notices they've hit solid groups and calms down. They run through the bridge. “Alright Max, let's see how fast you can run!” Max runs faster, now going through the forrest Anthony was in when he was out running the guards then first time. They make it to the tower.
Anthony gets off Max and looks up at the tower. “Alastor? Alastor, let down your hair!” He yelled ,but no response. Anthony starts to climb the tower ,stone by stone but just as he gets about a foot off the ground he sees Alastor's hair come down. He grabs it and climbs up. Once he's in the window he lets out a sigh of relief before looking clearly at Alastor.


“Oh Al, I thought I'd never see you again!-” He gets cut off by Micheal comes up by him and stabbing him in his blue eye, then before Anthony can fight back stabbing him in the stomach.
“AHG!” He yells in pain, dropping to the floor. Alastor is across the room, forced to watch as he's chained up and his mouth is covered to hide any screams.
“Anthony!” Alastor yells ,still having his voice completely muffled because of the cloth around his mouth.
Anthony lays on the floor starting to bleed a lot, and trying his best not to break down crying. Micheal smiled, walking over to Alastor with the danger still in hand.
“Oh now look at what you've done, Alastor; don't worry Allie.. our secret dies with him.” Micheal cackles, Alastor struggles to try and do something- anything he can to help anthony even though the chains don't let him get close enough. “And for us? We're going to go where no one can find us EVER again.” Micheal continues, he head over to the chains, loosening them up a bit and pulling them into the trap door that leads out of the tower. Alastor keeps trying to run away. “Enough Alastor! STOP. FIGHTING ME.” Micheal yells. The mouth covering comes loose. “NO. I won't stop. For every minute of the rest of my life I will fight. I will never stop trying to get away from you. But, if you let me save him... I will go with you..” Alastor says to Micheal with teary eyes. “N-no.. No, Alastor..” Anthony mumbled. Micheal glares at the both of them. “I'll never run, I'll never try to escape. Just let me heal him. And you and I will be together. Forever, just like you want. Everything will be the way it was. I promise. Just like you want. Just let me heal him...” Alastor continues.
Micheal rolled his eyes and took the chains off, instead chaining Anthony to one of the support beams of the tower so he literally can't follow them. “Don't fucking get any ideas about following us.” he told Anthony.
Alastor scrambled across the floor to Anthony. Anthony stares at Alastor, feeling horrible. He noticed some bruises and bite marks on Alastor, he would do anything to help Alastor if only he wasn't bleeding out right now. Anthony coughs a bit.
“A-Anthony!” Alastor looks at Anthony's wounds. “Oh I'm so sorry.. everything is gonna be okay though.-” Alastor says to him. “No- No Alastor..” Anthony says to him.
“It's gonna be okay, you have to trust me!” Alastor tells him. “No! .. I can't let you do this..” Anthony says to him.
“And I can't let you die..” Alastor replies.
“B-but if you do this, then you- will die..” Anthony says to him, starting to cry.
“Hey.. it's gonna be okay ..” Alastor says, he was about to sing to him but then got cut off by Anthony. “Alastor.. wait..” He made it seem like he was moving Alastor hair so he could give him a kiss but instead cut it all off with his other hand, which has a glass shard from the mirror. Anthony drops the shard on the ground, starting to pass out from the blood loss. “Anthony! What the hell?!..” Alastor says in a shaky voice.
Anthony dies in Alastor's arms, the hair turned dark brown and Micheal starts frantically screaming and aging.“NOOO! NO, NO, WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” He screams as he looks in the shattered mirror at himself. Micheal was disgusted. Alastor badly wanted to do something about Micheal, he had been wanted Micheal out of his life for a while but he couldn't decide if he wanted to kill Micheal or stay with Anthony. Egg grabbed the hair, tripping Micheal so he'd fall out the window. The fall and aging turned Micheal to dust.  Alastor looked out the window, feeling a mix of emotions such as anger, happiness, and sadness. He looked back at Anthony. The blood in his hair and on his clothes.

Watching from the window || A Tangled x Hazbin Hotel (Pastlives) storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें