Beyond the walls

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Tw⚠️hitting, kidnapping⚠️

{3rd person POV}

Vaggie and the others had gotten a nice little horse powered caravan to follow the road of black rocks. Anthony was talking to himself about how he'd propose to Alastor, Alastor was talking to vaggie in the front seat, and some of Anthony's ruffian friends were with them and one snuck on board just to eat their food supplies.
Vaggie took them into a city but it was really barren and unfriendly. Alastor walked up to a shop to try and ask for directions but the owner just told him to get lost. Alastor still wanted to be kind though, to which Vaggie and Anthony told him was a bad idea. They said it would be best to keep a low profile. Little did they know someone had it out for anything and spread word of his arrival. They were definitely in a city he had either robbed or betrayed before.
"Let me dispose of him" One of the deranged hitmen begged. The tall male Infront of him had a much more sinister plan though. "No, that's not how this ends. I want to settle things with Carl properly" He spoke ominously.

Meanwhile Alastor watched the caravan as they resided outside the city and in the woods for now. The horses were eating a fruitful brunch, the sun was beaming warmly, the wind was breezing by, and Alastor was writting in his journal, missing all of it. "He asked you to marry him again, huh" Vaggie broke the silence. Alastor shuttered. "C'mon, I know you guys well enough by now" She adds. "It wasn't entirely like that, maybe.." Alastor trailed off. "Well, what did you 'maybe' say?" Vaggie asked. "Nothing at all. I'm not sure why" he fidgeted with his fingers. An ominous voice joined the conversation "Oh I can tell you why. You have bigger things lying ahead of you" a woman dressed almost samurail-like replied. "Greetings" she added as she munched on an apple she stole from the horses.

Anthony was buying some groceries for them in the city. "For the last time, he didn't say 'no', hook-foot" Anthony sighed. "He didn't say anything, which -in a way is worse than saying anything so I'd appreciate if you just shut the fuck up!" Anthony pressed forward. "You got it, kid. Won't say another word" The hooked ruffian smirked. He then tried to make a joke of the situation but Anthony's other friends stopped it. "Enough! Anthony doesn't need this. Even though he comes off pathetic an oblivious sometimes we need to stick with him and support him, no matter how much the whole marriage thing could be a *horrible* idea" they tried to comfort. Anthony just felt worse. He wanted to die at the moment. "Isn't that right, buddy?" The friends added. "You're all just awful, awful people" anything sighs. A kid runs up to them suddenly. "Hey! You're all friends with that annoying guy with the long hair, right?" This makes Anthony's blood boil. "Easy there, that's the man I love" Anthony tried his best to stay polite. "And he's not annoying, it's more like.. irrepressible" a fiends smile. "Well he's in trouble" the kid adds. The kid runs into an alley and they follow him. "Where is he?" Anthony grumbled. "Hah, how would I know? Some guy just gave me a silver of gold to get you down here" The kid walked off.

"Hello, Cattaneo" a firmilair voice cackles. "Oh, if it isn't the weasel" Anthony insulted and smiled. A presence begins to fill the spaces behind them. "An old friend would like to do some catching-up with you" He adds ominously.


Alastor and Vaggie continue to speak with the mysterious woman. "So who are you?" Alastor asked. "Well your majesty, I'm Nifty" The shorter female smiles. "What do you want?" Vaggie grumbled. "Just a word with the prince, alone" She smirks. "Oh, so you can kill him? Not gonna happen" Vaggie hissed. "Oh please, it'll only be a moment, dear" Alastor reassured her. Nifty stepped away from Vaggie. "Don't touch me" She smiled. Her general being almost hid all the aggression, yet something about her was still creepy. "Don't stalk us" Vaggie growled. The two began to fight. Nifty was easily able to beat Vaggie since she would easily get away with how small she was. She wasn't even trying to hurt anyone either. Alastor joined the fight, purely for entertainment and to protect Vaggie. "I've had better fights with roaches" Nifty adds. Vaggie tried to stab her but Nifty dodged easily. Once she got Vaggie's sword away from her she offered to help Vaggie off the ground. Alastor tried to take the opportunity to defuse the situation but Nifty wouldn't let him. She twitched at Alastor's hair touching her. She pulled out a black dagger and tried to cut the hair off but when she saw it had no reaction she was a bit surprised. "It didn't cut?" Nifty was caught off guard. "Is that made of the.." Alastor trailed off, Anthony's ruffian friend came running for Alastor's aid. "Alastor! Vaggetha!" He yelled. Alastor directed his attention away from Nifty. "That was fun, I'll see you later!" Nifty just left as oddly as she appeared. "Where's Anthony?"  Alastor asked. "They took him!" The male huffed for breath.


Cherri, Anthony, and the drunk were tied up and brought to meet someone. Cherri noticed who's place this was "Oh shit. Anthony, this is—" She was cut off. "Travis! Wow, love what you've done with the place, ya know we were just admiring the view and uh—" Anthony was cut off by one of Travis' minions. "If you want to keep your tongue I suggest you stop moving it,NOW" the man stepped closer to them. "Enough. Quit playing games, Carlo. I've been waiting for this. It's time to make amends for what you did to Vel" Travis grumbled. "Right, the Velvet incident. I mean we really should just let go of it, it's time to move on" Anthony tried to talk his way out of it. A female voice interrupted. "Not gonna happen" Velvet sassed. "Hey Velvet" Anthony muttered nervously. "Hello, Carlos" She hit him on the back of the head. He winced in pain.
"I'm so confused" the drunk mumbled. "Velvet is uh, Travis's daughter. And Tony's ex" Cherri mumbled off the last part. "I see. Who's Tony?" The drunk stammered. "Hey Velvet, how are ya. Before you get upset though, I can explain" Anthony collected himself, trying to form a plan. "I'm not upset, Carlo, and what's to explain? You left me at the bloody alter!" She yelled. "Did I though? Is that really what happened, how it went down? Because that's not how I remember it, but hey, ya know it was quite some time ago" Anthony stuttered out. Cherri tried to give a reassuring smile. Velvet just glared. "Who's to say who did what that day, I mean—" Velvet cut hi off "Stop talking. After what you did I swore if I ever saw you again, I'd break all your bones!" She grumbled. "That's fair" anything sighed. "But with time, comes perspective. I realized you need me, we're partners in crime! Partners in life, we can't 'change' what we are! Besides, think of what my family could grant you!" She was hinting at her more prizes family members, Vox and Valentino (who have a lot of money). "What what? What are we talking about about?" Anthony was now lost. "It's a proposition, Carlo. Keep good on the promise you made to my daughter, and marry her!" Travis demanded. "And if I don't?" Anthony just had to ask. "If you don't, Cherri Bomb and your other friends will perish" Travis added. "You can't just make me marry her, Travis" Anthony argued. "Oh, I'd like to give it a try" he removed a spot on one of his rings, revealing a very small and deadly spider. "Anthony, it's a spider, a fucking spider!" Cherri started to squirm anxiously.
"Not just any spider , a venomous  Kai spider" Travis cackled. He began to explain how easily it could kill or injure someone, then put the spider on Cherri. Cherri just closed her eyes and froze. She soon passed out from fear. "Fuck! Is she dead?" Anthony began to get anxious. "No, just passed out from fear. Will be dead by nightfall though" Travis laughs. "But I could give you the antivenom, if you marry Velvet" He adds. "Trust me, Carlo, meant to be" Velvet adds as she joins her father. "Congratulations, Mr. Groom!" the drunk adds.

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