2 - Table for two

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- Holy sh... - I shut my mouth with my hand before anything else could come out of it, only embarrassing myself more. I quickly gathered everything I knew about Korean culture, though his doe eyes kept on distracting me.

Bow. That was the only thing I could think of. So I bowed, introducing myself, trying my best not to stutter. Needless to say, I failed at it.

- G-Good evening, I am Angèle and I am a photographer. I was about to show you a picture I took of you, but I don't want to disturb you further. Sorry. - I bowed again, turning to run away from the embarrassing situation, but his voice stopped me on my tracks.

- Picture? - He mumbled, tilting his head like an intrigued puppy. He was now standing, and proceeded to bow as well before introducing himself. Not that there was the need to, but I assume it was all part of Korean mannerism. - Good evening, I am Han Jisung. Nice to meet you, Angèle. -

- Nice to meet you too. - I bowed once again. 'When do I stop? Does bowing ever stop? My back already hurts, someone save me' was all I could think of besides his perfect figure standing in front of me. He looked so ethereal, the lamppost's light accentuating his best features.

- You said you took a picture of me? - God, his accent. I could listen to it for hours.

- Y-Yeah, I was just walking and I saw you, and I thought it could have been a great shot, but if you want me to delete it that's fine. - I was ranting random words, so fast it sounded like I was rapping. He raised his eyebrows, making me even more nervous. I couldn't read his expression, the mask hiding most of his face.

- Can I see? - Oh shit. I was already insecure of my photography skills, but now that I was standing in front of one of the most famous idols to ever exist, I felt like I had never used a camera in my life, every picture looking worse than the previous one. However, I was aware I still needed to show him that damn picture. After all, he was a star, and had to be careful of his image. I was only hoping he wouldn't have made me delete it.

- Sure. - I replied, my hands slightly trembling as I carefully handed him my camera. He gently took it with both hands, bowing.

- Thank you. - He scanned the picture for a few moments, while I wanted to kill myself from embarrassment. I was standing in front of an idol, watching him judge my work. What a great feeling.

- You are a really good photographer. - That was it. I was hoping someone would shoot me right there and then, I was even considering jumping down the railings which separated us from a ten meter fall. You can die from that, right?

- T-Thank you. - I stuttered once again. I mentally cursed myself as I kept on wanting to snatch my camera back and run away. However, he kept on analysing that picture in every detail, so I felt like I needed to say something to break the silence. - I was going to post it on my Instagram account, but if you don't want me to, I would totally understand... -

- No, that's fine by me. - He smiled, his eyes almost disappearing behind those lovely chubby cheeks. I couldn't help but smile in return. - I just ask you not to mention that it is me to anybody nor to tag Stray Kids or fan accounts in it. -

- Oh my God, thank you so much! - I squeaked, bowing. I was so happy, both because it was a hella good of a shot, and because it was a picture of none other than Han Jisung himself.

He handed me back my camera, his gaze fixed on my hands as I took it back. He widened his eyes and gulped, suddenly acting anxious. I decided to shrug it off and not to question him to make things easier, though I was very curious about his behavior.

- Are you from here? - He asked, staring deep into my soul with those chocolate eyes. I swore I was melting under his gaze.

- Yeah. Well, actually no, but it's a long story. - I chuckled, relaxing my shoulders. - I am staying here for a month, but I've lived in Paris for many years before. - I explained, not really understanding why he was asking.

- That's nice! - He once again flashed his smile, only that it was covered by that stupid mask. I would have ripped it apart only to see those cute cheeks.

- Why are you asking? - My heartbeat started going faster for no reason whatsoever. I was probably highly anxious of what he was going to ask me, my mind racing through the various possibilities.

- To be honest, I wanted to go drink somewhere, but my phone is almost dead and I have no idea where to go... - He scratched the back of his head, lightly chuckling. - I would gladly accept some suggestions about nice places. -

- Sure, I know some nice bars. - I smiled at him as I saw him exhale in relief.

- Thank you so much, Angèle. -

- What kind of place were you thinking of? - I asked as I started walking, inviting him to follow me.

- I don't know, some place where the music isn't too loud so you can still talk without screaming. - He chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets. His gaze was fixed on the floor, as if he was shy. I mentally cooed at his cuteness.

- I have a bar in mind, I hope you'll like it. - I smiled, guiding him towards the Les Halles neighbourhood. It was a good thirty minutes walk, so I asked him whether he was okay with it. He flashed me the kindest smile while shrugging his shoulders.

- I don't mind walking. - How is this man okay with everything? He's literally an angel. And this outfit also makes him look like one, so pure and precious.

We walked through beautiful boulevards and little side roads, before finally arriving at our destination.

It was a little bar, with only dim blue lights illuminating its interior and exterior. It wasn't very crowded, and few tables on the back room were free. I had chosen this place because it was out of the eye of many, being located in a side road, and because its drinks were absolutely lit.

- I like this one, it's quiet and plays some good chill music. Also, I suggest you order the drink called "Angel's death", it's my favourite. - I smiled, pointing at the menu displayed outside the door.

- Thank you so much. - He bowed, and I followed suit, though hesitantly. I didn't know how this thing worked, I was only hoping I wasn't making a fool of myself by bowing unnecessarily.

A few seconds of embarrassing silence passed by, interrupted by Jisung clearing his throat before speaking.

- Uhm... - He scratched the back of his head, nervously. - Could you please ask them if they have a table for two? - I chuckled at his cute shyness, nodding.

- Of course! Let's go. - I invited him to follow me through the entrance with a movement of my head, before I opened the front door.

I scanned my surroundings, my eyes still adjusting to the blue lights. I spotted the counter where few bartenders were mixing delicious drinks, surrounded by alcohol bottles and fancy glasses. A waiter approached us, smiling from under his mask.

- Good evening, do you have a reservation? - I mentally cursed myself for not having called on our way here. I crossed my fingers, hoping there was at least one free table.

- No, but do you happen to have a table for two? - I was nervously sweating as the waiter scanned the bar.

- We only have free tables inside, the ones outside are all reserved. Is that okay with you? -

I turned to Jisung, who was awkwardly standing next to me, rocking back and forth in nervousness with his hands in his pockets.

- They only have a table inside. If you want to sit outside I can think of somewhere else... - I painted a heartfelt apologetic look on my face, already thinking of other bars in the area.

- N-No, this place is perfect, thank you so much! -

The waiter nodded smiling, before leading us to a table at the back of the room. We thanked him as he left, going to grab the menu, Jisung obviously bowing. He scanned his surroundings, still clearly nervous. There was a long minute of awkward silence, before I spoke up.

- Well, if you are fine with this place I should get going, it's pretty late anyway. Enjoy your night with your date. - I smiled, hiding the sadness which was piling up inside me. I couldn't believe my time with him was already ending, I had such a good time talking to him on our way there.

I bowed, turning to walk away, but once again his voice stopped me before I could.

- Actually, I don't have a date tonight. I was wondering if you... -

One Night in Paris [Han Jisung ff]Where stories live. Discover now