11 - All You Need Is Love

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On Saturday morning, going to work felt like a punishment. The previous night I had gone to sleep at 4 am, the adrenaline in my body after the concert impeding me to fall asleep.

I had danced in the bathroom for so long, having my own concert in the shower, careless of the fact it was so late at night. Then, I had tried to fall asleep, though I couldn't help but replay the concert in my head, and Jisung's hugs right after.

Eventually, I had drifted off, though it was already too late to have a proper night sleep.

I groaned as I got out of the bed, looking at my reflection in the mirror. The only thing I could notice were my eye bags. How cute. I quickly covered them with concealer, wearing my work clothes right after. Dragging my feet out of the apartment, I walked to the bakery.

Marie was already washing the dishes as I opened the door, my face clearly portraying my lack of sleep.

- Good morning, Marie. - The lady smiled from ear to ear, even after seeing my worn out state.

- I can see you loved the concert. - She playfully stated with a chuckle.

- It was amazing, but I went to sleep really late... - I groaned, leaving my stuff in the storage room and walking back to the front to help her.

The morning passed quite quickly, with many people coming in to have breakfast, but overall we didn't have to rush, which I was very glad for.

Once the clock struck 10:30 am, I went to the storage room, where we had a chair and a table, to have a quick break and relax for a while. However, not even two minutes in, I heard Marie's voice call for me.

- Angèle, I need you to come here and speak English for me! - I wanted to die, since I was about to fall asleep on that chair. I set foot out of the storage room, only to be met with a very familiar squirrel-looking boy.

- Sungie! - I excitedly clapped my hands as I ran to hug him. A couple of customers who were peacefully sitting at their tables looked at us weirdly, though I couldn't care less. All I wanted was to snuggle in that boy's sweater forever.

- How are you, Angèle? - He smiled fondly, caressing my arm as we parted. Marie signalled me from behind him that she would have gone in the back for a few minutes, and I nodded in understanding.

- Really good, now that you're here. I was about to fall asleep back there. - I giggled.

- Didn't sleep much, huh? Unfortunately, I only stopped by to buy the guys some pastries for dessert after lunch, so I won't stay here for long. - He pouted, his eyes staring at me cutely.

- It's okay, at least I get to see you, even if it is not for long! - I smiled, and I swore I saw his cheeks redden. - So what do you want to bring the guys? - I asked, going behind the counter to get his order ready.

He rummaged in his pockets, eventually taking out a crumbled up piece of paper.

- Okay, so... - His eyebrows furrowed, trying to understand whatever was written on there. - Gosh, why do they have such bad handwriting? - I laughed, peeking to see the paper. It really looked like doctor's calligraphy, you couldn't make up a single word out of those scribbles.

He sighed, putting the paper away.

- You know what? Just give me one of each type. - He said chuckling.

I giggled in return, putting all of those pastries in several bags. There were some with marmalade, others with chocolate or fruit. In total, there were so many different kinds that I was worried how they could have finished them.

- How are you even gonna eat all of these? - I counted: 27 pastries.

- Don't worry, Changbin eats a lot and Hyunjin loved them last time. Also, I am taking some for the staff as well. - I looked at his precious smile, seeing how attentive he was towards everybody around him made my heart skip a beat. Such a selfless human being.

While I was at the register, he leaned on the counter, resting his chin on his palm and staring at me.

- You really love seeing me flustered, don't you? - I chuckled, trying to hide my blush.

- Am I making you flustered? - He smirked challengingly, and I decided to play with him.

- I don't know, are you? - I walked towards him, mimicking his position.

Once again, we were staring at each other's eyes, only few centimetres away. Our breaths were unsteady, as we probably both wanted to cup the other's cheek and kiss them so badly.

So we did. Our lips smashed together in a soft kiss, and I could savour his sweet taste. I didn't want his lips to ever leave mine, though shortly after we both felt the need to in order to catch up with our breaths.

We looked at each other, giggling at the same time at our very evident red cheeks and ears. My heart was pounding so hard it could have probably jumped out of my chest anytime.

- Was this as unexpected as it was last time? - I asked while playing with his copper locks, smiling.

- Not as much, but still took me a little by surprise. - He winked at me, both of us bursting out laughing. Right at that moment, Marie came back, so I stood back up straight and pretended to work, fighting back my blush.

I handed Jisung the various paper bags with the pastries, thanking him right after.

- Don't miss me too much today, Sungie. - I said as I waved him goodbye, smiling.

- You already know I will! - He sent me another wink, but this time I had to hold my laugh in, given that Marie was standing right next to me.

I went back to work, cleaning up the counter. However, what took me by surprise this time was Marie suddenly humming a song: "All You Need Is Love" by The Beatles.

I wanted to dig my own grave as I started to explain her, though unconvincingly even to myself, that we were not a couple and that there was nothing going on between us.

The only reply she gave me was a "sure there isn't" sarcastic look.

She thankfully stopped teasing me for the rest of the day, though my head only kept on thinking of that kiss. So sweet and gentle, I thought I could still taste him on my lips.

Just as I was about to close the shop, a message popped up on my screen.

Sungie's future wife
Hello :)

Angèle's photography
Missing me already?

Sungie's future wife
Though I wanted to ask you what place you have chosen for tonight :)

Angèle's photography
It's a place close to where we went to that first night. It's really cool!
📍The Underground
We have a reservation with my name :)

Sungie's future wife
You're amazing!
Oh my God please tell me it looks as good as it does in the pictures

Angèle's photography
Way better😉

We kept texting on my whole way back home, and I felt like he was right next to me, talking and keeping me company. He truly could warm my heart with just a text.

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