18 - Betrayed

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I panicked, immediately rushing to Chan.

- W-Where is he? - My voice cracked.

- He... - Chan sighed, thinking on how to say those words. - He said he won't come. -

My heart cracked once again. Didn't he want to see me? I let out a small whimper before nodding and turning away. I wanted to get out of that place as soon as possible to cry myself to sleep, away from that fucking boy called Han Jisung.

I started running out of the venue, tears already falling and catching the attention of everybody around me. I ran until I was out of breath, collapsing on a random bench.

My lungs hurt and my calves burnt. My heart was shattered in a million pieces. He didn't want to see me.

Once my hands stopped trembling, I took out my phone, immediately opening Instagram and clicking on that damn account.

Angèle's photography
Fuck you, Han Jisung.
I hate you with my whole heart.
I knew I shouldn't have fallen for you, I knew you were only playing with me to have some fun.
Fuck you, never text me again.

I sobbed on that bench for half an hour, my skin full of goosebumps due to the cold air of the night. I couldn't help but feel betrayed. I had given him so much, I had loved him like I had never loved anyone before, yet he was only playing with me.

My phone dinged.

Sungie's future wife
I'm incredibly sorry, Angèle, I truly am.
Please come back here, I want to talk.

I bursted out crying once again. How could I have fallen for him? It was obvious he wanted nothing serious from the beginning, wasn't it? He had never admitted to the members we were dating, he hadn't said anything about our kiss at the restaurant, or how he had asked me out that day. It was all a secret, all for fun.

I angrily typed back.

Angèle's photography
Talk about what?
About how good I was for sex or as a toy?
About how you never really cared for me?
I know you never did, so why bother explaining?

I wanted to throw my phone across the street and witness it crash against the pavement.

Sungie's future wife
Where are you?

Angèle's photography
Stop texting me.

I locked my phone, only to receive an incoming call. Needless to say, it was him.

I reluctantly answered, already wanting to throw all my anger at him.

However, what stopped me from doing so were the muffled noises coming from the other side of the line. Sobs.

A few more tears started trailing down my cheeks again.

- A-Angèle, please talk to me. Where are you? - He was panting, sounds of cars passing by could be heard in the back.

- Why do you want to know? - I acidly spat back. I could only see red.

- For fuck's sake, Angèle, tell me! I want to talk! - He screamed desperately.

I heavily breathed in, wanting him to be aware that I was mad. Actually, mad was an understatement.

But his voice was able of making me do things I knew I would have regretted. I was too in love.

- The park next to the venue. - I said emotionless.

- Thank you, thank you, thank y... - Before he could finish speaking, I hung up on him.

I was fed up. I sat back on the bench, fidgeting with my rings as I waited.

Was it a good decision to give in? I thought of actually standing up and walk away, just for him to feel how I felt. Betrayed.

Not even five minutes later, I could hear loud stomps coming from a street across from where I was sitting. I turned towards that direction, immediately recognizing two figures.

Chan stood still, watching from afar as Jisung rushed towards me, already breathless. It took him a few moments to catch some air, eventually looking at me directly in the eyes.

- Oh my God, I thought you had already left. - He panted in between breaths. After the concert, the chase after me. I felt extremely guilty, but my proud ass couldn't show it.

- You said you wanted to talk. - I emotionlessly said, scooting on the bench so that he could sit on the opposite side. He eagerly did, breathing heavily.

- I... I just wanted to tell you none of that is true. - I forcefully reminded myself it was all part of his act, keeping my face expressionless.

- Why should I believe you? You could be playing with me right now. - I looked straight at him in the eyes.

- Because it's true, Angèle! Gosh, I love you so much I don't even know how I could mistreat you like that! You make me feel so good, I feel like I'm in heaven every time I talk to you, you are everything I have ever asked for... I love you, Angèle, I really mean it. - His cheeks were stained by tear drops, which he kept on wiping away with the cuff of his sleeve.

- Then why weren't you there? - My voice broke. - I waited all the concert only to see you. - I bit my lip to avoid sobbing uncontrollably in front of him.

- I... - He sighed, staring at his feet. - I was scared of facing you. I thought that if I didn't see you it would have been easier for me to let you go. - He wiped away his tears once again. - I'm sorry I was selfish. -

I couldn't control myself anymore.

I jolted up, immediately going to kneel in front of him and hugging his waist. I sobbed on his lap, his hand caressing my hair soothingly.

- I-I'm so sorry, Sungie. I-i'm sorry for thinking you didn't mean any of the things you said or did. You made me feel like nobody has ever done before and I was terrified of only being used like in the past. - I said between sobs.

I finally lifted my gaze, only to be met with his. He faintly smiled, cupping by cheek and brushing it with his thumb. I pressed my hand onto his, enjoying his warm touch on my skin. I shut my eyes tightly, afraid of spilling more tears.

- I love you, Jisung. -

- I love you too, Angèle. -

One Night in Paris [Han Jisung ff]Where stories live. Discover now