Chapter 9: The Cursed Scepter

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"... Custard..."

Custard tried to open his eyes, but his vision was blurry.

"Custard...... Wake up....

He opened his eyes the second time.

"Alright that's it."

Custard opened his eyes the third time and suddenly, Devil dropped a bucket of water and threw the empty bucket at him.

"OW!" Custard yelled

"Good you're awake." Devil said.

"How dare you treat your king like that!" Custard got angry at Devil but Devil argues back.



"WILL YOU BOTH SHUT UP!" Strawberry Crepe said.

Devil and Custard looked away from each other and crossed their arms.

"Anyways, we're halfway there." Strawberry Crepe said.

"What are we looking for?" Devil asked

"A friend of mine." Crepe answered.

The kids kept walking. Devil looked at Strawberry Crepe and then looked back at custard. they gave a devious smile and floated forward towards Crepe.

"Hey Crepe, can I talk to you?"

"What is it." Crepe and Devil slowed down their pacing to move behind Custard from a distance.

"Do you have a crush on Custard."

Strawberry Crepe blushed alot and denied the fact they had a crush in Custard.

"NO I DON'T, where did you get that idea from?!"

Devil showed a picture of Crepe's diary.


"Cat got the tongue now huh?" Devil taunted

"Give me that photo!" Crepe tried to grab the picture, but Devil turned the other way.

"What if Custard sees this?" Devil asked while giving the sus smile.


"What's the commotion about my loyal subjects?" Custard approached the two.

Crepe yanked the picture and put it away in their cape.

"UH NOTHING! WE WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT THE SKY BEING STORMY AND-" Before Crepe finished their sentence the thunder strikes a few meters away from the kids.

"Since when did it-" Crepe was cut off by thunder striking near them.

"TIME TO GO" Devil yelled

They ran trying to find shelter. The rain and wind were fierce.

"I'm getting soaked by the rain" Custard said.

They reached the cliff side of the forest.

Crepe's headgear starts to spark

"Oh no..."

"What's wrong?" Custard asked.

"My headgear starting to malfunction because of the rain. that also gives my wafflebots commands and my crepe arms control." Crepe explained.

"Hey there's a mansion across the bridge." Devil pointed out.

Devil, Crepe, and Custard tried to get across the bridge, but the bridge was too windy and slippery.

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