Chapter 14: The Reveal

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"Shes still asleep."

"Then wake her up using the bucket!"

"Almond would tie us in handcuffs if we did that!"


"What did you call me?"


"Alright Strawberry Crepe, I'll show you who's weak!"

"Finally someone to annihilate!"


Walnut slowly opened her eyes open to see Pudding and Custard pulling Crepe and Chestnut away from each other.

"What the-"

Walnut woke up and noticed Chestnut and Crepe being pulled away by Pudding and Custard.

"Don't worry about them! they're just acting!" Devil lied to Walnut.

Walnut lifted her eyebrow.

"Whatever, where am i anyways?" Walnut asked, looking around.

"We're in the castle.  you were asleep for 5 days." Chestnut explained.

"After that explosion, we ended up got washed up near by the kingdom. and guess what happened?" Chestnut said smiling.

"A sugar gnome rebuilt it again using a 1-hour speed clock. rebuilding everything again! Everyone came back and returned to their normal lives." Pudding explained to Walnut.

"But what happened at the towe-"


Everyone looked at door now concerned and surprised by someone's scream.

Everyone looked at door now concerned and surprised by someone's scream

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"Jeez, what was that?" Princess asked?

"What the actual heck is going on?!" Gingerbrave said concerning.

"Should we-"

A very angry Purple Yam kicked the door open to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Everyone looked at him, scared for their lives.

"What are you looking at!?" Purple Yam yelled.

They looked away.

Purple Yam left the castle to his house.

Everyone decided to go back to their houses for the week while Pudding, Chestnut, and Custard stayed behind.

"Hey i got an idea on what to do!" Custard had an idea.

Pudding and Chestnut looked at Custard with curiosity.

Custard grabbed their hands and ran out of the castle. They went to Walmart to get some snacks. "Alright we should have a movie night." Custard suggested. The two cookies were confused. "What's a movie?" Chestnut questioned. "O-oh...  Don't worry, your king will give you the best movie ever!" Custard insisted. They all went to get snack. after that they went to the cashier to check out. 

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