Chapter 1 - The Task

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Since the day that Porsche made Khun Macau's head bleed, I have become Khun Kinn's head bodyguard and I couldn't ask for more.

It was not because Khun Kinn was mad at him. I heard Khun Kinn wants Porsche to just have fun since Porsche never really wished to be a part of this whole mafia thing. So, Khun Kinn immediately agreed when Khun No asked if Porsche and I could switch.

Although, Khun Kinn is sad that Porsche is away from him, he didn't complain because works started to choke the air out of Khun Kinn's lungs.

I like being with Khun Kinn, not just because he's the most normal among the siblings, but because he takes care of his bodyguards well. When he decides to just work at home, he will allow us to do the things we want to do. Like going out to mall and the likes. But of course we should be gone for only 3-4 hours so that the other guards can go enjoy their free time too while we tend to Khun Kinn if ever he will be needing anything that requires our service.

I don't say that being with Khun No is awful, because he is so fun to be with. We would watch series all day and eat to our heart's content. But I didn't spend my years training to death for that, I want to serve the major family.

I want to offer them my life from the things that forbids them to achieve perpetual power.

Vegas, the eldest son of the minor family, sitting on the same throne with Khun Kinn has been stealing the main family's clients. It has come to their attention that, if Vegas can't be stopped, the main family's business will crumble and fall. Hence, we need to find evidences of Khun Vegas's mischiefs. 

 He is a Theerapanyakul, Khun Kinn's dear cousin and he is my target.

"Pete." Khun Kinn called for my attention.

"Khap, Khun Kinn." I bowed to him as I wait for whatever he wants to tell.

"I want you to accompany Tay and his sister tomorrow on a royal ball organized personally by some Duke from Sweden. Here take my card and go to this address, I already called to inform the tailor that you'll be visiting the store today to pick the tuxedo you will be using. You can pick whatever you want, Pete. " Khun Kinn said and gave me his black card. 

"Also, this is the key for the car that you will be using. That is one of my babies so take good care of it, Pete," Khun Kinn reminded and I just nodded courteously.

"Ask questions if you want." Khun Kinn added. He might have seen my confused and questioning look.

"Well... Your friends have already been in to countless balls but this is the first time that you'll be sending someone for them when they have their own bodyguards... I would like to ask, what is the purpose of letting me accompany your friends?" I asked and Khun Kinn smirked.

"I want you to tail Vegas." Khun Kinn started.

"I believe, Vegas will attend this ball because this Duke has been his great friend. When he thought that Tay was in a relationship with me, he tried to pursue him, even going to the lengths of following him to Sweden to visit the Duke. Vegas became friends with the Duke through Tay." Khun Kinn said in the easiest way possible but I still don't quite understand.

"Turns out, most of our business partners and clients are invited to attend this ball. I want you to know his process of stealing my clients." Khun Kinn said, finally stating my objective.

"Khap, Khun Kinn. I'll report back tomorrow before going to the ball. Then, please excuse me." I simply said and bowed my head to Khun Kinn. He just nodded his head and hummed as a response and continued typing on his laptop.

"Pete." Someone called and I turned around to see Big.

"Hey." I replied facing him.

"Where are you headed?" He asked in his usual irritated voice.

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