[R18+]Chapter 22 - The Pawn's Freedom

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This chapter contains torturing and is not advisable for readers 18 below and readers who are easily disturbed.

After that short conversation with Khun Magnus, I spent hours sitting in the garden. Thinking how'd I get here.

How'd I get myself into this.

It was not until seven in the evening that I went up to go inside my room.

Vegas was nowhere in sight and the mansion's unbelievably silent.

What's wrong with the vibe here?

I entered my room and went to my bed. Lying sprawled on my soft mattress; the things that have been complicating me started to resurface and torment me again.

What do I do?

What do I need to do so I could be out of this complicated shit hole?

I sighed another tired air and concluded, I need a smoke.

I lazily went to open the balcony door and was about to lit a cigarette when an earsplitting cry of agony rang throughout the whole place.

It was muffled. It was as if the cry was coming from the earth.

Confused, I look down. There was none there,just the usual vast yard.

However, the bodyguards who are stationed to their posts would flinch and their faces clearly shows disgust and fear.

What the hell? There's something odd.

I immediately ran to open the door and looked where that sound was coming from.

I walked---half-ran, and rushed towards the way where the cry gets louder.

The screams of a man rang throughout the whole place.

Huffing from the desperate run, I stopped on my tracks as I found where the cries where coming from.

"T-This is a basement..." I muttered breathlessly.

I took a step down to the marble white stairs. But the lower I get, the white marble stairs that looked elegant started to look creepy. The lights were faint and traces of what looked to be sticky black---or was it red?---liquid covered the elegant stairs. The smell of raunchy iron enveloped my nose. And then it occured to me.

"What the hell? What---"

"You're not allowed here." A voice rang from a corner.

I didn't recognized the face but his uniform tells me he's a bodyguard here.

"What's in there?" I asked him.

As if my question was the queue, the scream rang out again and I heard it clearly. It was louder, skin-crawling, and extremely terrifying.

"You know what's in there. And I'm telling you this for the last time. You're not allowed here. Khun Vegas isn't to be---" When I heard Vegas' name, excitement stirred in me and I didn't let him finish what he was trying to say and interrupted him.

"Vegas called for me." I lied impulsively and the bodyguard was taken aback. He was easy to pick himself up though, he straightened his back and gave me a poker face.

"Khun Vegas never calls anyone in." He stated and I cursed mentally.

"I'm a special case." I tried to lie harder and he squinted his eyes.

"Khun Vegas, never allows anyone inside when he starts his... operation." He spat back on an icy voice.

"I told you, I'm a special case. Shall we call Vegas and see?" I threatened the bodyguard but he didn't budge. Instead,

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