Chapter 5 - Solicitude

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I felt my self slowly drifting into consciousness. I still didn't opened my eyes as I feel pain shot across my body.

My shaft feels uncomfortable, my wrist feels a little painful and my lower body feels feeble.

I grunted in pain and slowly, very slowly, I opened my eyes and looked around.

I'm sprawled on the bed. I think I'm fully naked because I could clearly feel the duvet on my skin underneath. I tried to sit up only to groan loud when my waist felt like it was breaking into two.

"Finally. The Sleeping Beauty is awake." Said a man in a white suit, sitting lazily on the sofa with his fox like eyes glistening and staring deeply at me.

Since the place where he is sitting is dimly lit and my eyesight still hasn't adjusted, I can not clearly see the face of the man. But I can sense some familiarity.

I squinted and asked.

"Who are you?"

I heard him gave a throaty laugh and that made the hairs on my body stand.  The man lazily stood up. I noticed that he's holding a silver knife which shines when the lights reflects to it. 

Captured by how his knife looks so amazing when the lights would reflect on it, I didn't noticed the man is now already standing on a place where the light now illuminates his whole features.

"K-Khun V-Vegas..." I trailed as I stared on Khun Vegas's beautiful face covered in what seems to be...blood?

"What happened to you? Are you hurt?" I asked in panic and sat up straight despite the pain from all over my body when I realized that it is really blood that's covering his gorgeous face and his beautiful white suit.

He chuckled darkly and then walked towards me. He stand beside me and brushed the back of his hand on my face down to my chin.

"I wasn't hurt, Sleeping Beauty. I was the one who hurt someone..." He murmured as he lifted the knife in front of us and looked at it dearly. The knife is covered with blood too and Khun Vegas is looking fascinated on his knife... or at the blood staining his knife?

"But why are you covered in blood?" I asked trying to process what's happening.

"I slaughtered some filthy Arabs..." Khun Vegas confessed and looked at me boredly, yet he was smirking.

He doesn't look like the usual Vegas. He looks like he's in a some kind of frenzy. Although I may say he looks terrifying, he also looks dashing looking like that...

Looking at him with a satisfied expression, I feel odd feelings inside me and without notice, my dick hardened.

I ignored such disdain and focused on Khun Vegas.

"Arabs? Where? Why?" I asked non-stop; confused.

Khun Vegas lazily pointed his knife somewhere and I looked at where he's pointing at.

Right there, just below the bed are four men lying lifeless on the cold marble floor with their blood mixing and pooling around them.

I noticed the one who gave me champagne was missing something.

"W-where is his h-hand?" I immediately asked Khun Vegas.

Khun Vegas chuckled "I chopped it to bits and flushed it in the toilet." He said flatly as if that was something everyone else are doing on a daily basis and went to the other side of the bed. He grabbed my tuxedo and my pants, folded it and handed it to me.

"Why?" I asked confused as to why he did that, and to that man only?

"Go and clean yourself. My men will arrive here in a few minutes to clean things up. I'll give you a ride to the main family's mansion. Anakinn is worried." Khun Vegas instructed.

I think Khun Vegas had got out of his trance now because his eyes keeps on shifting and it's now showing fear and uncomfort.

"Khap. Khun Vegas." I simply replied and tried to stand up despite my legs getting wobbly.

"Pete... " Khun Vegas called.

"Khap, Khun Vegas?" I turned towards him and bowed my head to him.

"Are you... Are you afraid of me?" He asked almost whispering. I lifted my head in shock and my eyes immediately caught his.

"No. Khun Vegas. I've already known that you do things like this. I've already known your ways of killing people." I confessed and he looked at me furrowed brows.

"Then why are you looking at me like that?" He asked in a voice that sounded like hurt.

"Like what, Khun?" I asked confusedly. How am I looking at you?

"You look like you've got questions to ask but is afraid to do so. Isn't it because you're afraid of me?" He accused.

"No, sir. While it is true that I've got questions I would like to ask, we were told never to ask our masters questions if it's unnecessary, especially if this questions are just purely out of our curiosity. I am not afraid of you, Khun Vegas, if that's what you want to hear." I explained to clear the misunderstanding and he seemed to calm down a little bit.

"Ask away." Khun Vegas simply said.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"Your questions. Tell me, what is it." Khun Vegas said and sat on the bed.

I stared at him for a second and realized that I won't be going anywhere if I didn't tell him what's bugging me.

"I'm just wondering why are you here? Why did you saved me? For what reason? For me? What am I to you that you went on the lengths of killing those foreigners? Those are my questions." I said and I waited for Khun Vegas's response.

He sat there silent for a long time and I stand there silent for a long time too. He smirked and looked at me.

"The last question is interesting..." Khun Vegas said and throw me a glance.

He stare at the bed and he looks like he's thinking because he's tapping his thighs and his brows would furrow from time to time.

"T-That... I don't know. I just felt the need to follow you when I saw that Arab dragged you on his car while you're looking like you're going to faint from something I can not determine. And then he took you here and three other men helped him dragged you towards this room. It took me a while to go and follow you here because I didn't know what I was doing. I was tasked to steal Kinn's investor tonight, that very same Arab who gave you a drink. That very same Arab whom I cut off a hand. I was supposed to go home happily tonight because he's supposed to invest in our company because I succeeded on stealing him from Anakinn but I couldn't do it because... Of you. You're not my business at all, them having you occupied makes me more free to do the things I'm tasked tonight because you're no longer there to watch me and report to Kinn. I just found myself standing outside, I don't know why but when I opened that very door and saw what those men were doing to you when you're helplessly lying on this bed tied and writhing in pain, begging them to release you... I lost myself." He explained, his hand caressing the mattress softly and I stared at him still not understanding what he's saying.

"So, basically... You wanted to follow your target but ended up killing him because you saw your supposed to be investor with three of his friends sexually assaulting a bodyguard tasked to spy on you?" I asked trying to make things clear because my brain is having a hard time keeping up.

"That's a whole lot of oversimplification but I don't think it's like that... But yeah..." Khun Vegas trailed and smiled at me.

I nodded in response and Khun Vegas stand up, his back facing me.

"Now go to shower and wear some clothes. My men wouldn't like it very much when they saw you naked with multiple discolorations like that. They'll be very shocked of the view." Khun Vegas said and that's when I realized that I was standing before Khun Vegas, naked!

I bowed my head in humiliation and ran towards the bathroom with my clothes hanging on my left hand.

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