Chapter 2 - Man in White

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I slept early last night despite Khun No banging loudly on my door. I need to have beauty rest! My God! I think Khun No banged on my door for a whole straight hour.

"Hi. Pete." Dione greeted and smiled as usual.

Dione is a beautiful girl. She's tall and slim but curvy. She's got a snow white skin too but not lighter than mine, she's got big gray doe eyes accompanied with long eyelashes. Her eyebrows are not too thick nor too thin, just normal. Her nose is pointed and she looks very beautiful.

Oh well, her name means 'the goddess' and her overall appearance embraced that meaning. She do look like a goddess.

"Hi, Dione. I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up, Khun Kinn had me run an errand." I apologized and Dione just smiled at me sweetly.

"No, it's okay. I understand your job." She assured me and I melted. She's so sweet!

"Then, let's go now. I'll still have to go to Khun Tay's mansion. And... Maybe I could drop you off." I said and Dione glanced at me shyly.

"Then, I'll make it quick." She said and we entered the mansion.

"Let me carry that for you, Dione." I said and reached for her makeup box. She mumbled a shy 'thank you' and we head straight towards our room.

"Come in, Dione." I invited her

"Aww. Porsche, you're still here?" I asked Porsche who was doing push ups near the sofa. He's covered in sweat and his suit is messy, two buttons are undone so his tan chest is visible. Porsche is one of the beauties I was talking about and he's just 10x more good looking than I am. I didn't even questioned Khun Kinn when he pursued Porsche because even though Porsche has a foul mouth, he's soft hearted and hot as hell.

"Well, yeah. Khun No is still sleeping. We went to Yok's yesterday and man drink so many alcohol I thought he plans on making his stomach burst from consuming too much liquid." Porsche said and laughed.

"Oh, who is she?" Porsche asked

Shia, I forgot about Dione.

I looked at her and saw that she's staring at Porsche lovingly. Yes, I was like that at first too. He's just so good looking, isn't he?

"Porsche, this is Dione. She's gonna help me look presentable for the ball later. Dione, this is Porsche, he's head bodyguard like me." I introduced the both of them and they both shyly smiled on each other.

"Then, I'll get going now so you guys can freely move here." Porsche said

"Oh, no. It's okay, you can stay." Dione interjected and Porsche looked at me and her.

"No, it's okay. It's about time my master wakes up too, so I'll get going." Porsche said and Dione sighed sadly.

There there, Dione. I'll comfort you!

Porsche went out the room and I turned to Dione.

She's still looking on the door so I called her.

"Dione, let's start now." I said to her and she smiled at me.

Dione is very skillful, it only took her 30 minutes to bring out the beauty in me. I stare at the mirror looking surprised by how good looking I am.

"Shia, Dione. I look good." I complimented myself and looked at her in the mirror.

"Of course, you do Pete." Dione agreed and went on fixing her things.

I went to grab my wallet and slide a gun behind my waist for emergency purposes.

"Are you ready?" I asked Dione and she just nodded.

We went out the room and Dione kept on turning her head as if looking for something.

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