Chapter 14 - Off Limits

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I stared at him in confusion.

"B-because we're touring?" I said as a matter of fact.

"We're done touring. Go and get ready for" Khun Vegas replied on a gritted teeth and left me standing there with my mouth hanging wide.

What the fuck is wrong with that bastard?

I shrugged off the annoyance I don't know where's coming from and started booking a reservation at my favorite restaurant.

I hurried to my room and went to shower. Gotta smell good!

After showering and I wore clothes suitable for formal dinner.

I was re-thinking everything when I remembered that I left my car at the mansion. I forgot that I rode with Khun Vegas here!


I dialed my phone immediately and called Porsche.

"Hello." Porsche answered in a raspy voice.

"Porsche..." I trailed. Sensing if he's still mad at me.

"What? Did they already started torturing you so you're calling now to say goodbye?" He nagged which made me chuckled a little.

"No, silly. I'm being treated exceptionally well here. I called because I need to ask you a favor." I started and I heard him let out angry air.

"Oh, come on. Don't give me the 'being treated exceptionally well' bullshit. You're in Vegas's territory, 'exceptionally well' treatment is pipe dream. What's your favor?" He retorted.

He doesn't plan on believing me, does he? Oh, well.

"I'm asking if you could just drop my car here at the minor family's mansion and I'll drop you off back to major family's mansion since the place where I'm headed at is near there. Can you?" I asked and prayed that he would do it.

Porsche is a nice guy. But one thing about him is when he's mad,

He's mad.

"I'm busy---" He replied plainly. I know he's gonna cut the call off immediately so I spoke before he could do it.

"Please, man. I really, really need my car today." I begged him and I heard him scoffed.

"Wait for me outside. I don't want to spend more time there. I might just strangle Vegas to death." He said. I heard movements on the phone and figured he's getting dressed. Man had another tough day with Khun Kinn.

My forehead creased at the last sentence.

"Why would you strangle him?" I only meant to ask jokingly but Porsche took it personally.

"Oh, I figured you didn't know." He said as if he's saying it to another person. "That asshole, Vegas, begged Kinn to have you working for him. I don't know what bullshit he's playing, but I know it's all about bringing the main family down. He wasn't able to get me and hurt Kinn so he's turning to you because he knows you're close to Kinn. You better watch your back, Pongsakorn." Porsche threatened and I was speechless.

Begged Khun Kinn...?

The sound of the call being cut off brought me back from all the thinking. I slowly put the phone down and sat at my bed thinking about what Porsche said.

I didn't know how much time had passed, I suddenly heard my phone ringing.

"Hello, Big. What's up?" I answered.

"Car delivery. I'm outside." He replied and cut off the call even before I could reply.

Why do these people like cutting calls first? Can't they just wait for an answer before putting it down?

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