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I stared out of the window, looking at the night sky for a moment. I watched as the stars sparkled brightening the dim sky. It reminded me of how my life brightened after I met Kinn.

Balancing both marriage, work and mafia activities was a little tough. It was almost ten pm and Kinn wasn't back home yet. Some days were like this. Since Pa had temporarily stepped down, Kinn took almost every aspect of the family business.

Kim didn't have any interest in the mafia business and Tankhun, was not mentally prepared to handle such tedious work. The whole burden rested on Kinn.

Other nights Kinn returned home, exhausted, sometimes he came home drunk. If it was possible to kiss all the pain away, I would have done that a long time.

Someone tapped the door to the room. I looked to see who it was. The door swung open and Big walked in. He was carrying a tray of fresh fruit juice.

Whenever he came to my room by this time, either he was bringing a gift, or a meal sent by Kinn.

"You're still awake?" Big asked as he walked inside. He placed the tray on the table. "Khun Kinn said not to stay up and wait for him. He asked I should give you some juice and go to bed first."

I smiled. "Thank you. How is Pa?"

"He is getting better."


"You should get some rest now," Big said.

"I will."

Big bowed and left the room.

As soon as he left, I went to the table and flipped my laptop open. I wouldn't lie I still feel jealous about Kinn hanging out late at night.

I usually do this for fun because Kinn has proved to be a faithful husband. Since I wasn't sleepy yet, I decided to have a little fun.

I connected the camera to an external hard drive in Kinn's location, and then he came on I could hear everything he discussed through the microphone I hid in his suit.



The skies were gray, the sun faithfully warming the earth when I and my bodyguards, Ken and Pete arrived at the man's house. The grayness seemed like a sign of something bad about to happen.

I am a heavy believer in superstition but I apply common sense at all times.

I don't usually do this but the situation forced me out. I took a seat in the well furnished house and ordered Pete to go get the man

The older man, a man who is supposed to be a manager in one of my casinos dropped to his knees when he saw me.

"Khun Kinn... I know it's my fault. But I'm really in the red now."

"You owe me millions, you have embezzled from the casino, those I can let go." I leaned closer to the man, "but you selling my secret and spreading rumors about me... Is a bit too much."

"Forgive me."

"Forgive? You didn't know I will find out, did you?"

Ken and Pol held the man's head down to the floor, squeezing his neck hard. "Please for the sake of my children, and for old times sake, Khun Kinn I have worked with your family for long."

"Then you supposed to know what kind of person I am when it comes to business."

"They made me do it, I swear to you!"

I leaned on the back seat of the sofa and watched as Pol and Ken threw punches and kicks on the man. I had no pity on him.

The man's face was beginning to show signs of blood clot and swellings. I stood up and buttoned up my suit.

"I give you three days to clear my name," I said quite calmly.

I'm not a bad as people rumor me to be. It is because of a few bad eggs like this man that go around corrupting my name.

I stepped out of the house heading towards my car when I heard some shuffling behind me.

Arm my driver who had been standing beside cars waiting, quickly brought out his gun and shielded me.

"Khun Kinn!"

I turned to see the man pointing a gun at my direction. At me?

You see, this is why I don't give third and fourth chances.

"Stop!" Arm shouted at the man who was all serious about shooting someone. "Put the gun down."

"I got no choice, they made me do it!" The man's face, swollen with red bruises, was full of rage and vengeance.

"Who?" Arm asked

"I can't tell you. I just can't," the man cried.

I could perceive the stench of fear oozing from his eyes. Arm was just been sympathetic with him.

"You put the gun down and tell us who... Promise not to shot you."

The man's facial features softened. He believed the lie. I hated his audacity. I was impatient. I pulled my gun from the holster on my waist. I counted to five.

I watched in silence as the man dropped his hand to his side.

Without warning I stumped towards him.

"What? You think I'm afraid of you?" I threw a punch at his face and shot the gun off his hand.

He winced in pain as the bullet scratched his fingers. He staggered backward and crushed into some plants before falling to the ground.

I kicked his gun aside. I hated when I was pushed to the wall. People like this man triggered me.

"I gave you three days to repent, but you choose to shit your pants. You actually point a gun me?"

The man coughed out phlegm and spat on the ground.

I inhaled deeply.

"Khun Kinn," Arm called. "He is not worth it. Let's handle it."

I ignored Arm. Of course the man was not worth it. So it's better he rots in hell.

I raised my gun to an angle directly opposite his fat face. "Did you see the ring on my finger?"

"You stinkin businessman..."

And that was his last statement before I pulled the trigger.

The loud bang went off from my pistol silencing him at once.

I turned to Ken. "Get me the details of his wife and kids."

"Yes boss."

I tapped Arm on his shoulder. "Clear the mess, please."

I walked to my Maserati car and got into the backseat. Pol hopped in the driver's seat.

"Boss, please don't risk yourself that way again. Father will never forgive me if anything happened to you the second time. Allow us your bodyguards to do the dirty stuff," Pol said.

I tilted my head and looked out the window. I watched as Arm fixed a gun in the dead man's hand intricately arranging the flowers and setting up the scene to look like a suicide scene. But this has been done too many times.

"Let me worry about that," I said. "And Arm, make this look like an accident. You know how we did it with khun Kittisawasd."

"Yes boss," Arm answered.

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