Names (Pregnancy Series Skeet)

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Names are an important part of having a baby, the only problem is that Skeet and I could not agree on a name for either one of the twins. We each have two names for each gender that we liked. Naiia and Jakob weren't really helping either. "We need to pick names." Skeet sighs as we sit in the living room, I looked at the lists trying to put together a name or even just a first name that we both liked. "What about Eli instead of Elijah?" I asked pointing it out to him. Skeet smiled and nodded coming to sit next to me "okay, so Eli what?" He asked looking at the names I had on my list mumbling names that would or could go with Eli. While he looked at the boy names I started looking at girls names. "Eli Ryan Ulrich." He said, I smiled "I love it." I say happily, "now you pick the girls first name." I say handing him the lists of girl names as I got up "where are you going?" He asked confused "I want pretzels and ice cream." I smirk as he shakes his head. Skeet looks over the list at the names "Ruby." He calls to me "Ruby? Hmm I like it." I say as I walk into the living room with my food "what about Ruby Alice?" I say taking a bite of my salty and sweet snack. Skeet tilts his head "I like it." He says as Naiia and Jakob walk in "so have we come up with names?" Jakob asks sitting down "Eli Ryan and Ruby Alice Ulrich."I say with a smile as the twins nodded and the babies kicked my stomach causing me to jump "I think they like their names." I laughed as the three in front of me placed their hands on my belly chuckling as they felt the kicks as well.

Skeet Ulrich/ FP Jones/ Billy Loomis ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now