Here Comes Goodbye (FP)

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(Ok this is slightly different than what actually happened on the show but just go with it please.)

I drove into the trailer park to his trailer, my stomach twisted as I got closer. I knew he wasn't going to be there, he would either be at the Wyrm or the drive-in secretly watching over his boy. I parked my car and got out cursing when I saw the lights on in the trailer, I walked up the porch steps knocking on the door. I waited as I heard movement on the other side, the door opened revealing a clean-shaven FP Jones. “Y/n, you never knock, you usually come right in,” he said letting inside the trailer. I sigh “well things  are different now FP.” I said as I looked around the cleaned-up rooms. "what are you talking about?" He asked obviously confused, I sighed "I can't do this anymore, I've tried to help you but nothing has worked." I said FP looked at me amused "really? Nothing has worked?" He asked motioning around the trailer, I looked around seeing the place was cleaner than I have ever seen it, "ok I think I'm in the wrong trailer." I said as I go over to the fridge pulling the door open seeing actual food inside not just beer. "What the hell happened?" I asked turning to the man, FP just smiled "well I figured if I wanted my son, my daughter, and my girlfriend to live here with me then I need to make some changes." He said. I looked at him confused "what? Is Gladys moving back to Riverdale?" I asked a little upset. He laughed shaking his head "no, JB is moving back here alone. But she and Jughead are moving in here along with you if you want." He said standing in front of me. I looked at him "FP, you know the only way I will move in." I said as he nods his head "I know, I've already talked to Fred about working for him again." He said as I smiled "good. So I guess we're moving in." I laughed.

(Ok so this turned out a lot different than what I originally planned. ~ Steph)

Skeet Ulrich/ FP Jones/ Billy Loomis ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now