Finding Out the Gender (Pregnancy Series FP)

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I was becoming impatient waiting for FP and Juggie to get back from Serpent business, "JB you ready?" I called as I grabbed my leather jacket and the keys to the truck. She came out of her room ready "I thought we were waiting for dad and Jughead?" She asks grabbing her coat "If we wait for them we'll probably miss the appointment." I reply as I leave the trailer. We made it to the appointment, the doctor was running a little behind so JB and I had to wait in the waiting room for a bit. About ten minutes after we got there the door to the waiting room opened and in rushed FP and Jughead, "did we miss it?" Jughead asked out of breath. I laughed shaking my head "no they are running behind." I said as the two sat down. The doctor came out and got us "so what is everyone hoping for?" She asks Jughead smile "I'm hoping for a boy." He says sitting down in one of the comfy chairs, "I'm hoping for a girl." JB smirks as she sits next to her brother. The doctor chuckled turning to FP and I "what about mom and dad?" She asks as I lay down on the bed "as long as the baby is healthy that's all I care about." I say as I adjust my top "I feel the same way." He said taking my hand as the doctor starts with the gel and moving the wand around looking at everything "everything looks great now, let's see if little one wants to corporate with us."She says as she moves the wand "perfect, so it looks like you're having a little girl." She says showing us on the screen. I smiled looking at FP with a smile "another girl." I whispered to him, he smiled leaning down kissing me. JB cheered as Jughead smiled.

(So it's a girl. Thank you for helping.~Steph)

Skeet Ulrich/ FP Jones/ Billy Loomis ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now