Chapter 10 | College Attention...

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(Lucas POV)

It's been a week since the championship game and now the whole nation have there eyes on me. I was now ranked #10 in the United states and I was getting attraction from power 5 colleges. I have a idea of where I want to go. I would want to go UCLA. LA would be good for me and I know Max wants to go back to California so it would be good for her too. And yes I told the colleges I wouldn't come if Max wasn't with me and I mean it. I was still in my junior year so I had a year to make a decision...

"Hey Beautiful!" I say walking up to Max. She was at her locker getting her books out. "Leave me alone!" She snaps at me walking away. "Woah what happened?" I catch up to her. "Just I'm not in the mood today Lucas" Max turns towards me. "Why?" I furrow my eyebrows. "'s stupid leave me alone" She answers looking away. I've never seen her like this and it was making me upset. Max always was happy and cheerful and now she seemed down and low of energy. "Max.." I say reaching for her hand. She pulls her hand away and walks away and I let her. I guess she just needs space. I go to my locker and start putting the digits in. "Hi Lucas!" I hear Will say cheerfully next to me. "Hey Will! Who got you all happy?" I say smiling at him. " know the new boy?" He asks. I smirk "yeah". "Well we started talking and I found out he's gay too and we started hitting it off" Will smiles. "Yes I'm happy for you!" I say putting my hand on his shoulder. "Thanks Lucas!" He smiles back at me. "Where is Max?" He asks and I look away immediately. "Umm...I don't know" I respond blandly. Will gives me a suspicious look. Will can tell when I'm not being truthful. "Lucas what's wrong?" He asks concerned. "I don't know" I answer honestly. "I went to say hi to her and she just waved me off and seemed upset" I continue grabbing my books out of the locker. "That's weird!" Will responds and I nod in agreement. "Did you do anything to her?" He asks me. "No! Never and that's why I'm confused she's mad at me" I look at Will. "Maybe she's not mad at you and something at home" He shrugs his shoulders. My eyes widen. Shit he's right. "Will your a genius!" I say giving him a quick hug. "Where are you going? Class is starting soon" He shouts at me running away. "I'm going to help Max and tell the teacher I'm sick please" I shout back at him. He nods and I continue running away.

I head towards the janitors closet hoping Max is in here. I open the door and I hear faint crying and someone sitting on the floor. "Max?" I ask. "Lucas?" Max responds standing up wiping her eyes. "Max what is wrong with you?" I asked concerned. She hesitates at first. " remember that one night I came to your house because my parents were arguing?" She asks me and I nod. "Yeah I loved that night" I smile at the memory. "Well today I found out my mums been cheating on my dad and there getting divorced" her voice cracks. I pull her into a deep hug and I let her sob into my shoulder. Max cries a lot and I hold her every second. "Your fine" I reassure her rubbing her back slowly. "Lucas I'm scared" she admits crying still. "I know I know" I hug her even tighter. I hated seeing her like this. After a few minutes she stops crying and pull away from my shoulder. I was still holding her waist as she pulls away. "You ok?" I say worried. She smiles at me. "Yeah thanks to you" Max leans in kissing me. I kiss back and I pick her up against the wall. Things were getting heated quickly as I slipped of my shirt. Then I take Max's shirt off and I start kissing her neck forcing slight moans out of her. "Lucas" She says and I pull away from her neck. "What are you ok? Did I do something wrong?" I asked worried. "No you did nothing wrong it's just I'm not ready for that yet" She explains playing with her thumbs. "Hey" I say grabbing her hands. "That's fine we will do it when your ready ok!" I smile at her and she smiles back. "Really?" She smiles brightly. "Of course Max I'll never force you into something your not ready for" I give her a wide smile back. She kisses me and says "I love you so much Lucas!". "I love you too" I give her a peck and we put our shirts back on and head towards class.

We were 10 minutes late but it didn't matter. What mattered was that my girlfriend felt better and that was my objective today. "Hey beautiful" I say leaning over towards her side of the desk. Her cheeks go red and my heart does backflips. "Hi Lucas" she smiles. "Can we talk at lunch?" I ask her and I see her face worried. I laugh a bit and say "it's nothing serious I just need to talk to you about something" and she nods. I wanted to talk to her about college and I know it would make her smile telling her I got offered to go UCLA. 

Class ends and we head to the cafeteria. "Hey Max?" I speak up and Max turns towards me. "Yeah?" She responds and we stop walking at my locker. I put my books away and I start speaking. "So you know how I'm getting college attention" I say still putting my books away. "Of course your like one of the best basketball players in the country" She says smiling at me. "Remember when you told me your dream college" I smile at her closing my locker. "Yeah UCLA" she says confused. "What If I told you they offered me a basketball scholarship there" I smile at her and her eyes widen. "No way!" Max jumps on me. "Chill" I say laughing. "Chill! What do you mean chill? This means we can go college together!" She gets off me. "About that..." I scratch the back off my neck. "I really like Georgia" I say looking at her nervous. "Oh" she says looking away and I could tell she was hurt a bit. I wrap my arms around her waist and pick her up laughing. "Lucas let me down you idiot" she says laughing also. I put her down in-front of me and smile at her. "I'm messing with you Of course I don't like Georgia , and UCLA is my dream college also" I smirk at her. She shoves my shoulder and I lean in for a kiss but she pulls away. "No kisses since you want to play with me" She smirks at me and my face drops. "No kisses?" I say sad. "Your a dork" She laughs at me planting a kiss on me and I smile brightly. "Suddenly I feel much better" I smile and Max giggles. I was glad Max was laughing and giggling considering earlier.

"Let's go to lunch now stalker" Max says grabbing my hand running towards the cafeteria. "Slow down Max" I laugh. We make it to cafeteria for lunch and walk over to the party. "Hey IT couple" El says smiling at us. "IT couple?" I ask confused. "It means your everyone favourite couple and they all want to be like you" she smirks and I laugh. "Hey love birds" I hear Will say sitting with the new boy next to him. "Your one to talk" I say pointing at the boy next to him and his cheeks go red and I smirk. The party eyes go wide and I realised what I just said. "I'm joking guys calm down" I say sitting down next to Max. "Your not joking are you" I hear Max whisper in my ear and my eyes widen. "How did you know?" I whisper to my side at her. "It's a bit obvious" she answers and I shrug my shoulders. I look over at Will and mouth "sorry dude" and he smiles and mouths back "it's fine" and goes back to talking to the new boy. I look back over at Max and she was smiling talking to El and I smiled. I didn't really care about all this college attention. Max is number 1 and will always be my number one priority!!!

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