Chapter 12 | Signing Day...

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(Lucas POV)

Today was signing day for my big brother and I was excited and nervous for him. I don't know where he is going but I have my predictions. It's been two months since we won the championship and Max's parents getting divorced. Max has been dealing with it well and we have only grown stronger during the period of time. Max was the perfect girl and I don't want anything else.

"Hey bro" I say walking up to Jordan at his locker. "What's up bro" he responds giving me a hand shake. "Not much bro just wanted to see how your doing" I say leaning next to his locker. "I'm good bro just nervous you know" Jordan admits. "Hey no matter where you go I'm proud of you and our parents our too!" I say smiling at him. He sends me a smile back. "Thanks bro and I can't wait to play you in college next year" Jordan says lightly pushing my shoulder. My eyes wide. "Oh so your not going UCLA" I say smirking. Jordan just shrugs his shoulders. "You never know" He says walking away patting my shoulder and I let out a small laugh.

"Hello handsome" I feel arms wrap around my from behind. I turn around and there was the most beautiful being on this earth. "Hey beautiful!" I say planting a kiss on her cheek. Her cheeks go red a laugh a bit. It's funny after all this time dating she still blushes when I kiss her cheek. "So do you know where you brothers going?" She asks me. "Nah but I know it's not UCLA" I say still holding her waist. "Oh..that sucks" Max says. "No it doesn't now I get to finally play him one on one next year" I smile. "Umm..that won't go well for you Lucas" she smiles back at me and I feel my face drop. "What do you mean by that?" I ask confused. "I mean he will destroy as he's way better than you" She teases me. I take my hands off her waist. Max seems surprised by my actions and I decide to take it a step further. "Do you really mean that?" I ask faking to be annoyed. "Of course I don't Lucas" She laughs trying to kiss me. I move my head to the side and I see a frown appear on her face. "That wasn't funny Max" I say looking away to hide a laugh slipping out. "It was just a joke!" Max says annoyed. "Well stop joking all the time!" I respond. I see her face go red and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I start laughing loud. Max just looks confused. "It was just a joke!" I mock her words laughing.

Max just slams her locker and walks away annoyed. I stop laughing and I catch up to her. I spin her around and I pick her up and take her to the janitors class. I let her down and she looks at me still annoyed. I laugh again and I lean into her. She leans to and we start making out. She tugs on my shirt and I take it off. Max puts her hand on my abs and starts trailing them. We continue kissing and I go down her neck. I start sucking it causing soft moan from max. We kept doing this until we heard the bell ring for class. "Shit.." I say grabbing my shirt putting it back on.

Me and Max run out the janitors closet and head towards class. We make it to class and we head towards the back. Class was boring and I actually managed to get a lot of work done today. I look over at Max as she was doing her work and I noticed I left a massive hickey on her neck. I guess Max noticed me starting at her as she looked up from her work and smiled at me. I smile back. Class ends and we go to lunch.

Me and Max enter the cafeteria and head towards the party. Me and Max sit down and everyone stares at me. I furrow my eyebrows confused. "What?" I ask confused. "So where's your brother going!?" Will asks. "Honestly I don't know" I say and they don't believe me. "Bro there is no way you don't know where's he's going" Mike says with his arm wrapped around El. "Yeah bro you have to know" Dustin adds on. The girls were all zoned out talking to each other. "I swear I don't know where he is going" I say putting my hands up. "Ok ok guys he told you he don't know" El says helping me. "Thank you El" I say smiling at her and she sends me a smile back.

Lunch ends and me and Max walk out. I sigh feeling relieved. "What's wrong?" I hear Max say aside me. "Nothing just felt like I was getting interrogated" I say and Max let's put a laugh making me laugh. "Ok I have to get to my next class meet you at the end of the day?" I smile at her. She puts her arms on my shoulders and gets on her tip toes and plants a kiss on my lips. She pulls away smiling "deal".

It was finally the end of the day and I quickly head to my locker. I grab all my things and I wait for Max. Max finally comes and I hug her. "Hey pretty" I say pulling a strand of her behind her ear. "Hey Lucas" She smiles widely. "You ready?" She asks me and I nod. "Let's go I'm so excited" I say grabbing her hand and heading towards the gym. We both enter the gym hall and it was packed with cameras and people waiting. I see a blue table with college hats on and my brother and family sitting there waiting for me. I walk up with Max but the camera guys stops us. "Sorry only family" He says to Max. I look at Max saying sorry but she nods saying it's fine.

As Max goes to walk away I hear my brother speak up. "Hey Maxine" Jordan shouts her way. Max turns around confused. Jordan looks at the camera guy giving him a glare than back at Max. "She is family" He shouts smiling at Max. Max smiles widely and I walks over to her grabbing her "Well come on then" I say happily walking over to Max. Max just smiles and we go to the table. Jordan smiles at Max and she mouths thanks. Jordan nods and now it was his turn to choose what college he would like to attend. As Jordan was the number one ranked player in the nation there was lots of cameras and it was nationally televised. All the camera man and every one in the stands was looking in anticipation.

"The college I would like to attend is...." Jordan says. He puts his hand above the hats and goes left to right. "USC" Jordan says picking up the red hat. Everyone claps and I see Jordan smile brightly and it makes me happy. "Congrats bro but UCLA on top!" I whisper to him and he chuckles. "Thanks bro and no Trojans all day baby" Jordan says chuckling. "Hey congrats Jordan" I hear Max say next to me giving him a hug. "Thanks little sis" He says smiling at Max and it warmed my heart. That's the first time he called Max little sis and I saw her face light up. My brother was going to USC and we were going to be rivals and I love every second of it.

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