Chapter 28 | Family Celebration

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(Max POV)

I'm currently in my room trying to get ready. Should I wear more girly clothes? . Makeup? . But then I remembered what Lucas told me. "Don't change your style or look to impress them.." The words echo in my head. I sigh as I just put some raggedy jeans on with my yellow jacket. I also put my vans back on. I look at the time on my phone and it says 5:28pm. Two minutes left. I tell my dad what's happening and he wishes me good luck with a kiss on my cheek. I smile at him as I walk out the house. I knock on Lucas's door. I stand there for a minute until I hear something running to the door. It opens and I see Lucas out of breath.

"Hi..." He says trying to catch his breath. I chuckle at him. "You didn't have to run to answer the door for me" I say smiling. "Of course I did your my beautiful girlfriend" he says grabbing my waist. I blush like a girl out of a romcom and its stupid. I never really blush when it comes to boys but when it's Lucas I turn as red as a tomato. "Well thank you my handsome boyfriend..." I say resting my arms around his neck. He smiles at me and leans in. I lean in also and we kiss. "Ok you too stop!" Lucas Mum shouts from the couch. We pull away embarrassed. "Sorry Mrs Sinclair!" I speak up. "It's fine sweetie just do that in your free time" She says and we nod.

"So your ready?" Lucas asks me. "Umm not really look at me..." I say looking down as I walk in the house. "What about you?" Lucas asks. "Seriously Lucas look at me.." I say looking down as we enter his room. "Do I look like someone about to meet my boyfriends family?" I ask looking at him. "Nahhhhhh..." He teases laughing. I smack his shoulder. "But I like that Max..." He says walking closer to me. "I like that you don't fit everyone's description of the perfect girl" he continues. "I like that your different Max and that's what made me fall in love with you" He finishes his speech and my back hits the wall. I smile widely. I jump on him without him expecting and we fall on the bed. I lay on his chest and I hug it. "How did I get so lucky?" I mumble into his chest. He laughs and strokes my hair. I close my eyes and smile. "I love you so much Lucas" I say smiling. "I love you too Max!" Lucas says smiling down at me. I open my eyes and smile back at him.

As we're looking into each other's eyes someone burst through the room ruining the moment. Of course It was Jordan and he had his hand in front of his face. "You guys are not doing anything right..?" He asks. I giggle and Lucas throws his pillow at him. "No and what do you want?" Lucas asks clearly annoyed. "Oh everyone's here!" Jordan says. My eyes widen and I see Lucas Sit up. "Nanny Mary is here?!" Lucas says smiling. Jordan smiles back. "Yes and she was asking for you!" He says. Lucas nods and stands up. I stand up also playing with my thumbs. I guess Lucas noticed as he grabs my hands. "Hey your going to be fine" He reassures me. I send him a small smile nodding. I'm shitting bricks if I'm being honest...

We walk downstairs and we were still holding hands because it was calming my nerves. As soon as we get downstairs a little boy runs up to Lucas grabbing his legs. I let go of his hand and Lucas crouches down at the little man giving him a hug. "Hwey uncle" he says with his cute little squeaky voice. "Hey buddy" Lucas responds giving him a high five. "Daddy says you have girlfwend" The little boy says. Lucas smiles and looks up at me. I smile down at them. "Yeah I do do you want to meet her?" Lucas asks him. The little boy nods jumping up and down clapping his hands excited. Lucas chuckles as he picks up the little boy. "So Maliky this is my girlfriend Max and she's the best!" Lucas says pointing at me. I smile at the boy and he waves at me. I wave back. "Hi nice to meet you Maliky!" I say smiling at him. "N-nice to meet u too" Maliky says still in Lucas's arm. He looks back at Lucas. "Dada said she was pwetty and he was not lying!" He says to Lucas making him laugh. Lucas looks at me and shrugs. "Taught him well" he mouths to me and I roll my eyes smiling.

"Where's my son?" Jordan says walking to us. My eyes widen. He has a son Wtf?!. Jordan sees him in Lucas arms and let's out a breath of relief. He grabs Maliky out of Lucas arms. "Hey guys sorry I was just worried he keeps running around..-" He rambles on. "Hey it's fine he is your son!" Lucas reassures his brother. Jordan sends him a small smile and looks at me. I was still kinda in shock. "Hi Max..." Jordan says snapping me out of my trance. "Oh hi I didn't know you had a kid..." I say still shocked. "Yeah not a lot of people know" Jordan says scratching the back of his neck with his free hand still holding Maliky with the other. "It happened two years ago but I wouldn't change a thing.." he says smiling at his kid. This makes me smile. "I must admit he's a cute one" I say smiling at him. The little boy smiles back. "Yeah he is" Jordan says cocky. "He came from me..." He continues. "Ew to much information" I say disgusted. He chuckles and Lucas joins. "Have you met everyone yet?" Jordan asks me. I shake my head. "Well you better go in there.." He says. "There excited to meet Lucas's wifey" he winks at me. I slightly blush at his comment. "Shut up bro" Lucas chuckles. Jordan chuckles walks back into the family gathering with Maliky.

"Ok you ready?" Lucas says grabbing my hand. I look at him and smile. "Yes I'm ready!" I say determined. He nods and we walk into the family gathering. As we walk in all there eyes go on us. "Lukey!" The older lady says putting her arms out. Lucas smiles and let's go of my hand. He walks over to the lady and gives her a big hug. "Hi nanny Mary!" Lucas says pulling away from hug. "Hey sweetie I missed your handsome face!" Nanny Mary says grabbing his cheeks smiling. I stand there awkwardly. "Ok nana I want you meet someone very important to me..." Lucas says looking at me. The lady looks at me and smiles. "Is this the beautiful girlfriend you're always talking about?" She says to Lucas. He nods slightly embarrassed. I smirk at him. He talks about me everyday?. "Come here sweetie!" She says to me. I smile as I slowly make my way to her. "So what's your name beautiful?" Nanny Mary says to me. My cheeks turn red. "M-max" I say nervous. "Well nice to meet you max" She says. I smile at her. "Nice to meet you too!" I say smiling. I sit next to her and we sit there talking

"Lucas!" A older boy says entering the room. "Uncle Jack!" Lucas says throwing himself at him. They hug each other and Lucas smiles widely. "So where's the girl my nephew won't stop talking about?" He says looking around. Lucas points at me and I look down nervous. Nanny Mary grabs my arm to tell me I'm fine and I send her a small smile. The older boy walks to me. He just analyses me. "Your right she is pretty!" He says looking over at Lucas. I slightly blush and Lucas chuckles. His family is so nice. "Well I'm Jack but you can call me uncle jack!" Uncle jack says putting his hand out. I shake his hand and I send him a small smile. "Nice to meet you I'm ma-" I say getting cut off. "I know Max Lucas tells us all about you.." he say. I furrow my eyebrows. "Yeah about what?" I ask curious. "Well he tells me he has dreams of you and he hopes one day you can get married and have ki-" Lucas quickly puts his hand on his mouth. "Ok that's enough for now!" Lucas says to him turning bright red. Jack takes his hand of his mouth. "Ok ok calm down buddy" He says rubbing his hair. Lucas rolls his eyes and Jack says hi to nanny Mary before leaving to the back garden.

"So what do you think?" Lucas says putting his arm around me. "Your family is so beautiful kind and nice I can see where you get it from" I smile widely at him. He smiles back planting a kiss on my lips. I kiss back. I pull away catching my breath. This might be my favourite day ever.

We spend the rest of the day celebrating and I continued to meet more of Lucas's family and they were all super nice and kind. I couldn't stop smiling the whole day. I must admit I was nervous of they were going to think of me but they were all super polite and kind. Today was a success...!

Word Count: 1620

Sorry for the super long chapter 🤷‍♂️ hope you enjoy though 😊🫶

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