Chapter 20 | Happiest

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(Nobody's POV)

It was the next day and Lucas had woke up before Max as she was still out on his chest. He decided to play with her hair. Lucas always loved how Max looked but when she was asleep she was adorable and he loved the warmness she provided him. He Analyses her freckles and her face. She was so pretty and he was extremely happy that she was his girlfriend. Lucas noticed more people at school have taken noticed of Max beauty especially boys and it was making him a tad bit jealous. He also noticed Troy giving her looks up and down and he really wanted to punch him. Lucas continues playing with her hair until he hears her waking.

"LucAsss" Max says sleepily. "Good morning beautiful" Lucas smiles at her on his chest still playing with her hair. Max smiles at him. She lays her head back on Lucas. "Mmm...your chest is warm" Max says tired. Lucas eyes widen. "Max we need to wake up..." He says. "Whyyyy? it's Saturday!" She groans. "Because it's..." Lucas pulls out his phone. "12am" he says eyes widening. "Shit" Max says lifting her head. "How long were we asleep?" She asks rubbing her eyes. "Too long!" Lucas says standing up. Max stretched her arms. Lucas eyes widen. "Umm..Max where your shirt?" He says pointing at her bra. "Why do I look ugly?" She says self consciously putting the bed sheets over her. "Maxxx...never your beautiful!" Lucas reassures her laying down on her stomach. "Your so beautiful and I love you so much!" He says looking up at her. Max smiles down at him and slightly blushes. "Thanks Lucas!" She says pulling him up to her level. "No problem" he says leaning in. As he's leaning in Max moves her head. "That morning breath..." She chuckles and he pouts. "Let's brush our teeth and then I'll kiss you ok?" Max says and Lucas nods like a little kid. She laughs at him and grabs his hand leading him towards the restroom.

They enter the restroom and Max struggles to find a toothbrush. "Hey here!" Lucas says pulling out a new pink toothbrush. Max kisses his cheek and Lucas's face scrunched up. She just looks at him baffled. "That morning breath" he teases. Max rolls her eyes and starts doing her teeth. Lucas does the same and they both finish doing there teeth. They walk out the restroom and back into Lucas's room. As soon as they enter Lucas wraps him arms around Max's waist and pressed her against the wall. He tries to kiss her but she moves her head. "No kisses for that stupid comment you made" She says annoyed. "Plz maxie" He says pulling her on the bed. Max just rolls her eyes. She would never admit it but when Lucas called her Maxie she liked it. Lucas hovers above her and pulls her into a kiss. She doesn't move her head this time and wraps her arms around his neck. They start having a make out session. Lucas lowers his lips to her neck and she lets out a soft moan. "Lucas your parents are home!" She says moaning. Lucas doesn't stop answer and continues his attack on her neck. She was loving it and didn't want it to stop but she realises that they have to shower and get the day started as they woke up late so she grabs his head. "Hey Lucas we have to stop we both need showers" Max says pushing him off. Lucas grunts and nods. "Ok we can shower together" he suggest. Max shoves him. "In your dreams stalker" she says walking into restroom. "Yeah fine sure your can use my shower" Lucas says to himself.

Max has a shower and walks into the room seeing a sleepy Lucas on the bed. "Hey wake up you need a shower" Max says shaking him. "Go away" Lucas says throwing the pillow at Max. She scoffs and grabs the pillow. She starts hitting Lucas with the pillow. He groans and wakes up. "Your the worsttttt" Lucas says. "Oh really...?" Max says fake upset. He notices her expression and immediately feels bad. "No I'm joking Max your the best" he says worried. Max laughs at him. "I'm only joking dumbass now go have a shower!" She says and Lucas nods. Lucas find some clothes and walks into the restroom.

Lucas has a nice warm shower and does his hair. He walks back into his room and sees Max watching the tv on his bed. "What you watching?" Lucas asks. "Oh...just the office hope you don't mind" Max says. "Of course I don't mind Max" he says sitting next to her. As Lucas is sitting next to Max her belly rumbles. He looks at her next to him. "Hungry?" He asks. She nods. "Ok let's go downstairs and make food plus I'm sure my family wants to see you" Lucas says standing up. He puts his hands out and lifts Max up. When he lifts her up he realises she's cold. "Hey you cold?" He asks rubbing her arms. "Yeah..." Max responds. Lucas nods and hands her his jumper. "Hey you can wear this" he says handing her the jumper. Max smiles at him and kisses him. "Thank you" She smiles. Lucas nods and grabs her hand. "Cmon let's go downstairs now"
Lucas says and she nods.

They both walk downstairs and Lucas's family was all there watching tv. "Hey Lukey bear" His mum said. "Hi mum"' Lucas smiles at her. "Hey Max" She says. Max smiles at waves at her. "Hi Mrs Sinclair" she says. "You can call me Sue sweetie" His mum says. Max smiles at her. "Hey sis" Jordan says to Max. Max smiles at him. "Hey Jordan" She says. "Wow no hi to me?" Lucas teases his older brother. "Nah I like max better" He teases back. Lucas rolls his eyes at him. "I'm joking hi bro" Jordan chuckles. Lucas nods at him. Lucas's Mum shoves his dads shoulder. "Say hi dumbass" she says to him. His dad rolls his eyes. Max smiles at them. She wonders if Lucas and her will be like that one day, married and kids of there own. She blushes at the thought. "Hey kids" Lucas dad says. They both nod at him and walk to the kitchen.

As they walk in the kitchen Lucas's Mum shouts something. "Hey Lucas I left some McDonald's in the cooker" She says. Lucas shouts back "ok thank you mum". "No problem sweetie" she shouts back. Lucas opens the Cooker and sees a brown McDonalds bag. He puts the bag in the table. He opens it up and pulls out some fries and two cheeseburgers. "Do you like cheeseburgers?" Lucas asks Max next to him. "Umm..depends what's in it" She answers. "There's ketchup and cheese in it"Lucas says. "That's sounds fine thanks" She says grabbing the burger. "Here take some of these too" Lucas says handing her a bag of fries. "Thanks babe" Max says kissing her cheek. Lucas smiles at her. He goes in the fridge a pulls out a bottle of Coca-Cola. "You like coke?" He asks her. She nods and they walk upstairs and eat there food.

After they were done eating there food they decided to go for a walk. Lucas tells his family where he's going and they nod. They both walk out the house. "Oh shitttttt" Max realises something. "What? What's wrong?" Lucas asks worried. "I sneaked out last night so my dad is probably worried" She says. Lucas is relieved. "Don't worry Max my mum told him last night where you were" He reassures her. Max eyes widen. "Wow...I genuinely think your mum is the most amazing human being ever!" She says. "What about me?" Lucas smirks. "Nah..mums definitely better!" Max teases and they laugh. Hand in hand they walk down the street and walk to the park. They make it to the park and it was empty. They both sit on the swings. "Hey Max?" Lucas says looking at her. "Yeah?" She responds smiling at him. "I don't know how we haven't done this yet but can I have your number" He says nervous. Lucas wasn't a nervous person but something about Max made him extremely nervous. She smirks at him. "Of course you can have my number" Max smiles pulling out her phone. She noticed her phone was on 100 percent. "Did you charge my phone?" She asks him furrowing his eyebrows. "Umm...yeah sorry" He says scratching the back of his neck. "Don't worry and Thank you" Max says smiling at him. "No problem" Lucas smiles back. They chill on the swings for a bit and Lucas start pushing her on the swings and they were the happiest they ever been.

As they were having fun someone was watching them the whole time. He kept a close eye on them in the bushes. "Ooooh...look at them smiling unfortunately tomorrow I'm going to ruin all this" Troy says smirking...

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