Chapter 17 | Racially Profiled

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(3rd Person View)

It was the next day and Max and Lucas were beaming in happinesses. They finally did it and it was truly magical. Every time there lips would connect it would spark. Every time they would touch each other happiness would fill there body. They were now at school in the cafeteria with their friends. Max told el they did it and she was happy for Max. Lucas told the boys that he finally did it with Max and they were all proud of him. They were both truthfully happy and beaming. Nothing could ruin this day for them...

"So your telling me you are the first person out of us all to have sex" Dustin says. I just chuckle. "I guess" I shrug eating my grapes. "Lucky!" Mike says crossing his arms. "You and El haven't had sex?!" I say surprised. I say it louder than I intend to. Mike smacks my arm and the girls looks at us. "Sorry.." I say scratching the back of my neck and the girls go back to talking. "Can you be quieter next time?" Mike asks annoyed."yeah sorry bro just surprised" I respond. "You guys are always sucking each other faces so even I'm surprised" Dustin adds on. Mike just shrugs. "I don't know if she's ready yet.." he says biting into his sandwich. I just sit back and continue eating my grapes. I stare at Max whose talking to El and I'm wondering if she told her. I guess Max notices I'm staring as she turns towards me and smiles. I send a smile back and she sits next to me. El sits on mikes lap and he looks flustered. I just chuckle at him until Max sits on my lap. My eyes widen and Dustin & will laughs at me. Mike joins in laughing at me. I just roll my eyes and I smile. "Hey" I say leaning on Max's shoulder. "Hi baby" She says smiling. Mike gags and El smacks his shoulder causing a yelp out of him. We all laugh at his girlish yelp. He just rolls his eyes.

We were all sitting there having a good time until police enter the cafeteria shouting. "Bag Check!" The Sheriff Hopper says. The party all take there bag off and the police make there way around the tables checking for something. "What do you think there looking for?" Dustin speaks up. "Maybe a gun?" Max says on my lap still. "Or drugs" Mike says. "Or weed" El adds on Mikes lap still. I just sit there listening to them speculating. I guess I was zoned out as Max turns towards me. "Hey you ok?" She asks. "Yeah fine just bored" I answer smiling at her. I decide to have fun as the police hasn't came to our table yet. I start tickling Max's hips and she starts dying of laughter. "Lucas s to oooop" she says laughing on top of me. I continue tickling her and she falls off the chair. "Shit ok?" I ask picking up Max. "Yeah I'm fine just don't do that next time jerk" she smacks my arm. I laugh until a police men approaches us.

"Sorry is this man bothering you" The police men asks Max not acknowledging me. Max just shakes her head. "No..." She says walking next to me. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and the policemen just stares at me in disgust. "Are you sure?" He asks Max. I get annoyed and I stand in front of her. "Dude she told you no already!" I say standing up to the police officer. "Listen here black Boy" The officer says grabbing my neck rough. "Just remember your a dirty disgusting person so I could do anything to you and all I would get is a slap on the wrist" He whispers in my ear. My blood boils and I bawl up my hand ready to punch him. As I was about to swing the sheriff approaches us. "Is everyone ok here?" He asks his officer. The officer just nods. "Yeah sure just helping that poor girl from the ignorant pric-" The officer continues. Chief Hopper cuts him off. "Ok...ok now scram and let me handle this!" Hopper demands and the officer scrams. "So what's really going on here?" He asks the party. "Nothing..he was racially profiling!" I say annoyed. I was tensed up until Max grabs my arm. I turn around and she pulls me next to her and grabs my hand. I smile at her. She really makes me feel better. Max looks at hopper and nods. "Yeah your officers were being fucking racist dad!" El says to hopper. Hopper just sighs and looks at me. "Sorry Lucas..." He says offering his hand. I shake his hand. I know hopper is a good man as I've been around his house before and he treats me with respect. "It's not your fault" I say smiling at hopper. He just keeps his straight face that he always wears. I nod and hopper starts checking our bags. After he checked our bags and found nothing he walked away giving El a kiss on her forehead.

I just sit down and let out a loud sigh. Max comes up behind my chair and wraps her arms around me. I look up at her and smile. She kisses my cheek. "I love you" Max says smiling back. "Love you too" I say kissing her cheek. "Ok..stop the lovey dovey stuff" Will speaks up. Me and Max just give him the middle finger and he rolls his eyes at us. We all just go back to talking. I kept quiet and I was still pissed off. Why people always have to be racist? . A question I always ask myself. I just shake my head and I decide to just hug onto the one person who makes me feel better. Max turns around to me and hugs me back. "Do you guys always do this?" Dustin asks. Max shrugs. "Not really but I guess he wants to be cuddled" She says to the others. They all look at me and I don't respond. I mumble into Max's neck "Yes I love Maxie hugs" and they all laugh at me.

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