Chapter 12:- Someone else being in your bed(Present)

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All of us have secrets, things we don't wanna tell even to our closest kin, for different reasons obviously, whether hiding low grades from our parents to saying we are okay, even if we are not, secrets tend to grow with us too.

There is another thing about secrets, it comes with lies, they are a package truly, if you are hiding something, then you are lying to keep it hidden. Let's face it nobody likes to be lied to, that's how maybe the secrets turn into a burden as more lies are woven to keep them hidden.

And while it's true not all the reasons behind keeping a secret are with a wrong intention, it's also true, that sometimes secrets have an expiry date, someday they will come out and no matter the intention, people get hurt.

Maybe we know how all this will end, but we still can't help but keep a secret.

Harry doesn't keep secrets, because his father did, leaving them and not telling what went wrong, he thinks secrets are kept only because you are too coward to own it, whatever you did wrong. He thinks our loved ones deserve our true honest selves, loving someone is sharing your flaws and demons. Working them out, not running and hiding behind secrets.

Maybe he will never understand why people keep secrets. Maybe he will never forgive his father or anyone who kept a secret.

"You mean the hot guy from the cafe," Luke says.

"Yeah, The-Hot-Guy," Harry says rolling his eyes.

"I still cannot believe you are fucking the hot guy."

Harry very nearly has a stroke. "His name is Zayn and nobody is fucking anybody. So shut up."

"Yet." Luke says and Harry can very clearly picture his grinning face even through the phone.

"I am gonna hang up." He says then.

Luke sighs and continues, "Okay fine. How are you? Are you sleeping well?"

"Yes, I am actually. I had a proper sleep last night too. And no it's not what you thinking."

Luke laughs loudly. "So, any chance we could meet, you have been kind of MIA since you started fucking the hot guy."

Harry rolls his eyes again. "No, actually I have a meeting for my new book. So maybe later."

"Later? You mean after you fuc-"

Harry really hangs up then.

The truth is he really is feeling so much better, finally, no more weird dreams or nightmares, which means so waking up in the middle of the night.

A good sleep schedule can do wonders.

That's what Dr Matt, said, but now he knows the meaning of this simple sentence. Before it was like he was going crazy, he even thought he would never move on from it, and now it's been days since he last thought something that depressing.

Since he is in a good mood, so is everybody else around him, which strangely gives him the feeling that all these people in his life, they care too much about him, they love him too much, and they also could see through his facade when he was trying to make them believe he is alright.

He really is a bad actor, he thinks. He is glad he doesn't have to act to show everybody he is okay now.

No more acting, just living now.

And even though, he would like to pat himself for finally being able to feel better, he knows it's just not his doing. Harry has never been dependent on anyone in his life, 'cause the last time he was, it didn't end well for him.

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