Author's Final Note

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Author's Final Note

Four months of writing my first novel Cursed Kiss has drawn so many realizations to me. Hard earned realizations.

For the first time, I understood God while writing and at the same time I felt like writing was a double-edge sword. If the readers can't catch what message I'm trying to convey, then I failed as a writer.

So kindly reflect and try to pinpoint what I'm trying to say.

I wanted to execute it nicely, but the frustration that this kind of quality is only what I can do as of the moment almost stopped me. Lots of errors and mistakes, name it. I want to improve it, I want to be better.

Nonetheless, even with little to none support, I finished. Even though we're less than ten people or five, I will continue to try and finish.

As I go along, I hope I will improve and make stories that brings happiness to many.

To you, who have read and made it this far, I'm glad, honored and overwhelmed by your support even if it's silent. Thank you so much.

This is my final kiss, and I hope to see you on the first drop of blood. Feel you around.

- Corazem

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