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May 23rd, 1986

The next day I woke up and Kirk wasn't in the room. But I heard the loud music and the smell of bacon, I throw on a Kirks t shirt I found in the bed then get up. "Ah fuck" I say to myself, my body really sore from last night, I look over to see the camera still on the night stand, I blush remembering what happened. I head to the bathroom brushing my teeth and washing my face then going into the living room to see Kirk making breakfast. I limp over to him, snuggling into his body as he holds me while he cooks. I look up into his eyes and give him a kiss.

"Stealing my shirt now are we", "indeed" I say giving him a quick kiss. I head to the cabinets and I took out two plates for us to eat on. Kirk took the bacon eggs and pancakes then put them on the plate I held out for him. I give him another quick peck as I sit the plates down on the table, i'm so obsessed with giving Kirk kisses. We take our plates and I waddle to the living room couch in front of Kirk. "Did I go too hard last night princess?", "No baby I liked it". "Masochist" he says smiling and giving my forehead a kiss.

Were almost finish with our plates and out of nowhere I got this great idea "Baby we should go somewhere real nice" I say looking at him eating his bacon, he seems puzzled so I elaborate "Like a trip somewhere"

"Somewhere like..."

"Like Hawaii or ... the mountains!"

"Hawaii sounds cool, we could definitely be fucking on the balcony". I look at Kirk "y'know that doesn't sound bad" I say laughing at him. "But y'know me and the boys were planning to head out to the Viper room later on tonight, wanna come", "Okay definitely not, I'm too sore and please be careful out there, nothing good never happens there". "Okay baby" he gives me a kiss and takes the plates to the kitchen and starts washing them. God knows I really love that man.

The rest of the day we just sit around and watch horror movies until its time for him to go with the boys. "Be careful okay baby" I say to him "Don't worry princess I will" he says giving me a kiss before he exits the front door. I watch him get in the car and drive away shortly then I head back inside locking the doors behind me.

I go to watch a movie, it's so boring without Kirk here. I head in the living room to sit down and try to find a record in my collection on my shelf that actually interests me, I come across something that made my heart stop, Unchained Melody by Elvis Presley. I just can't help but to think about my dad, he used to love Elvis, he actually sang this song to me all the time. I remember when I fell of my bike and I hurt my knee and he brought his guitar downstairs and started singing just like Elvis had.

My trembling fingers put the record on the record player. The song started playing and I felt my heart shatter in my chest. Its like I can hear his voice again.

Oh, my love, my darling
I've hungered for your touch
A long, lonely time

"Teach me how to ride a bike daddy".

Time goes by so slowly

"Just peddle pumpkin peddle"

And time can do so much

"I got it daddy! Look! Watch me go!"

Are you still mine?
I need your love

"Wow look at my big girl!"

I need your love
God speed your love to me

"Whohoo!" I say riding down the hill in my back yard, theres a twig. I want to ride over it. I fasten my feet on the pedals of my bike as I head for the stick. "Oof" I fly off my bike onto the ground, falling on all fours, my knees take most of the fall, oh no its bleeding.

Lonely rivers flow
To the sea, to the sea
To the open arms of the sea

Tears start to fall from my eyes as I start to sob "Daddy! Daddy!" I cry out loud. My dad comes flying to me, he comes to pick me up from my bike "oh pumpkin" he brings me in the house to clean up my booboos on my knees. "This is gonna hurt a little okay pumpkin" he says getting the peroxide. It stings and I start to cry. "Wait right here pumpkin" he brings out a guitar and starts to sing a beautiful song to me.

Lonely rivers cry
Wait for me, wait for me
I'll be coming home, wait for me

Oh, my love, my darling
I've hungered for your touch
A long, lonely time

"you have a great voice daddy"

"Thank you pumpkin" He gives me a kiss on my forehead.

I need your love
I need your love
God speed your love to me

Who knew that little girl was going to lose her father just at 19. I mean what am I gonna do without him. I fully start crying without a thought, I need my dad back, why didn't he tell me he was sick, I could have got him the help he needed, why.

At this point i'm sobbing into a pillow to muffle my loud crying, my eyes probably bloodshot by now. I get my wallet and I take the picture of me and my dad out of it, I cry and I cry all night. I lay down curling myself into a ball staring at the wall as the record plays on replay.

"why'd you have to leave me daddy" I say before drifting off into a deep sleep.

Kirks POV
I pull into the driveway and head towards the door, I get my keys, and unlock the door to the house. I walk in and head in and throw the keys on the table, I go to the kitchen not paying attention "baby i'm home" I get a beer from the fridge and crack it open taking a swig of it "baby" I hear no response, odd. "Aspen". I walk into the living room and I see Aspen asleep on the couch, hugging a pillow curled up into a ball with a picture of her dad close by and some sad Elvis song playing.

Her cheeks are stained with dried tears, bags under her eyes from crying looks like, and her nose is red. "Oh my poor baby". I take the record off putting it back in place on the shelf and I take Aspen and bring her to the bedroom, laying her down underneath the blankets, taking off her pants and socks because I know thats how she likes to sleep.

I get in the shower thinking about how sad she looked, I need to do something to make her happy.

Ou that trip she was telling me about! Perfect.

I hopped out the shower and threw on some boxers and pajama pants then headed into the living room to call my agent. "Cathy? I need a favor"

"Yes Mr. Hammett, anything" she says to me "Can you book two tickets on a first class flight to Hawaii and a Hotel for a week please". "Of course, i'll get back to you as fast as I can Mr. Hammett". "Thanks Cath, you are amazing". I hang up the phone and head to the room where Aspen is sleeping peacefully. I lay down in the bed and get comfortable and my sweet girl comes and snuggles into me. "I love you so much" I say giving her a kiss on her head as she stirs under my arms.

A/n: thoughts ? This was kind of a short chapter, its just more of her mourning and him being sweet, nothing to really talk about. But I noticed its alotttt of smut so i'm gonna try and cut down on that, but trust me theres still gonna be some 😂 but I watched that new Elvis 10/10, Austin did great as Elvis.

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