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A week later

"Bye baby i'll see you in a few months" I say to Dave giving him a kiss before he left. "Alright Ab, i'll miss you"

"I'll miss you more" I watch him get in his black car and leave out.

An hour later

"Fuck fuck fuck. Where is it!"

"Damn it!" I search for my amp plug as I misplaced it "I just fucking had it dude!". As i'm searching I hear a knock at the door. I don't open it because i'm tearing my whole room up trying to find it. They keep knocking I hurry to the door "Fucking what!" I say opening it, I come to a halt as I see the four familiar boys at my door.

"Jesus woman, whats got your panties in a twist" Lars says. "Come in" I say still aggravated. "Make yourselves at home" I say since they came earlier than expected. I hurry to my room and I continue looking. I hear footsteps coming towards my room "What ya looking for" Kirk says, "my amp cord, I can't find it".

"Still losing your amp cords are you?" I give no response because i'm already pissed, I hear rattling. Then I hear him lay on my bed "Your house is nice".

I turn around "Hey you found my cord, where was it" he's silent, I look at whats in his hand and my heart drops, my eyes widen in pure horror.

"I remember this princess, don't you?" he says with the video camera in his hand. He opens it... fuck.

"Fuck Kirk! Fuck, i'm gonna cum!"

"Cum all over me princess"

I hurry and grab the camera from his grasp and shut it. He sits up with his hands behind him "I see you missed me". His veins in his arms poking out, I look down and I gulp. His dick is hard and poking out of his pants. Oh my god. I cant handle this. No. I'm in love with Dave. "As if" I say trying to hide the fact that it was actually true, he walks up to me "You don't have to deny it princess" he pulls me close to him from the small of my back, I feel his print against me, my breath is shaky. "Cause I missed you too" he says lowly in my ear.

If he wants to play like that fine. Two can play that game. I bring my face back to his as if I were to kiss him, but little did he know "No." I say pushing him back, making him fall back on the bed. I start walking to my closet to pick out an outfit.

"Fucking temptress" he groans out, defeated

"At its prime baby" I get out my outfit and i'm about to take my shirt off, when I remember Kirk is still in here. "Now get out. Now"

"Nothing I haven't seen before princess" he says leaving and shutting the door behind him. I get dressed into my outfit for today and I do my hair, I don't put anything on but lipliner and mascara because we're not really going anywhere.

(I'm just realizing this is a piece of meat in the background wtf 🤣)

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(I'm just realizing this is a piece of meat in the background wtf 🤣)

I head out in the living room where the boys are being extra loud. I hear a knock at the door "I'll get it" Kirk says. Its my band, they come in and Nicole gives me wide eyes because Kirk is here. I close my eyes and nod my head, my lips going straight. "Well now that everyone's here lets get this show on the road" Jason says. I kind of like Jason, he's super cool and we get along really well, I just really miss Cliff, I was upset nobody told me about the situation that happened with him before.

On tour| Kirk Hammett Where stories live. Discover now