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1 Year Later
June 16th, 1993

I've been getting a little sick every morning this past few months and I feel like I know what the answer to that is but I need to make sure.

It makes a lot of sense being that i'm off birth control and I like when Kirk doesn't pull out. I tell Kirk that i'm going to meet with Diana for something, when really i'm going to the drugstore to get a couple of pregnancy tests.

I get to the store and I make it down the isle and I pick up three tests, I look over and guess who I see...Lars why the hell is Lars here.

I try to hide my face before he comes my way but i'm too late.

"Aspenn funny seeing you here...in this section...with pregnancy tests in your hand"

"How ironic"

Lars Pov
Oh she is so fucking pregnant.

Every time I see her I feel a hint of guilt though because of the thing that happened a few years ago with the overdosing stuff. I just hope she forgot about it because it would definitely save me from tremendous guilt.

I honestly doubt she did though, but looks like she forgave me.

Aspen Pov

"Well i'm here for condoms and looks like you're here for..." he said trailing off.

"Listen you can't tell Kirk, I have to make sure first" I say hoping Lars can keep his shit talking mouth closed for once. 

"You got my word, Kirk just said the same words to me a few days ago too. Anyways see you at the show later on" he said. What did he mean by that...

"Wait what do you-

"See you at the show" he said walking away. Well...that totally wasn't random at all. I get home quickly and head to the bathroom to take the tests, I rip them open and I pee on the sticks.

I sit them on the counter top and I sit there and wait, god I don't have the patience to wait.

It feels like I had been waiting forever.

"Baby come on we have to leave for the show rehearsal"

"Okay!" I take the tests and throw them in my bag so while we drive so when we get to the stadium the tests will already be done. We get in the car and Kirk opens the door for me as usual. We drive to the stadiums and its not even 10 minutes until I start feeling sick.


Please lord don't let me throw up in this car, I shift my body to the side so I can lay my head on the window easier to fall asleep and brush off the morning sickness.

"Hey y'know Lars told me he saw you at the store today, I thought you were with Diana" goddamn it Lars.

"Oh yeah I just had to stop by and get some things before I went to see her, just...girl things" I say. He turns his head back to the road a little disturbed as his mind wonders to what girl things.

"Oh okay" he said.

We get to the stadium and we have to go up for a soundcheck, out of nowhere I get a rush of sickness over me. Oh god I hate this already.

I take my purse and sprint to the nearest bathroom and empty my stomach from the breakfast that I ate the morning of.


I'm so glad I brought the toothbrush and toothpaste just in case this happened. I finished brushing my teeth and I throw the toothbrush in the trash because why would I ever use that again.

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