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It's Dave. As soon as I open the door I run into his arms, crying hard. He instantly wrapped his arms around me "Ab i'm sorry, I know you didn't mean for it to happen".

"I'm so sorry" he says bringing my face up to his and kissing my lips. "I love you" he whispers to me, my heart stops, I hesitate. "I-I-

"But we can't be together" My heart drops even more.

"Wh- Why" I say

"The tours. Different bands, I mean you're going on yours with your ex."

"So you're saying you don't trust me"

"No we just...we just cant" he said walking towards the door opening it. I start crying harder, following behind him.

"You cant just say you love me then walk away from us" I yell with my voice cracking. Hearing the echo in the hallway. I grab his arm trying to make him stay.

"Dave!" I say crying "Dave you cant just leave!" He tears his arm away from mine, I yell after him and he's still walking away.

"I'm sorry" he said leaving in the elevator, I stand by myself, I head back in my room and I drop onto my couch and start crying.

A little while later I hear a knock at my door, if its Kirk I swear i'll end his life. I check the peephole and its Jason. Just the person I need.

I open the door and I hug his torso, crying as he towered over me. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Aspen can I come in"

"Please" I say. I bring him in and we head to my room.

"What's wrong, I thought I heard something going on" he asks.

"Its Dave. He broke up with me" I say with my voice cracking "He said he loved me then left me" I say crying more.

"Come here" he said. I wrapped my arms around his body snuggling in his chest still sniffing. "Sorry Jay"

"No its okay, I meant to return the favor" he said trying to lighten the mood. "But hey, he don't know what he's missing out on, you also still have us" he says. "He fucking sucks to lose the most beautiful, smartest, most metal girl ever" he said slightly laughing towards the 'metal' part.

"I mean cmon, you can play killer guitar for fucks sake" I finally relaxed, falling asleep slowly.

"Thank you Jay, your words actually helped a lot" I said sitting up. "But I just don't understand" I say, my eyes watering again.

"Hey its okay" he said with his hands on my face as he wiped my tears with his thumbs.

I snuggled in my blankets not ready to let him go. He looks at me for me to tell him if he could get under covers or not. I motion my hands for him to get it.

He gets under the blanket, bringing me in closer to him, I really needed this. God he's such a great friend. And I love him for it. I feel a kiss being pressed to my forehead giving me comfort.

"Night Jay"

"Night Asp"

I never thought I would say this but I miss the name Ab, it was very catchy.

The next morning around 12 I woke up I heard Jason's snores coming from beside me, although they were muffled out because I was snuggled in between him and the thick blanket.

There was a knock at the door I get out of bed wishing I was still beside Jason.

I head to the door opening it and its literally everyone, I look up puzzled, what the hell is going on. I motion for them to come in but I notice that they all have a face of worry.

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