Chapter 62

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Lia grimaced as Caius threw a chair across the room.

Alec stood with his head bowed in the throne room, he had just informed us of team Alpha's most recent failure and the loss of Benedict.

Marcus shook his head at Caius "That will do nothing to help this situation Brother" he said calmly as watched Caius fume.

Caius scowled at him "It helps with my rage" he growled out before huffing and walking out dramatically, his cloak billowing as he walked.

Lia likened him to a blond Snape sometimes and these situations were why.

Lia pinched her nose and let out a deep sigh before standing up and walking up to Alec "Thank you for bringing this to our attention Alec. Please have the rest of team Alpha come see us as soon as they arrive. In the meantime I think it's time we ramp up training again. Maybe try something new. Is there any other news?" She asked as she glanced back at Aro who was surprisingly silent during this whole discussion.

Alec nodded "Yes, Team Beta was successful and are en route with Joham. He wasn't very cooperative but he was alone and easy to handle. He is still alive but in pieces" he explained curtly.

Marcus nodded "Good, if we are in court have him brought directly to us, otherwise throw him in the dungeons until we are ready to handle him" he said curtly before dismissing Alec.

As soon as they were alone in the throne room both Marcus and Lia turned towards Aro "Aro, sweety, what's going on in that head of yours?" Lia asked as she walked up to him and put her hand on his cheek.

Aro moved his face to give her palm a gentle kiss before standing up and giving Lia a real kiss "Anima Mia, currently I am thinking about how beautiful you look when you order people about" he said charmingly as he pulled away from the kiss.

Lia smiled but narrowed her eyes playfully "while that may be, you're not getting out of this one so easily" she said with a pointed look.

Marcus chuckled while Aro pouted before huffing dramatically "fine, if you must know, I was thinking about the recent line of failures. This many failures this close together means one of two things" he said his voice trailing off. He went from playful to serious as the words came out of his mouth as he pulled away from Lia to pace.

Marcus nodded "yes, either we are becoming weaker" he said resignedly.

"Impossible" Aro said dismissively.

Lia was less convinced but turned towards Marcus waiting for the other option.

"Or there is someone new, someone more powerful than we have ever dealt with before" he said darkly while Aro made an affirmative noise.

Lia felt her heart race in alarm but she stayed together, didn't let her fear consume her whole like she wanted to.

She nodded and pushed the fear away "Then we train, we fight, we prepare, properly. One thing is obvious though, whoever is running this is taking their time. Why now? What prompted it? Could it just be we caught them off guard? Was Alice a part from the beginning or dragged in later? It all plays a part somehow. It's like a big ass puzzle and we don't have all the pieces. We are working without half the pieces and we don't even know what it is we're trying to make. We're at an extreme disadvantage so let's start planning for everything, anything. Anything you can think of, make a plan. It's the only real thing we can do unless you all want to start changing newborns" Lia said as she started to pace the throne room.

Her head was running a mile a minute, she did not prepare for something like this, she thought she knew what to expect.

It's twilight! I know twilight! Well, apparently I didn't know shit, great, just great.

Lia continued to pace, plan, panic, and repeat as the kings and her continued to brainstorm until eventually Caius came back and joined them.


It was two days later when Team Beta arrived with Joham. The vampire was put back together and left in his cell with one blood bag as the kings and queen debriefed both team Beat and Alpha.

Once they were ready for him the short dark haired lilthe vampire was led into the throne room.

He was glaring at the kings derisively, especially when his eyes landed on Lia. Most of the guilty ones look at her with disgust, like they are above her and can't fathom why she is sitting there between the kings.

There was no dramatics, after the last week not even Aro was in the mood for them. He simply took the vampire's hand and read his thoughts.

He came out looking disgusted "You so blatantly disregard our safety!? The safety of all of us!? You left these women pregnant! For the children to what?! Massacre whole villages before you even arrived!" Aro yelled enraged at the unrepented vampire who just sat, assured of his own superiority.

That was until Aro ripped his head off himself, he scowled down at the body of the disgusting filth "Take him to the incinerator, immediately! And get me Demetri!" Aro yelled as he threw the head to the ground, not wanting to touch the thing any more than he had to.

"Why Demetri brother?" Caius asked casually as he sat on his thrown, Lia perched in his lap.

Aro scowled "We need to find his daughters, the oldest is to be dispatched. She is too like her father, the younger two...well there might be hope for them. They don't seem to agree with their father or sister on much, or like them in particular. From the way they act I can tell. Joham simply thinks them insipid fools and doesn't care for their opinions. He has these children just for the sake of it, no goal. He just wanted to study what would happen!" Aro said derisively.

Marcus scowled "Such risk just for mild curiosity? No wonder you killed him. How did he avoid us for so long?" Marcus asked with a contemplative look on his face.

Aro scowled "He was careful he knew we would kill him if we found out. He only ever told those he trusted. Two of them are still alive, they will be found and brought in for questioning later" he said with finality as Demetri entered the throne room.

Demetri was given the task of hunting down Joham's daughters and bringing them back for questioning.

He was allowed to select his own team and was only allowed to use lethal force on the oldest, Serena. The other two would be handled with care since they didn't want to upset Nahual and he did actually like his two sisters. Apparently, all three of them disliked their oldest sister making her easy to dispatch of without alienating the others.


Isn't that just diplomacy at its finest? Lol.

That was sarcasm, fyi.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and plot. 

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