Chapter 64

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A month passed as training was ramped up, Jasper was busy most days but he still made time for Bella.

While Jasper was busy Bella was left to her own devices, Charlie had decided to become a newborn a week ago so she was left alone most of the time.

It had been Lia's suggestion to start going to online school. She had been hesitant at first but the more and more time she spent alone board out of her mind the more time she considered it.

Somedays she would go to the game room with Emmet but never alone, she felt like prey surrounded by all those red-eyed vampires. They had been nothing but respectful but she still knew they saw her as food, she could see it in the way some of them looked at her.

She hoped once she was changed that would stop but for now she was off limits being Lia's cousin, not to mention Jasper's mate. That had been quite a shock, the rest of the guard had a lot of respect for Jasper.

The one time he accompanied her to the game room she had observed as they all looked at him with respect and talked to him with comradery. They didn't act that way with Emmet, they treated Jasper almost like they treated the Elite.

So while Jasper worked with the guard and trained with them she decided to start taking some Gen ed classes. She had no idea what to major in yet but for now she can get some of the credits out of the way.

It had served as an amazing distraction for another 2 months until eventually she needed to find a hobby or go insane.

At least she was now able to see Charlie again, only for a few minutes and she had to keep her distance but she could see him. Jasper was always there with him, and normally Janice as well. It was in case he lost control but thankfully it hadn't happened yet.

Bella had been shocked by the fact Charlie had an ability. He could create an energy field, it was strange and he was still figuring it out but he seemed happy with it and so did the kings.

Bella was happy for him but she missed spending time with her dad. She was happy that she had some more time as a human but she also was seeing how much she was losing out on things.

She knew it wouldn't be forever and this small time would be nothing compared to the eternity she now did have but she still felt slightly empty.

She had left her best friend back in Forks, barely had a few days to say goodbye before she was swept away to Volterra. She didn't even have a home in Forks anymore, Charlie had sold it the first month they were here.

She wasn't upset about it but it was another thing she was losing, it was a statement, Forks was no longer home to her, and as such the people in it were no longer in her life.

Some days she still missed Angela, and even Jessica when she wasn't being a bitch. She missed Jake most of all. He had been there for her even when no one else had, he had pulled her out of the emptiness Edward had left behind. She knew she had led him on but it was only because she feared losing him completely. Whenever she would tell him how she felt he would pull away, he was her only lifeline at the time, she couldn't afford for him to pull away.

And now she had a new lifeline, not a lifeline. A true mate. She had a mate, a family, and soon a coven. She was happy but she was lonely.

There was only so long she could distract herself with Math. So she spent a lot of time with Jasper, or on Jasper. They hadn't taken the last step but they had gotten close. She loved him, she could say that now.

She had held back even saying it to herself for a long time but she refused to hold back anymore.

They had made declarations about a month ago, he had taken her horseback riding through a Vinyard before setting up a picnic. It had been beautiful and while the sun set he had pulled her into a kiss and told her he loved her as he pulled away. She had stared gobsmacked at him before practically pouncing on him as she whispered her love for him to hear between kisses.

After that they had been spending their nights together mostly, he would come stay with her after training and if she was awake they would spend time together and if she was asleep he would hold her and keep any nightmares away.

The worst part about the whole thing was now that Charlie was a vampire he could smell when they would do anything, no matter how much she took a shower! He had attacked Jasper the first time they had gotten farther than making out and some light groping.

Thankfully Jasper could handle himself against Newborns but Charlie had been pissed until Janice had calmed him down.

He had stayed away from her for a week before apologizing and making sure she knew it wasn't her fault, he just didn't want to get angry and hurt her. He was her father and he would always want to protect her.

He knew Jasper was a good guy but it didn't change that fact. 


Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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