warden trap

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They're dating in this story btw ^^

*grian's pov*

*Roar* I heard a roar coming from behind me. I looked behind me; i saw a warden chasing me. I tried running as quick as I can, trying to lead it towards the water.

"Over here!" I yelled at the warden, I tried to throw snowballs to lead it here but I accidentally hit it towards the warden "oh no" I thought to myself as the warden chased after me. I ran towards the water and it swam towards me.

After a lot of splashing around, I finally found the end of the water. I ran towards the outside and I blocked the entrance with sand. I ran up the staircase, trying to get out. As I ran up as quick as I can, I heard a really loud roar and the warden hit me through the wall. I gasped 7 and a half hearts It hurt a lot but I couldn't stop running or I would get even more hurt.

I continued running up the stairs case, it was so terrifying.

And then I saw it.

"Grian was obliterated by sonically-charged shriek"

"I'm so sorry scar.."

Scarian OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now