Married in the eyes of the law

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I giggled so much in the making of this it's great.

*Grian's pov*

"Grian minecraft, will you marry me?"

"Yes! Yes yes! Yes i will!"

It's been months since that but it feels like days! I can't get over it! He said it! He said it he said it he said it! I can't believe my ears. I must be dreaming! It's too good to be true!! I giggle whenever I see the ring he gave me! It's on my hands. From my lover, from my favorite person. A ring.

"Darling! Our engagement night is tomorrow." My fiancé announced, "already!? It feels like you just slipped the ring on my hand." I joked, but it did feel like just a few days. "Aww.. i know, it doesnt feel like a long time either. Can you believe that we've been dating since college? Crazy, right?"

"Yes! I can't believe it!"

"Anyways, let's go to bed now! We have a special day tomorow~!" Scar sang the last part. And soon, I was snoring like a little baby.

*fast forward to wedding day (3rd)*

"O my words! My hearts gonna explode out of my chest" Grian giggles as his bridesmaids pick out some clothing. "I know right!? I'm literally so happy for you!"  Pearl clasped her hands together.
"Yea yea.. i get your excitement." Jim rolled his eyes. "Aw cmon jim, weddings are fun!" Joel attempted to cheer up the larger blond. "Yea shut up, tim. It's not about you" Grian joked. "Oh, don't pull a "its not 'bout you" card on me" Jimmy hissed with sarcasm falling through his teeth.

They all laughed.

"Anddd.. found it!" Pearl exclaimed, leaving Grian's heart to start thumping from excitement. "Finally, mans been in his undershirt and boxers this whole time." Joel giggled.  "yea, lets just get this over with" Jimmy rolled his eyes.

*3rd pov (scar)*

"I wonder where he is.." Scar mumbled, "is he coming..?" He panicked slightly.
"Don't worry! He's probably still changing" the priest smiled, Scar nodded with a small smile on his face.

"Here comes the groom!" Pearl yelled out throughout the banquet.

Scar's eyes widened, he had never seen a man so beautiful. Grian walked to the front, fiddling his dress nervously. "You look beautiful." Scar muttered as Grian stepped on. "Thanks" Grian giggled.

"Ladies and gentlemen, We are gathered here today in the sight of God and these witnesses to join together Scar goodtimes and Grian minecraft in holy matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted of God, since the first man and the first woman walked on the earth. Now let us humbly invoke God's blessing upon this bride and groom, that in his kindness he may favor with his help those on whom he has bestowed the Sacrament of Matrimony." Cub's prayed echoed through the building.

"Scar goodtimes, do you take grian as your husband?" He looked at Scar, "Yes, I do" Scar nodded.
"Grian minecraft, do you take Scar as your husband?" He asked grian, "yes, yes i do" Grian smiled.

"Does anyone object?" The scientist stared everyone down, No one said a word.

"Do you have anything to say, Scar?" The whole audience shifted their view to the left. "Grian. Ever since you lived in hermitcraft, i fell head over heels in love. I spent countless of nights dreaming of this day. I looked at flowers, thinking that I would give them to you. I hope our love will  live on this very planet long after we leave. Thank you." He took a small bow as the crowd cheered for them.

"Do you have anything to say, Grian?" Cub gestured for a speech. "Scar. Everytime we fought in a war, I wanted for one day where we could settle down and be with each other just once. I wanted to hear you speak all the words you wish to speak with no interuption. I wanted us to be together forever, but I was scared. I was scared that i would mess it all up so I backed away from you. I was terrified of losing you so I made you lose me. But now i'm brave. Im brave enough to come here and be with you for ever and ever. I want to be forever pierced with cupid's arrows that are coated by your love. I want to be stuck in your heart just like how you are in mine. Thank you for being with me since the beginning, and hopefully till the end." Grian smiled as a wave of applause and screams of joy rung through the building.

"You may now kiss!" Cub exclaimed, taking a step back to let it all unfold.
They both stepped forwards to each other, and intertwined their lips. Their hands tangled with the attire as the crowd cheers on their marriage.

"I love you, scar."

"I love you too, grian"

"May our years florish together forever!"


Scarian OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now