Chapter 11: Block A

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Whis said "Alright will the following contestants please come to the arena. Son Gohan and Pride Trooper Dyspo."

Goku said "Good luck son."

Gohan said "Don't worry dad. I'll surprise you with something."

Goku wonder what he meant by that as he got his gi that was piccolos outfit. Piccolo smirked and watched his student walk to the arena where he met Dyspo.

Dyspo said "So you ready to fight round 2." He smirked at Gohan since he never really finished his fight with him at the TOP.

Gohan said "Yes, I am ready to go all out."

Whis said "Alright the way the matches will work is if your opponent can't get up at the count of 10 or is knocked out cold. The winner will move on to the 2nd round. Good luck you two. There is no time limit. Now let the fight begin!"

●Gohan vs Dyspo Round 1●

Gohan got into his super saiyan form as he removed his cape and showed his purple training gi. Honoring his mentor Piccolo. Dyspo charged up too and was ready. They both started to fight each other and do kicks and punches as each would dodge.

Gohan said "Your holding back huh." He kept trying to hit him as Dyspo kept dodging. Gohan backs away. He went into his Mystic Form as Dyspo was putting in little effort as he still dodged a bit but also attacked. Gohan suddenly kicked him in the gut as Dyspo huffed and then went into his true full power.

Gohan said "Bring it" Dyspo was using his super speed at full effect as he suddenly pinched him many times as Gohan couldn't dodge them all in time as he was sent to the floor of the arena. Dyspo sent a big ki blast attack towards him as Gohan used his Kamehameha. Both were having a beam struggle battle. Every fighter watched as they saw Dyspo pushed more with more ki as Gohan yells as he tried to win it but couldn't as he got blasted by the beam and was on the ground.

Whis said "Gohan is still breathing. The count will start. 1! 2! 3!" He counted as Gohan slowly got up as Whis stopped at 8.

Gohan huffed as as he looked at Dyspo.

Dyspo said "It's over!" He started to charge at Gohan with lightening speed but then backs away as he was in shocked as he felt a huge power rise on Gohan.

Gohan yells "Haaa!!!" Suddenly the ground shakes as Gohan's eyes were turning red. Pan and the U7 squad thought he was going God form but it was different. They saw his hair grow longer spiky. It turned to a white color for hair as his aura was electrified purple.

Jiren said "His strong" is all Jiren could say as everyone was very shock. Piccolo smirked. He was so proud of his student breaking through his limits.

Dyspo said "I won't lose!" Hecwas about charge as Gohan quickly went towards Dyspo punching him in the gut and kicking him up as he fired a Kamehameha straight upwards to him as Dyspo couldn't even stop the blast as he was sent flying towards the floor knocked out.

Whis said "Winner! Son Gohan!" Everyone claps at the performance. Beerus was impressed with Gohan as Belmond was in shocked.

Beerus laughs and smirks "You see Belmond! My universe is the toughest around! We got the best team! Might as well call it quits!"

Belmond was mad and went to yell back "Shut it cat! We'll see! Jiren will win it all!"

Gohan goes straight towards Dyspo and kneels down and heals him as Dyspo woke up.

Dyspo said "Thank you man" Gohan smirks as he shook his hand and got him up as Dyspo raised Gohans hand as the victor as they left to go relax. Gohan powers down.

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