Chapter 47: Emergency Meeting

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The Grand Priest was very worry about this situation.  He has been informed by one of his guards about a potiental Holy War. A war between God of destructions from the demon realm and the mortal realm. He remembered the 12 Deadly Demon GOD'S. He doesn't know if his GOD'S were ready for this war. So he decides to set up a meeting with the 12 universes and went to check on Goku Black's training.

●In the Time Chamber●

Goku Black has grown a beard as he was training in there for about 48 hours. So 12 years basically in that time chamber. The Grand Priest was impressed on how long he was training in there for. But no matter he must tell him the bad news.

Grand Priest said "Goku Black we got urgent bad news to discuss." Goku Black stopped training as he nodded. The Grand Priest offer him a fixed gi and some food. "It's about Lucifer. As of now he's planning something very bad. The 12 Demon Gods of Destruction. These Demon gods are very different from our GODs you see here in this realm.

Goku Black said "Who are the 12 Demon Gods?"

Grand Priest sighs saying "Alright I'll tell you the story of the 12 Demon Gods." They sit on some chairs as he begins the story.


Grand Priest said "12 Demon Gods originally were from the Zeno Realm. We had 24 universes. Though Universe 0 never existed until Zeno made it a while back. So we have 24 universes. It was me and my brother Lucifer or well his name before he changed it to Lucifer was Luiwang. He and I were Grand Priests. We took care 12 universes each to make sure it was under control. Unfortunately, Lucifer had to deal with Universes 13-24 unhappiness with Universes 1-12. They were unhappy how Zeno was treating first 12 better than the others. They wanted to talk to Zeno and well Zeno decided to talk to them but also called them trash. Which really irritated them. They decided to want war with Zeno. Which I didn't want. Lucifer felt like a war could end their madness but I never agreed with him and well he decided to join their side. But when I told Zeno about the situation he wanted to erased the 12 universes from existence and then also erase Lucifer. But I didn't want that to happen. He was a brother to me. I told Zeno if we could send them to the Demon Realm. That way they are sealed in their for entirety. Zeno didn't mind it but wanted to kill the Gods of Universe 13-24 for betraying him and so he did. Each GOD who was with Lucifer died but were taken to the demon realm. Lucifer was then gonna attack Zeno but I knocked him out and took him inside the demon realm portal. It was all over. I regretted hitting him but I didn't want him dead by Zeno. It would be too much for me to think about...Though the GODs of 13-24 suddenly changed. They became demon gods. Their power and the demons in the demon realm merge together. Now they became demon gods. Unfortunately they couldn't be alive since Zeno killed them so the only way to have them alive was the use of the dragon balls. But they never had any since they never had a namekian in their realm. Now that I think they could somehow pull this off and be alive and worse be controlled by demons it could cause a Holy War..Lucifer made sure this plan could work. Bring his old friends back to life...this man needs to be stopped..."

Goku Black said "I see..I guess we have to see for ourselves then."

Grand Priest said "I must see the Universes of 1-12. You must recruit warriors from each universe to help us. This could be our last time living. So find the most strongest warriors and be ready to go." Goku Black nodded.

Goku Black said "What about my new form."

Grand Priest said "With the training you gotten. I bet you will figure it out and transform to the forbidden form all Gods have never achieved." Goku Black then went out the door as he was ready to go. Grand Priest gave Goku Black a button to be sent home. "Good luck Goku Black." He said as Goku Black pressed the button and disappeared and headed home.

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