Chapter 1 Like A Dream ✔️

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Must read to make sense!

This story takes place 3 years after the epilogue, so 5 years after the main events of Protect Me.

If you haven't read it, again, I highly suggest you do so now otherwise the majority of this story will not make any sense.

Let's begin...


"Morning princess." Drew says as he leans down, kissing my forehead. 
"Good morning, my sexy husband."
I still can't believe everything that has happened in the last few years. 
There are still some days when it feels like a dream. 
"How are my girls?" He asks, rubbing his hand across my swollen stomach. 
"Good. Hungry." I laugh, grabbing a piece of bacon off the plate and taking a bite. 
"Here." He leads me over to the table, and pulls out my chair. "Sit. You cooked breakfast, the least you can do is let me serve it to you." He fixes my plate and then stands behind me, massaging my shoulders, and I moan softly at his expert touch. 
Being pregnant has really been a lot harder on me than I want to admit. 
We had such a difficult time conceiving that we almost gave up. 
"Don't moan like that princess; you know what it does to me." Drew whispers with a hot, heavy breath against my neck. 
"How do you still find me so attractive? I look like a beached whale." I whine. 
"Princess, your body has never been more  beautiful than right now carrying our child inside of you." He kisses down my neck, his hands caressing my ever-growing stomach. "And I will show you just how much I still find you irresistibly attractive, after you eat your breakfast." He kisses me sweetly on the cheek. 
"How did I get so damn lucky?" I look over the table at him, where he has taken his seat and is beginning to dig into his own plate of food.
He smiles at me, getting ready to say something, just as a loud bang echoes through the house. 
"What the hell?" I ask, jumping to my feet, as does he.
"Stay behind me, princess." He warns, pulling his gun from his waistband, and protectively pushing me behind him. 
With a motherly hold on my swollen belly, I stay on his heels as we make our way through the house, searching for whatever it is that made the noise. 
We reach the bedroom door, and I notice that it is slightly more ajar than it was when we left it earlier this morning. 
He puts a finger to his lips, telling me to keep quiet. 
I nod to him, letting him know that I understand. 
With his right foot, he kicks the door open, entering the room. 
Just as he is looking left to right, sweeping the room for any signs of anything amiss, I hear him laugh. 
"What?" I ask hesitantly, stepping further into the doorway. 
He shakes his head as he bends down, picking up a piece of a broken what-not that had fallen from the dresser. 
"Your junk is getting to be too much, princess." He teases, holding the broken figurine out to me. 
"Hey, I am not the only junk collector in this house." I say in defense. "Besides, Helen Pierre gave this to me." I hold it, seeing if I can put the broken pieces back together, remembering how precious it was to her when she gave it to me. 

She was just one of the many people who we had worked with at Safe Haven, and the little angel figurine was something she gave me later as a thank you—not that it was necessary, but I cherished it. To me, it was priceless. 
"I know, I'm only teasing you, Sky, I love you and your fourteen million knickknacks." He laughs, pulling me to his chest and kissing me on the forehead. "I know how much it means to you. I'll get some glue and help you fix it." 
"Drew," I begin, realizing something that I hadn't before now.
"What is it?" He asks when he sees my worried expression. 
"Drew, this was way back on the dresser, though; I just don't understand how it could have...." 
Another loud bang, and I see shocked pain fill Drew's eyes as he drops to his knees before me, blood trickling from the side of his face. 
I scream, reaching out to him, when I hear another loud bang. 
A pain strikes me in my stomach as my hand instinctively covers it as I hit the floor. 
Pain courses through my body as I lay there, growing weaker by the second, Drew's lifeless body lying next to mine. 
Just before I close my eyes, the darkness taking over, a familiar face comes into view above me. 
"Marvin?" I ask as my vision begins to blur. 
"It's dad to you, sweetpea." He says before I hear another loud bang from his gun.
I jerk upright in bed panting, covered in sweat, feeling my body for any signs of injuries. 
Once I see that I am unharmed, I feel beside me in the darkness for Drew. 
I can't feel him, and I begin to panic. My heart pounding wildly in my chest, threatening to escape the confined space. 
The bedroom light comes on, and a sleepy Drew is standing in the doorway. 
"What's wrong, princess?" He asks, coming quickly to my side and dropping his glass of water to the floor. 
Hot tears fall down my cheeks as I reach out to him, cradling my head against his chest. 
"Hey baby, I'm here. I'm right here; you're ok." He says rocking me in his strong protective arms. 
After giving me some time to calm down, he asks. "Did you have the dream again?"
I nod against him. "Only this time," I sniffle. 
"Shh, it's ok." He consoles me. 
"This time I was pregnant." I sob, wiping my tears with my fists. 
"Oh, Sky." He pulls me agaisnt him tighter, rubbing my his hands up and down my back. 
"Why now? After all this time?" I question. "Why, again?" I ask pleading with him for an answer I know he doesn't have. 
"I wish I had those answers to give you." He  cups my face in his hands pulling me back rubbing my tears away with the pads of his thumbs. "But just know that as long as I'm here, that River is here, we won't let anyone hurt you again." He places a gentle kiss against my forehead which always makes me smile. 
"I love you." I say smiling up at him through my tears. 
"I love you more, princess." 
It has been two months since the dreams started up again. 
And I can't help but be on edge. 
Neither Drew or River voiced it out loud, at least to me, I knew it was no coincidence. 
Though I didn't know it until later three weeks after the dreams started the first time,  I received a series of cryptic letters in the mail, addressed solely to me.
They didn't make much sense—just a bunch of coded texts—but they were enough to have additional security added to not only Marvin and Linda's cells but also Barbara and George's as well. 
Maddox and the guys tried to decipher the messages to no avail. 
For a solid month, Drew and River refused to let me out of their sight, and I don't think between the three of us we slept more than an hour a night during that time. 
But luckily, nothing more came of it. 
Just as quickly as it had begun. 
It just stopped.
The second time I started having dreams, I started getting packages and gifts. 
It started out innocent enough, I suppose, as far as unsolicited presents were concerned. One package arrives on the doorstep every day. The first time was flowers; the second time was perfume. Then there was nothing for a week, but by the time the fourth box arrived, things began to get more worrisome. I opened the door to find a box wrapped in a silk bow, Inside was a lace negligee and a note. 
I still shudder just remembering what it had said.
I still can't even say it out loud. 
The boys took me into hiding after that.

Hiding, first disguised as a vacation 
 until things calmed down, and they were sure it was safe. 

But I knew then something was wrong I knew both times, though they tried to save me from it, I knew. But once we knew it was safe and came home the dreams stopped. 

But now that they are back, I am constantly looking over my shoulder, just waiting for the next bad thing to happen. 
Up until eight months ago, my life was perfect. Now, I am once again waiting for it all to be taken away.


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